Pomological and Phenological Description of the New ‘Bahri Koz’ Cultivar of Walnut (Juglans regia L.) and Its Nutritional Value
محورهای موضوعی : Walnut
Mehmet Sütyemez
Şakir Burak Bükücü
Akide Özcan
1 - Department of Horticulture, Agricultural Faculty, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Kahramanmaraş 46040, Turkey
2 - Department of Plant and Animal Production, Silifke Taşucu Vocational School, Selçuk University, 33900 Silifke, Mersin, Turkey
3 - Department of Organic Farming, Göksun Vocational School, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Göksun 46650, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
کلید واژه: Phenology, cultivar, fatty acid, Pomology, Juglans regia L,
چکیده مقاله :
‘Bahri Koz’ is a walnut cultivar that reaches a mid-early harvest maturity and has some superior fruit traits. In 2019, the cultivar was registered and patented by the Variety Registration and Seed Certification Center of the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. To determine the pomological and phenological traits of the ‘Bahri Koz’, 27 different traits were examined. The pomological analysis determined that the in-shell nut weight of ‘Bahri Koz’ was 12-14 g, the kernel weight was 6.5-7.0 g, and the kernel ratio was 51-54%. The shell and kernel of the cultivar were determined to be light in color and the surface of the shell to have a smooth structure. ‘Bahri Koz’ had superior traits compared to the ‘Chandler’ cultivar in terms of some of the pomological parameters such as in-shell nut weight, kernel weight, and kernel percentage. The new cultivar was seen to reach leafing, harvest maturity, and defoliation at an earlier date than ‘Chandler’. The dichogamy status of the cultivar was determined to be protandrous and in this respect, a pollinator cultivar was recommended for the establishment of orchards with ‘Bahri Koz’. This cultivar was also shown to be rich in lipid and unsaturated fatty acid content.
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