Effect of Portfolio Assessment on Fostering Iranian EFL Learners' Empowerment UEE Consideration
Mahbubeh Mahmoodi-Nasrabadi
English Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad university, Najafabad, Iran
Omid Tabatabaie
English Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Hadi Salehi
English Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Mahmud Mehrabi
English Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad university, Najafabad, Iran
کلید واژه: portfolio assessment, Assessment, empowerment, Disempowerment, University Entrance Exams (UEE),
چکیده مقاله :
Passing University Entrance Exams (UEE) successfully has long been the main anxiety for Iranian high school students. The reason for this mixed-methods ponder was to look at how Freshmen TEFL students experienced portfolio assessment for fostering their empowerment and also how assessment (dis)empowerment manifests itself in the English section of university Entrance Exams. The members of this consider were 100 freshmen university TEFL students who were helpfully and deliberately chosen from Shiraz, Tehran, and Isfahan universities. Not only a valid questionnaire but also group interviews were used to gather the required information. To analyze and portray the data, the researchers used descriptive statistical methods. The findings revealed TEFL pupils regarded the portfolio program valuable for fostering their empowerment. Moreover, the TEFL students had an agreement about the disempowerment of the English section of the University Entrance Exam. Besides, the result underscored the need for more executive modes of evaluation consisting of using portfolios in UEE. By regarding the results, there are valuable suggestions for policymakers as well as constructors of the high-stake test.
چکیده انگلیسی :
Passing University Entrance Exams (UEE) successfully has long been the main anxiety for Iranian high school students. The reason for this mixed-methods ponder was to look at how Freshmen TEFL students experienced portfolio assessment for fostering their empowerment and also how assessment (dis)empowerment manifests itself in the English section of university Entrance Exams. The members of this consider were 100 freshmen university TEFL students who were helpfully and deliberately chosen from Shiraz, Tehran, and Isfahan universities. Not only a valid questionnaire but also group interviews were used to gather the required information. To analyze and portray the data, the researchers used descriptive statistical methods. The findings revealed TEFL pupils regarded the portfolio program valuable for fostering their empowerment. Moreover, the TEFL students had an agreement about the disempowerment of the English section of the University Entrance Exam. Besides, the result underscored the need for more executive modes of evaluation consisting of using portfolios in UEE. By regarding the results, there are valuable suggestions for policymakers as well as constructors of the high-stake test.
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