Page Replacement Algorithms in Memory Management: a survey
محورهای موضوعی : journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering
سعید تقوی افشرد
mehdi ayar
1 - Computer Engineering Department, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Computer Engineering Department, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University
کلید واژه: memory, operating system, page replacement, performance and page faults,
چکیده مقاله :
One of the most important resources in a computer system is memory. Processes cannot run unless their code and data structures are in RAM. Memory management is important and is the most complex task for an operating system. Page replacement policies have been under extensive study over the years. A large number of different page replacement algorithms have been proposed and many of them have been implemented in operating systems and database management systems. The page fault rate has critical criteria for choosing suitable page replacement algorithms. In this paper, we describe algorithms that are widely simulated and utilized in practice. Then, we indicate the effective and efficient algorithm among them.
One of the most important resources in a computer system is memory. Processes cannot run unless their code and data structures are in RAM. Memory management is important and is the most complex task for an operating system. Page replacement policies have been under extensive study over the years. A large number of different page replacement algorithms have been proposed and many of them have been implemented in operating systems and database management systems. The page fault rate has critical criteria for choosing suitable page replacement algorithms. In this paper, we describe algorithms that are widely simulated and utilized in practice. Then, we indicate the effective and efficient algorithm among them.
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