Technical Efficiency of Homestead Fish Production in the Coastal Communities
محورهای موضوعی : Extension and Economic
Olaniran Anthony Thompson
Lawrence Olusola Oparinde
Olaitan Olubunmi Olajuyigbe
Ebinimi Joseph Ansa
Taiwo Amos
1 - 1Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 704, Akure 0034, Ondo State, Nigeria.
2 - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 704, Akure 0034, Ondo State, Nigeria.
3 - Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Victoria Isaland, Lagos. P.M.B. 12729, Victoria Island, Lagos
4 - African Regional Aquaculture Centre, Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Aluu, River State, Nigeria
5 - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 704, Akure 0034, Ondo State, Nigeria
کلید واژه: Homestead Fish Production, Coastal Communities, Technical Efficiency, Cobb Douglas stochastic frontier production ,
چکیده مقاله :
The manuscript examines the demography features of homestead fish farmers, measure the profitability of homestead fish production, estimate the technical efficiency of homestead fish farmers and examine the limitations connected with homestead fish production in the area of study. 180 homesteads fish farmers were selected from three coastal areas of Delta, Lagos and Ogun State in Nigeria. Demography features of homestead fish farmers in the area of study was analysed with descriptive statistics. Net Profit Margin Ratio (NPMR) was estimated to quantify the profitability of homestead fish production. Cobb Douglas stochastic frontier production function was employed to evaluate the efficiency (Technical Efficiency) of homestead fish farmers. Inefficiency model was employed to ascertain the variables inducing inefficiency of homestead fish farming in the study area. The manuscript reveal that homestead fish production is lucrative in the area of study. Cost of feeds is the most crucial cost in the homestead fish production in the area of study. The manuscript shows that few (28.3%) homestead fish farmers were operating in an optimum technical efficiency above 70% and educational level and farm experience of the homestead fish farmers were among the variables that determine the technical inefficiency of homestead fish production in the area of study. High cost of feeds and inadequate fund were among the major limitation facing the homestead fish farmers in the area of study. Therefore, it is suggested that homestead fish farming should be promoted, because it is lucrative.
The manuscript examines the demography features of homestead fish farmers, measure the profitability of homestead fish production, estimate the technical efficiency of homestead fish farmers and examine the limitations connected with homestead fish production in the area of study. 180 homesteads fish farmers were selected from three coastal areas of Delta, Lagos and Ogun State in Nigeria. Demography features of homestead fish farmers in the area of study was analysed with descriptive statistics. Net Profit Margin Ratio (NPMR) was estimated to quantify the profitability of homestead fish production. Cobb Douglas stochastic frontier production function was employed to evaluate the efficiency (Technical Efficiency) of homestead fish farmers. Inefficiency model was employed to ascertain the variables inducing inefficiency of homestead fish farming in the study area. The manuscript reveal that homestead fish production is lucrative in the area of study. Cost of feeds is the most crucial cost in the homestead fish production in the area of study. The manuscript shows that few (28.3%) homestead fish farmers were operating in an optimum technical efficiency above 70% and educational level and farm experience of the homestead fish farmers were among the variables that determine the technical inefficiency of homestead fish production in the area of study. High cost of feeds and inadequate fund were among the major limitation facing the homestead fish farmers in the area of study. Therefore, it is suggested that homestead fish farming should be promoted, because it is lucrative.
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