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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Survey of Frost and Sliding in Sanandaj and Hamadan by Using Climatic conditions Matrix
        حسین Mohammadi پیمان Mahmoudi
        Climatic factor and atmospheric phenomenas are the most effective factors ontransportation safety, and frost is most dangerous between them. It was used climaticconditions Matrix for temporal and spatial study frost phenomenas on Sanandaj-Hamadan Road. In this regard, i More
        Climatic factor and atmospheric phenomenas are the most effective factors ontransportation safety, and frost is most dangerous between them. It was used climaticconditions Matrix for temporal and spatial study frost phenomenas on Sanandaj-Hamadan Road. In this regard, it was collected and analyzed 3 temperature,precipitation and relative humidity daily data parameter of Sanandaj, Hamadan andGhorveh Synoptic Stations.Based on climatic conditions, N5 Atmospheric Situation and N6 are dangerouscondition for vehicle and transportation safety with concentrating Janiuary (9 days),Febrvary (5 days) and December (4 days) on Sanandaj- Hamadan Road. The start ofregional frost is late of September and March is ended, but hazardous frost for roadsafety is December. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The recognition of relationship between urban topoclimate and heart diseases Case study:Rasht and Manjil city in Safeedrud valley
        بهمن Ramezani
        Topoclimate is a bed of life for humans, Plants, Animals, Microorganisms and all.Urban elevation, climatic conditions, urban morphological conditions are influence oncitizen disease such as Cardiac Patient on humans that it has very expensive.Safidrud Valley with long a More
        Topoclimate is a bed of life for humans, Plants, Animals, Microorganisms and all.Urban elevation, climatic conditions, urban morphological conditions are influence oncitizen disease such as Cardiac Patient on humans that it has very expensive.Safidrud Valley with long about 80 kilometer is located in southwest of Caspian seawith North-South direction , 0-350 meter elevation above sea level and has very humidtemperate climate (Rasht city with plain condition–36.7 meter el.) till semiaridmediterranea- dry (Manjil city with hilly land condition –333meter el.)The aim of this paper is recognition relation between urban topoclimate and heartdisease (general form) for 5 years statistical(1995-2001).The reseach method is field work and direct observation files in hospital fromCardiac Patients, analysis climatological data, topo morphological conditions inframework of a research project.The result of paper shows that elevation factor and urban climate has importantfactor in mortality Cardiac Patient, in plain condition (Rasht city) element ofmaximum relative humitidy has direct relation with mortality cardiac disease. But, Inhillyland condition (Manjil city) precipitation has direct relationship with this ill. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Reservoir Deficit of Sabzvar’s Aquifir Approaches & Recommendations
        سعداله velayati ابوالقاسم A.Ahmadi
        Sabzevar basin aquifer is located 250 kilometers west of Mashhad in RazaviKhorasan province.Due to continuous over draw (Withdrawal more than discharge)since water year 1981 –82, this aquifer undergone imbalance, and facedfall in water level and consequently runni More
        Sabzevar basin aquifer is located 250 kilometers west of Mashhad in RazaviKhorasan province.Due to continuous over draw (Withdrawal more than discharge)since water year 1981 –82, this aquifer undergone imbalance, and facedfall in water level and consequently running short of reserved water for about 64MCM/ year. Analysis of hydrograph indicates that, the aquifer was in criticalconditions from 1981-82 to 1989-90 water years in a way, that its hydrographcontiunes its path linearly, which is an indication of ultra-critical condition andevacuation of the aquifer is the main water source supplying agricultural andmunicipal water for Sabzvar, a city with 240000 population. Therefore, it is necessaryto take some consideration to counterbalance its aquifer. In this regardthree remedies are recommended which are;Artifical recharge in traditional method,Artifical recharge in modern method,And, finally %15 reduction of wells discharges.With the advantages of these methods, Sabzvar aquifer can be counterbalanced by supporting64 MCM water annually. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Review of Urban Quartering Process (The case study: Noshahr and Kelardasht)
        احمد Poorahmad مصطفی Ghadami Gh Jahan
        Quarter as a Socio – Physical Unit is one of the components of Urban Space thatcan be defined and distinguished on internal homogeneity basis. Distinguishing anddrawing the real boundries of Quarters and other Urban Spatial Units is used as a basisin Urban Landuse More
