Constructing and Validating an Identity Reconstruction Strategy Questionnaire: Interactive Acculturation Model in a Non-immigrant Iranian EFL Context
محورهای موضوعی : نشریه زبان و ترجمه
Hajar Moghaddasi-Hajiabad
Sholeh Kolahi
Behdokht Mall-Amiri
1 - Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: Identity transformation, separation, assimilation, integration, marginalization, individualism,
چکیده مقاله :
The present paper was an attempt to delve into the issue of adolescents’ identity reconstruction in a non-immigrant EFL context. Interactive Acculturation Model was used to derive sociocultural identity reconstruction strategies adopted by Iranian adolescent EFL learners in their homeland. To this end, a questionnaire with 75 items in 17 main domains was constructed and validated through the participation of 349 EFL learners aged 13 to 21 years as the identity confusion stage of adolescence. Factor analyses were performed to validate the questionnaire and the result led to a final 24-items instrument with 4 main domains of lifestyle, eligibility of English language and performers, social customs and traditions, and perceptions of freedom, on which, Iranian adolescent EFL learners’ identity reconstruction strategies can be derived. The questionnaire can be used in interdisciplinary fields of research related to TEFL, Sociology, and sociocultural and identity-related studies to come up with the effect of sociocultural elements in identity (re)construction of EFL learners.
The present paper was an attempt to delve into the issue of adolescents’ identity reconstruction in a non-immigrant EFL context. Interactive Acculturation Model was used to derive sociocultural identity reconstruction strategies adopted by Iranian adolescent EFL learners in their homeland. To this end, a questionnaire with 75 items in 17 main domains was constructed and validated through the participation of 349 EFL learners aged 13 to 21 years as the identity confusion stage of adolescence. Factor analyses were performed to validate the questionnaire and the result led to a final 24-items instrument with 4 main domains of lifestyle, eligibility of English language and performers, social customs and traditions, and perceptions of freedom, on which, Iranian adolescent EFL learners’ identity reconstruction strategies can be derived. The questionnaire can be used in interdisciplinary fields of research related to TEFL, Sociology, and sociocultural and identity-related studies to come up with the effect of sociocultural elements in identity (re)construction of EFL learners.
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