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        1 - Rumi's View of Science and its Variant
        Mehdi Mohaghegh Fateme Fateme Heydari Heydari Shiva Heydari
          Science means knowledge and wisdom of some of the interpretations of the meaning which is one of the most dominant thoughts   of the seventh century AH, the poet Rumi. In mystical sources science is found in two forms: external and internal. Mowlan More
          Science means knowledge and wisdom of some of the interpretations of the meaning which is one of the most dominant thoughts   of the seventh century AH, the poet Rumi. In mystical sources science is found in two forms: external and internal. Mowlana believes in the kind of science that guides man towards truth and joins appearance to reality. He is influenced by Hadith and sees   the faithful in search of truth. Mowlana sees the inner knowledge as wisdom and outward knowledge as logic. He is influenced by Quranic thoughts. In his view words are obstacles which expand selfishness and prevent achieving truth. This paper is an attempt to study Mowlana's view of science as   expressed in his Masnavie-Ma'navi. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Criticism and Study of theTwo Colors Red and Green in Poems of Nazik Al-Malaika
        Ali Piranishal Zohre Naemi Khadije Hashemi
             The color is the most striking element in forming sensory images of old and contemporary poets. Poets have used colorful words to objectify poetic images and to discover and explain the relationship between poetic images. Indeed Nazik Al-Malaika use More
             The color is the most striking element in forming sensory images of old and contemporary poets. Poets have used colorful words to objectify poetic images and to discover and explain the relationship between poetic images. Indeed Nazik Al-Malaika uses different  colors to interpret thoughts, emotions and feelings. Due to the importance and beauties of red and green in the poems of Nazik Al-Malaika, this article studies and criticizes these colors and their implications in his poems. The method of this research is descriptive-analytic and statistically based. Colors represented her emotions, grieves and joys ;However  in some delicate cases, she has taken advantage of non-genuine  position of colors and converted one color to another one as an element of beauty and induction of political and social concepts.. The poet’s great attention to colors, different meanings, symbolic implications and their beauties show that she has had an intelligent look at the moments of life and the nature around her. She was impressed by events, social and political changes and the selection of red  shows his interior desire toward effort and implies referents like love, liberty and modesty . The selection of green after red is a symbol of hope, life and  desire and fulfillment of desires.                                                                Manuscript profile
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        3 - Comparative Criticism and Investigation of Maqamat of Hamedani and Hariri
        Ali Asghar Habibi
        Maqameh is declared as one of the most important literary techniques in Arabic literature. The main cause  of this importance must  be searched in the goal that writer of Maqameh fallows it , and that is teaching methods of expression in addition to  prof More
        Maqameh is declared as one of the most important literary techniques in Arabic literature. The main cause  of this importance must  be searched in the goal that writer of Maqameh fallows it , and that is teaching methods of expression in addition to  profiting of literal equation and vocal contradictory and musical Rhythmic methods adorned by  kinds of different orders of creativity .in addition of mentioned items , we must not forget the role of narration and plot  in fulfillment of different instructional goals and explanation of social , cultural and Folklore questions. The most famous writers of Maqamat in Arabic literature are Badieozaman Hamedani (inventor of Maqameh technique) and Hariri . Later this method with all of fablic, instructional technical dimension’s influence in persion literature with expansion of Arabic maqamat circle and exit from Arabic frame work. Meanwhile we can find the best manifestation of this effect in Hamedani’s Maqamat. In this paper, the writer tries to specify artistic and literary powerful report, technical, subjective, instructional, social, cultural, literary Arabic’s Maqamat. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Analysis of the Concept of Freedom in Safadi’s Works and Comparing Them with Sartre
        Ahmad Reza Heidarian Shahri Monir Zibaei
        Existentialism is a so-called philosophic and literal movement  based on personal freedom,   responsibility as well as relativism. In this philosophy in which individual is a building block of any positive changes, his fate and freedom are emphasized. Pre More
