Pessimism in Abulalalla Ma`arri and Abdulrahman Shokri's Poetry
Subject Areas : Literary criticismHadi Nazari Monazzam 1 , Khatereh Ahmadi 2
1 - Assistant Prof., Tarbiyat Modarres University
2 - M.A. Tarbiyat Modarres University
Keywords: الأدب العربی, أبوالعلاء المعری, عبدالرحمن شکری, التشاؤم, Arabic literature, Aboalalla Ma`arri, Abdolrahman Shokri, pessimism, Khayyam,
Abstract :
Pessimism is a mental and emotional state. It originates from sadness, despair, the negative outlook on life and the causes for the pessimism are the human failure and negligence against his ambitions and aspirations on the one hand and the other hand is suffering from mental problems and unstable social and political situation in the country. This pessimism was common among poets of different periods. Abolala alMaerri is one of poets who belonged to the Abbasid era whose poetry is pessimistic because of his life conditions. Also Abdolrahman Shokri has a tendency to pessimism due to the impact of social and political conditions that governed during his n time and his inclination to read Khayyam and Maarri,s poetry in new period. This paper attempts to examine the aspects of pessimism in the poetry of Aboalalla Maarri and Abdolrahman Shokri, public and their private factors that effect his life and thought that they would appear in a negative form in their poetry. The results suggest that health problems such as blindness, isolation from society, political and social conditions have affected the lives of the two poets and make them pessimist. In addition to these, there are some commonalities in these poets such as death, grief of the world, despair, determinism, etc.
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