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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Human Existence: Comparison Mulla Sadra’s Philosophical Account with Postmodernist one
        دکتر عباس گوهری سید مهدی بیابانکی
        It is, here, presented the two conceptions of human being which are incontrast with each other: postmodern conception of contemporaryhuman being is the first one and the other is the Mulla Sadra’sconception which is based on Islamic text. In postmodern conception, More
        It is, here, presented the two conceptions of human being which are incontrast with each other: postmodern conception of contemporaryhuman being is the first one and the other is the Mulla Sadra’sconception which is based on Islamic text. In postmodern conception,human being is a spiritless body who is narcissistic charm andendeavors to accomplish his pleasures maximally. In the secondconception, man is a passenger who has an end and begins to journeyfrom mondial world enthusiastically and moves every moment towardhis end. The first conception is the actual model of modern humanbeing and the second is the model of human being as human beings. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A Sociological Approach to the Relationship between Engineering and Society
        علیرضا ثقه الاسلامی
        This paper introduces the sociological approach in studying theEngineering as a social organization and evaluating the relationshipbetween engineering and society. The focus, here, is on qualifyingengineering education and training the engineers sensitive to socialvalue More
        This paper introduces the sociological approach in studying theEngineering as a social organization and evaluating the relationshipbetween engineering and society. The focus, here, is on qualifyingengineering education and training the engineers sensitive to socialvalues. First, I explain the relationship between engineering and societyin such extent that interacting each other. Then, it is claimed that therole of engineering is illustrated in details in the modern society ratherthan the traditional society. Introducing 14 social problems shows thatengineering is redefined more irrefrangibly to the social context. Itflows that most important achievements of the sociological approachwill be educating and training “engineer-sociologist”. The ideaengineer-sociologist is preferred as a strategic policy in the engineeringeducation by which is introduced the humanistic, ethical and socialvalues promotion in variety technologies and their applications inartifacts production and development. Teachers and students are themain practitioners in this education and research program. It is thusrecognized that interdisciplinary studies of the engineering andsociology as an independent and necessary filed where the socialproblems of the technologies and the engineering enterprises would beinvestigated Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - MacIntyre against Rationalism and Relativism
        هادی صمدی
        AbstractMacIntyre, the contemporary Scottish philosopher, in chapter fifteen ofhis book, Who’s Justice? Which Rationality? (1988), has developed atheory on rationality that accordingly not only the traditions have notbeen considered as a treat to rationality but a More
        AbstractMacIntyre, the contemporary Scottish philosopher, in chapter fifteen ofhis book, Who’s Justice? Which Rationality? (1988), has developed atheory on rationality that accordingly not only the traditions have notbeen considered as a treat to rationality but also they are the principalconstitutes of rationality. On the one hand, he offered some argumentsagainst relativism and perspectivism and, on the other hand, he didn’ttake of rationalists. Later, he became nearer to the rationalist camp inDependent Rational Animals (1999), but not so near that could becalled a full blooded rationalist. This article has a review on thismodification of his ideas on rationality. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Avicenna and MullaSadra’s Thought about the Perception of Universal Concepts: a Comparative Study
        بیوک علیزاده داود زندی
        How soul perceives universal concepts is one of the epistemologicalproblems that have been discussed by great Islamic philosophers likeMullaSadra and Avicenna. These philosophers have offered totallydifferent theories in this respect. Avicenna and his followers believet More
        How soul perceives universal concepts is one of the epistemologicalproblems that have been discussed by great Islamic philosophers likeMullaSadra and Avicenna. These philosophers have offered totallydifferent theories in this respect. Avicenna and his followers believethat soul perceives universal concepts through extraction by omittingaccidental things (abstraction theory). This cognition, as he says, isachievable only through a kind of relationship with active intellect .Onthe other hand, Mullasadra believes that soul can perceive universalconcepts not through extraction but through rational laboring anddeveloping particular concepts into universal ones (transcendencetheory). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Comparative Study Hegel and Husserl’s Notions of Phenomenon and Phenomenology
        سعید کشاورزی عیش آبادی
        This paper is aimed at, first to provide a short background on thehistory of the concept of phenomenon among the pre Husserlphilosophers and second to make a comparative study among Greekphilosophers, Kant, Hegel, and Husserl views on this concept. In orderto make such More
        This paper is aimed at, first to provide a short background on thehistory of the concept of phenomenon among the pre Husserlphilosophers and second to make a comparative study among Greekphilosophers, Kant, Hegel, and Husserl views on this concept. In orderto make such comparison, first, their ideas on phenomenon areillustrated and then the similarities and differences of their descriptionabout this concept have been articulated. By pointing out thedifferences and also by concentration on their similarities betweenthese philosophers, I am of the opinion that this concept should studyhistorically. It is followed that we should otherwise distinguish betweenthe concept of phenomenon and phenomenology. The concept ofphenomenon among these philosophers is common but the concept ofphenomenology is so different. Kant used “phenomenology” as ascience in which we can know the appearances of things. Hegelunderstood phenomenology as a science in which we explain theexperience of consciousness, and Husserl claimed that phenomenologyis a method for finding out the essence of things in the consciousness. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Trace of Pragmatism in Niels Bohr’s Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
        سید رضا ملیح افسانه آشکاری
        It is a common view that, most of the elements of Copenhageninterpretation, as the first and the most famous interpretation ofquantum mechanics, is rooted historically and philosophically, logicalpositivism. The aim of this paper is to show that, philosophically,pragmat More
        It is a common view that, most of the elements of Copenhageninterpretation, as the first and the most famous interpretation ofquantum mechanics, is rooted historically and philosophically, logicalpositivism. The aim of this paper is to show that, philosophically,pragmatism supports Copenhagen interpretation more intensively,whether or not the initiators of the interpretation, such as Niels Bohr asthe most important figure of the interpretation, were aware of that. Weproclaim that some elements of the interpretation, which are consistentwith logical positivism, are perfectly supported by pragmatism. Someof these elements are: weak objectivism, senselessness of the conceptof “thing in itself”, instrumentalist approaches to theories, and theavoidance to deal with ontological issues irrespective of experiment.Furthermore, and more particularly, it is argued that pragmatismespouses some of other fundamental and important elements ofCopenhagen interpretation such as holism, uncertainty principle, andcomplementarity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Reading Rawls’s Original Position via Kant’s Theory of Autonomy
        فاطمه هاشمی حسین گلچینی
        J. Rawls is the most prominent political philosopher in 20th century. Hehas two periods in his works and thoughts. Kant has influenced him onfirst period which is evolved in A Theory of Justice. Kant claims thathuman being is autonomous, thus every person based on his r More
        J. Rawls is the most prominent political philosopher in 20th century. Hehas two periods in his works and thoughts. Kant has influenced him onfirst period which is evolved in A Theory of Justice. Kant claims thathuman being is autonomous, thus every person based on his reasonmakes choices. The person ought to act only based on his principleswhich are made choice by himself. In Kant, person’s decision fallowingthe desire, rather fallowing the reason which is a clear example ofheteronomous. Rawls, in A Theory of Justice, introduces the initialposition in which any person is ignorance of his interests. The principleof justice is determined via this position. The person who is in Rawlsinitial position and veil of ignorance is similar with Kantianautonomous person. Both of them, once, would make decision onprinciples of justice consider the conditions such as: neutrality, freefrom interest, autonomy; all in all, in two theories, the principle isselected by rational agents and such agents follow the laws which areselected by themselves Manuscript profile