The Relationships between Self-Regulated Language Learning, Learning Strategies and Language Proficiency
محورهای موضوعی : Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies
Nima ZabihiAtergeleh
Mehrshad Ahmadian
Shaban Najafi Karimi
1 - Department of English, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mazandaran, Iran
2 - Department of English, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mazandaran, Iran
3 - Department of English Language Teaching, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran
کلید واژه: Language learning strategies, Language proficiency, Self-regulated language learning,
چکیده مقاله :
Although self-regulated learning has attracted much attention recently, few studies have investigated how the variable contributes to learners’ language proficiency (LP). In addition, previous studies have not compared the relationships between self-regulated language learning (SRLL) and LP with the relationships between learning strategies (LSs) and LP. The present study, therefore, investigated the correlation between SRLL, LSs, and LP among 313 Iranian high school English language learners by completing the two questionnaires and a self-assessment form. In order to achieve results, correlational analysis design and convenience sampling were used. The data analysis showed the strongest correlations between metacognitive strategy (r = .553, p < .05) and other LS. Besides, metacognitive strategies can significantly predict SRLL (F (1, 309) = 135.932, p < .05). Additionally, the strongest correlations can be found between metacognitive (r = .499, p < .05), SRLL, and LP. Moreover, the strongest correlations between metacognitive (r = .499, p < .05) SRLL and LP can be found. Finally, metacognitive strategies considered are the best predictors of LP (F (1, 308) = 92.089, p < .05). The study highlights the correlation between SRL, LSs, and LP, emphasizing the importance of incorporating SRL into the teaching and learning process for educators. The pedagogical implications of the findings and suggestions for further research are also discussed.
Although self-regulated learning has attracted much attention recently, few studies have investigated how the variable contributes to learners’ language proficiency (LP). In addition, previous studies have not compared the relationships between self-regulated language learning (SRLL) and LP with the relationships between learning strategies (LSs) and LP. The present study, therefore, investigated the correlation between SRLL, LSs, and LP among 313 Iranian high school English language learners by completing the two questionnaires and a self-assessment form. In order to achieve results, correlational analysis design and convenience sampling were used. The data analysis showed the strongest correlations between metacognitive strategy (r = .553, p < .05) and other LS. Besides, metacognitive strategies can significantly predict SRLL (F (1, 309) = 135.932, p < .05). Additionally, the strongest correlations can be found between metacognitive (r = .499, p < .05), SRLL, and LP. Moreover, the strongest correlations between metacognitive (r = .499, p < .05) SRLL and LP can be found. Finally, metacognitive strategies considered are the best predictors of LP (F (1, 308) = 92.089, p < .05). The study highlights the correlation between SRL, LSs, and LP, emphasizing the importance of incorporating SRL into the teaching and learning process for educators. The pedagogical implications of the findings and suggestions for further research are also discussed.
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