        Existentialism is a so-called philosophic and literal movement  based on personal freedom,   responsibility as well as relativism. In this philosophy in which individual is a building block of any positive changes, his fate and freedom are emphasized. Prevalence of this philosophy through literature, led Syrian writers to focus on existentialist thoughts and express such issues as freedom in decision making, choice, responsibility and commitment in literature. Mata Safadi was inclined to this philosophy more than other writers and was affected by Sartre and his existential thoughts especially his revolutionary positions about personal freedom. Thus, Safadi considers human as responsible for his fate and the only constructor of his values who should realize his freedom by relying on his nature. Along this he doesn’t deny relationship with others completely but admit it in a particular framework. He believes that collective commitment doesn’t remove human individuality but only cover his negative traits and existential contradictions. In the present paper it was tried to study the concept of freedom in Safadi’s viewpoint by comparative-analytical method and indicate that to what extent this Syrian writer is affected by Sartre thoughts in his writings in expressing freedom concept and how this effectiveness is  manifested in his works.                                                                                Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Narrative Form of Story Telling in Palestine's literature of Resistance (Case Study of the Novel Babossaheh)
        Kobra Roshanfekr Naeemeh Parandavaji Khalil Parvini Faramarz Mirzaee
        Narrative  form of the story studies the relation between the narrator and characters, and it is an important tool for transferring of speeches and thoughts of characters to the reader, from this way the readers get into the atmosphere of the story. Narrative &nbsp More
        Narrative  form of the story studies the relation between the narrator and characters, and it is an important tool for transferring of speeches and thoughts of characters to the reader, from this way the readers get into the atmosphere of the story. Narrative  forms are divided in to five; direct, indirect, free direct, free indirect and narrative report of speeches and thoughts, based on the domination degree of the narrator and the characters. The present article deals with descriptive and analytical style and by presenting a complete statistics population of characters' speeches, studies different ways of speech representation of "Babossahe" a novel by Sahar Khalifeh.  Findings of the study demonstrated that the narrator used all forms of speech representation styles for showing Palestine social condition and problems of the women of country at the first years of uprising, but direct speech, narrative style of speech and free direct speech have the most frequencies. The narrator by using direct speech and free direct speech allows the characters to relate with the reader and familiarize them with the narrators political, economical, cultural and social mental distresses. Using these techniques helps the narrator to show different sides of life and problems of Palestine women. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Brother 's Choice
        Rudabeh Shah Hosseini
            “Hanboue and Zahak” tale is a story in Marzban Nameh, that is about a woman who lived in “zaehak” period.One day her child ,her husband and her brother were taken captive by Zahak government and  were doomed to death to pr More
            “Hanboue and Zahak” tale is a story in Marzban Nameh, that is about a woman who lived in “zaehak” period.One day her child ,her husband and her brother were taken captive by Zahak government and  were doomed to death to provide the food for night’s snakes for Zahak. Hanboue cried, thus Zahak allowed her to free one of them by her choice , and Hanboue selected her brother. Her choice was wonderful and had its specific aim which is different from social organization and relative meaning . Her social aim is related to primitive matriarchal  societies.  Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Commitment in Abdol Vahab Bayati's Poems
        Salahedin Abdi Leila Asgari
           Committed literature involves  poet or writer's concerns in their specific social, political and national situations . Among its  features it talks about the reality of living writer, and the circumstances that surround it . There is no doubt that More
           Committed literature involves  poet or writer's concerns in their specific social, political and national situations . Among its  features it talks about the reality of living writer, and the circumstances that surround it . There is no doubt that the value of poetry stems from the way dealing with the topics of life , particularly the crucial issues in the lives of human rights and the  subject of literature and committed literature appear to refuse the idea of ​​art for art. Abdul -Wahab al-Bayati, who is one of the poets of the school of realism in Iraq began to publish poetry collections to reveal his feelings to show his devotion. His poetry is  filled with the spirit of rebellion and revolution and to call for freedom and smashing past  idols. In his poems he not only talks about human poverty and tragedy, but also the tragedy of all human being. Bayati  believed in the role of words and its role in change and revolution and in his odes has used man myths such as Prometheus who is the symbol of rebel. In his poems he also has revived historical and popular characters. As the result this paper discusses the notion of commitment from political , religious,and social perspective. Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Representation of Past and Present in Gamaa Edris' Poetry
