Developing a Native Model for Iran's National University Entrance Exam Washback Effects on English Language Education at Iranian High Schools
محورهای موضوعی : نشریه زبان و ترجمه
Farhad Fathinejad
Behdokht Mal Amiri
Hamid Marashi
1 - English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: Assessment, Learning, NUEE, Teaching, Washback effect,
چکیده مقاله :
The current study was an attempt to develop a local model and scale of washback effects of the English language module of the National University Entrance Exam on English language education at Iran's High Schools. To this aim, a mixed methods study was adopted. The qualitative phase involved data-driven from interviews with twenty experts in English education concerning NUEE washback effects which led to the formation of a tentative scale. Then, the quantitative phase included piloting and reliability estimation as well as factor analyses and Structural Equation Modeling for validation of the developed questionnaire. To this purpose, 570 participants were selected through convenience sampling from Tehran, Qom, Varamin, and Gharchack amongst teachers and students as respondents to the questionnaire. Data analyses showed that 58 items were loaded under five dimensions: educational process, attitudes and perceptions, educational policies, emotional and consequential, and socio-cultural dimensions. The model was shown to enjoy acceptable fit indices.
The current study was an attempt to develop a local model and scale of washback effects of the English language module of the National University Entrance Exam on English language education at Iran's High Schools. To this aim, a mixed methods study was adopted. The qualitative phase involved data-driven from interviews with twenty experts in English education concerning NUEE washback effects which led to the formation of a tentative scale. Then, the quantitative phase included piloting and reliability estimation as well as factor analyses and Structural Equation Modeling for validation of the developed questionnaire. To this purpose, 570 participants were selected through convenience sampling from Tehran, Qom, Varamin, and Gharchack amongst teachers and students as respondents to the questionnaire. Data analyses showed that 58 items were loaded under five dimensions: educational process, attitudes and perceptions, educational policies, emotional and consequential, and socio-cultural dimensions. The model was shown to enjoy acceptable fit indices.
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