        Quarter as a Socio – Physical Unit is one of the components of Urban Space thatcan be defined and distinguished on internal homogeneity basis. Distinguishing anddrawing the real boundries of Quarters and other Urban Spatial Units is used as a basisin Urban Landuse Planning.This base is used to determine the distribution andallocation of Land uses and to determine the standards and Urban Capita. Fundingsthis Research show that regarding the emphsis of Urban Plans to quantity sides andform factors, especially edges and streets in the process of drawing the boundries ofUrban Spatial – Physical Units like Quartering, this process never results in determinigthe real boundries of Quarters and sometime makes the plans more ineffective.Thus inorder to know the real boudries of Quarters it is necessary to pay attention toQualatative Method and Process Factors as a necessity besides Quantative Methodswith an emphsis on Form Factors.This Article is concerned with the important ofQuartering in Urban Planning , critcism the present Quartering Methods and someSuggestion for preparation a Compound Method in The Urban Quartering Process.The mothod used is Analytical based on doucumentry and Field Studies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Study of Nine Periods of Presidential Election with Emphasis on Ninth Period Case Study: South Khorasan
        زهرا Pishgqahifard عمران Rasti
        Participation in election is a sign of nation's interest to preservation and continuation ofthe territory, promotion of the governance and their belief to the effect of their voteand thought on national decisions.Democratic countries consider election as the highest man More
        Participation in election is a sign of nation's interest to preservation and continuation ofthe territory, promotion of the governance and their belief to the effect of their voteand thought on national decisions.Democratic countries consider election as the highest manifestation of people'participation and declare the degree of solidity of democracy in that country inproportion to the degree of peoples' participation in their own destiny.The Islamic Republic of Iran which is based on Democratic governmental lawsand Islamic –Religious thoughts emphasizes on any participation in national destinyincluding election and considers it as peoples' trust to the authorities.As one of four groups of regular elections, the presidential election in Iran, is themost manifest perspective of political participation of nation which has the mostnumber of participants compared to other elections.That which gives senses to this election in national territory sphere, is thedifferences and the similarities which can be seen behind the geography of election.This article is derived from a research on the study of nine periods of presidentialelection in South Khorasan province, which aims at studying and describing ofdifferences and similarities of the degree of participation and the way of peoples'electoral behavior in different districts in the province. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Management prepartion for contorling the flood in the Minab river (Between Minab Dam and Straite of Hormoz)
        احمد Nohegar M.M Hosseinzadeh برومند Salahi
        The examination of control methods and estimating of damage caused by flood inorder to collect partical methods to preserve national is of importance.yearly, someparts of construction and buildings located in lower part of storage Dams of thecountry are damaged by seaso More
        The examination of control methods and estimating of damage caused by flood inorder to collect partical methods to preserve national is of importance.yearly, someparts of construction and buildings located in lower part of storage Dams of thecountry are damaged by seasonal overflowing and letting of currents which and morethan the capacity of the river.If we want to consider flood management as crisismanagement, we have to manage floods yearly.Even when we are in crisis conditionswe have to plan wisely and yearly and schedual for coming days too. In and arid arealike Minab the most important thing making balance between the supply and demandof water.Considering natunal characteristics of mentioned area, usual supply of wateris limited,on theother hand demand value of water is growing due to increasingpopulation the increasment of cultivated lands, industry development,urbanlife and act.Therefor,planning to use of water resurces of the area is of high importance.one of thebasic considering water management is flood management.In this kind of managementthere are different methods so that we can control and prevent flood damages that canbe defined by