Nonlinear buckling analysis of clamped-free porous FG sandwich beams with temperature dependent materials
محورهای موضوعی : Analytical and Numerical Methods in Mechanical Design
1 - Department of Mechanics,
Tuyserkan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tuyserkan, Iran
کلید واژه: Functionally graded material, Boundary condition, Porosity, Smart material,
چکیده مقاله :
Analysing the buckling behaviour of the two kinds of sandwich beams, the first one with functionally graded material faces and homogeneous core and the second one with functionally graded material core and homogeneous faces are presented in this paper based on a high order sandwich beam theory. Properties of the constituent materials are assumed temperature dependent and functionally graded materials are modelled by a power law rule. Even and uneven porosity distributions are considered to improve the accuracy of the model. Minimum potential energy principle is used to obtain the govern equations and Galerkin method is applied used to solve the equations in a clamped free boundary conditions. Lateral displacement, and thermal stresses of the core and Lagrange strains are considered. To verify the procedure, the results of the present study are compared with the literature. Thickness, length, porosity, wave number and temperature effect on the critical load are investigated too.
Analysing the buckling behaviour of the two kinds of sandwich beams, the first one with functionally graded material faces and homogeneous core and the second one with functionally graded material core and homogeneous faces are presented in this paper based on a high order sandwich beam theory. Properties of the constituent materials are assumed temperature dependent and functionally graded materials are modelled by a power law rule. Even and uneven porosity distributions are considered to improve the accuracy of the model. Minimum potential energy principle is used to obtain the govern equations and Galerkin method is applied used to solve the equations in a clamped free boundary conditions. Lateral displacement, and thermal stresses of the core and Lagrange strains are considered. To verify the procedure, the results of the present study are compared with the literature. Thickness, length, porosity, wave number and temperature effect on the critical load are investigated too.
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