        Mohammad Mahjub Mohammad Ex
                                                                     The most important thing we are trying to accomp More
                                                                     The most important thing we are trying to accomplish is to identify the echo of the past and present in Gamaa poetry and its utility and testimony to him . And to what extent he is  fully aware of the nature of philosophical or historical context in which that poetry was accomplished, or was it merely simulate and tradition. As a conclusion Gamaa tried as much as possible the formulation of the past in a manner consistent with his new experience of poetry. As he did not consumed the  present in a haphazard way and that really his poetic experiment is not conducive to a strict philosophic or ideological vision, but at the same time it clearly indicate an obvious the poetic features and traits .                 Manuscript profile
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        9 - Pessimism in Abulalalla ‌Ma`arri and Abdulrahman Shokri's Poetry
        Hadi Nazari Monazzam Khatereh Ahmadi
        Pessimism is a mental and emotional state. It originates from sadness, despair, the negative outlook on life and the causes for the pessimism are the human failure and negligence against his ambitions and aspirations on the one hand and the other hand is suffering from More
        Pessimism is a mental and emotional state. It originates from sadness, despair, the negative outlook on life and the causes for the pessimism are the human failure and negligence against his ambitions and aspirations on the one hand and the other hand is suffering from mental problems and unstable social and political situation in the country. This pessimism was common among poets of different periods. Abolala alMaerri is one of poets who belonged to the Abbasid era whose  poetry is pessimistic because of his life conditions. Also Abdolrahman­ Shokri has a tendency to pessimism due to the impact of social and political conditions that governed during  his n time and his inclination to read Khayyam and Maarri,s poetry in new period. This paper attempts to examine the aspects of pessimism in the poetry of Aboalalla ­Maarri and Abdolrahman­ Shokri, public and their  private factors that effect his life and thought that they would appear in a negative form in their poetry. The results suggest that health problems such as blindness, isolation from society, political and social conditions have affected the lives of the two poets and make them pessimist. In addition to these, there are some commonalities in these  poets such as death, grief of the world, despair, determinism, etc. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Irony in Maroof Alrosafi’s Poem
        Hamid Valizadeh Ali Sayadani Ali Khaleghi
           Irony is an art used by contemporary poets for showing contradiction between two sides in which there is a sort of contradiction and it has been defined in the following ways: 1- the person says one thing and means to be vice versa and 2-sarcasm.Nevertheles More
           Irony is an art used by contemporary poets for showing contradiction between two sides in which there is a sort of contradiction and it has been defined in the following ways: 1- the person says one thing and means to be vice versa and 2-sarcasm.Nevertheles; neither classical Arabic literary criticism nor rhetoric have focused on this. Irony is a technique completely different from paradox and contrast. Both  are  different from technical construction and use of implication. For this reason irony is used to show the contradiction amid two sides. This contradiction is extended to a degree to which it includes the whole ode. And the whole poem becomes a big irony. And it is divided to two inseparable parts: Verbal irony and situational irony, a vivid characteristic of which is contradiction between surface and deep meaning. And this irony in Maroof’s poem is clearly observable. This irony with its kinds are clearly stated when Maroof shows the political repression and kinds of colonialism in Iraq society. And Maroof has used this technique for stating his thoughts and emotions. Consequently, these activities lead to public enlightenment and encouragement of resistance against colonizers which are one of its most important outcomes. And this article tries to show the standpoint of irony and also to analyze it in Maroof’s poem, and the method employed is descriptive-analytical. Manuscript profile