The Impact of Online Synchronous Language Learning and Gender on ESP Learners’ Technical Vocabulary Learning and Language Learning Anxiety: A Mixed-Method Study
محورهای موضوعی : نشریه تخصصی زبان، فرهنگ، و ترجمه (دوفصلنامه)
Maryam Najafi
Mohammad Ali Heidari Shahreza
Saeed Ketabi
1 - Department of English, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza, Iran
2 - Department of English, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza, Iran
3 - Department of English, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
کلید واژه: Online learning, Vocabulary, EFL/ESP learners, Language learning anxiety,
چکیده مقاله :
This explanatory sequential mixed-method study investigates the effect of online synchronous language learning through using Adobe Connect's breakout rooms on vocabulary learning and language learning anxiety of 60 ESP learners selected through convenience sampling from Kashan University of Medical Sciences. Moreover, it explores the learners' perceptions of the effectiveness of this kind of instruction. Initially, the participants were randomly assigned to the equal experimental (Adobe breakout rooms) and control (in-person) groups after checking homogeneity regarding English proficiency level. During the 13 treatment sessions, the experimental group engaged in collaborative vocabulary tasks online through breakout rooms. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using a developed test of vocabulary, the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Questionnaire, and the semi-structured interview and then were analyzed using two-way ANCOVA by SPSS 20 and thematic analysis by MAXQDA 2024, respectively. Findings revealed that online learning improved learners' vocabulary learning but did not significantly reduce their anxiety due to the system's technical issues. However, learners viewed online instruction positively, noting benefits like enriched vocabulary acquisition through active engagement and real-time feedback, and reduced anxiety by providing a calm, focused, and supportive environment. Moreover, results showed that gender differences did not significantly affect vocabulary acquisition or anxiety. These findings can guide teachers and curriculum developers in using virtual instruction effectively in ESP contexts.
This explanatory sequential mixed-method study investigates the effect of online synchronous language learning through using Adobe Connect's breakout rooms on vocabulary learning and language learning anxiety of 60 ESP learners selected through convenience sampling from Kashan University of Medical Sciences. Moreover, it explores the learners' perceptions of the effectiveness of this kind of instruction. Initially, the participants were randomly assigned to the equal experimental (Adobe breakout rooms) and control (in-person) groups after checking homogeneity regarding English proficiency level. During the 13 treatment sessions, the experimental group engaged in collaborative vocabulary tasks online through breakout rooms. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using a developed test of vocabulary, the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Questionnaire, and the semi-structured interview and then were analyzed using two-way ANCOVA by SPSS 20 and thematic analysis by MAXQDA 2024, respectively. Findings revealed that online learning improved learners' vocabulary learning but did not significantly reduce their anxiety due to the system's technical issues. However, learners viewed online instruction positively, noting benefits like enriched vocabulary acquisition through active engagement and real-time feedback, and reduced anxiety by providing a calm, focused, and supportive environment. Moreover, results showed that gender differences did not significantly affect vocabulary acquisition or anxiety. These findings can guide teachers and curriculum developers in using virtual instruction effectively in ESP contexts.
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