structure and nonstructure.Since the Minab river is dilluvial and its bankis unstable through weakend sediments deficiency of suspend load caused bystablishing of the Minab Dam,steepy slope of the river,specially parts located betweenthe Minab Dam and the Minab Bridge,are all factors causing overflowing quicklyconcentrated turned into dangerous floods which fluvial systems overwhelm area areknown as greatest natunal phenomenon.The maximum value of debi of the Minab riverdates back to years 1976-77,78-79and 1991-92.The examination of statistical data offlood in different station such as Brentin,most floods were seen in winter season andsome 93 percent from them were between the months of Azar and Farvardin.Hydrulic which is produced by depth, width and current,has got relation withfeatures such as the extent of immersed area and sediment load which flourishing andqualification management actions performed on it is impossible without considering it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Variability of Solar Activity and it’s Influence on the Earth’s Climate Case Study: Climate of Middle East and Iran
        Azar Zarin عباس Mofidi
        In order to understand the mechanism governing the solar activities and it’s relation tothe Earth’s climate, physical characteristics of the Sun and it’s activities, characteristicsand structure of sunspots and the relation between solar variability- s More
        In order to understand the mechanism governing the solar activities and it’s relation tothe Earth’s climate, physical characteristics of the Sun and it’s activities, characteristicsand structure of sunspots and the relation between solar variability- specially sunspotscycle- and the Earth’s climate were investigated. In this case, Iran-Middle East,Northern Africa and Mediterranean regions selected as a sample of subtropical region. Itwas done in two stages. First, some of the synoptic stations of Iran and adjacentsubtropical regions were investigated and rainfall and temperature data of 16 stationswith 61 years (1930-1990) and 50 years (1951-2000) were chosen respectively.Summertime average temperature (July, August and September) and wintertime averagetemperature (January, February and March) were used. In the second stage, the Iran-Middle East, northern Africa and Mediterranean region were divided into four sectorsand average geopotential height of 500hpa and 50hpa levels for a 53 years period (1948-2000) were calculated for the winter and summer. Also, the average position and speedof subtropical jet stream in 200hpa level were derived for the above regions, periods andseasons and then their relation with the solar activity were investigated. For determiningthe relation between solar variability and climatic variables and regional atmosphericcirculation components, sunspot numbers, solar radio flux and a solar geomagneticactivity index (AA) were used.The results did not show a considerable significant correlation between sunspotnumbers and solar radio flux with winter rainfall and extreme seasons averagetemperature of those selected stations. However, the low correlation indicates that in theyears with maximum solar activity, the average winter temperature in the Middle Eastand Iran relatively decreases. The result of investigating the relation between 500hpaand 50hpa average geopotential height with solar activity indices for the extremeseasons have had positive correlation. The maximum correlation was seen in 50hpalevel (lower stratosphere) as there was a significant positive correlation between thislevel and solar activity indices. Also, there has been a low negative correlation betweenthe position and speed of subtropical jet stream and sunspot numbers and the other solaractivity indices. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Cities, The World Greenhouse
        زهره Fani
        Cities are contaminator with over consumption. Because of this situation, they aresubjected to many ecologic dangers and pressures. Therefore they distinct as unevenand unequal places; This process far away them from sustainable eco-city. This papersearch and study sust More
        Cities are contaminator with over consumption. Because of this situation, they aresubjected to many ecologic dangers and pressures. Therefore they distinct as unevenand unequal places; This process far away them from sustainable eco-city. This papersearch and study sustainable eco-cities; the ways of structural reforms in the diseasedcities for instance; Limits of physical growth, Demanding Health, Transport and size –shape of cities, Food, Water and Waste.The World Bank was pronouncing that sustainable urban development and ecocityhave conditions as follow:-The livable;-The efficient local management;-Be able to competition;-The prosperity from bank credits;. Manuscript profile