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      • Open Access Article

        1 - An Analysis about the Necessity of the Existence of Bachelor Education in Universities of Iran
        Hossein Bahrainy Elham Fallah Manshadi
        While there are crucial debates about urban planning education - whether to have both undergraduate and graduatelevels, or only graduate level education, 70 percent of urban planning students in Iran studied in undergraduatelevel. There are different ideas in this issue More
        While there are crucial debates about urban planning education - whether to have both undergraduate and graduatelevels, or only graduate level education, 70 percent of urban planning students in Iran studied in undergraduatelevel. There are different ideas in this issue. Some believe that urban planning education should be presented justat the graduate level. Some, on the other hand, accept the interrelationship of urban planning decision-making onother disciplines, but emphasize on the abilities of the planner with undergraduate education and also the possibilityof getting into urban planning field at the age of 18-19. Some experts focus on the importance of urban planningat the undergraduate level since 1991 and believe that undergraduate education of urban planning become soimportant because of financial problems.Main question in this paper is: “could there be and any justification for the undergraduate education in urbanplanning in Iran, or not”? Questioners and interview methods were used to collect the required information. A totalof 187 questionnaires were filled by planning directors and instructors, lectures and graduates of eleven universitiesthroughout the country. In addition 12 depth interview has been done by famous planners in Iran. We asked themabout the necessity of undergraduate level of urban planning and role of this level graduates in society.The study results show 87.2 percent of respondents think that undergraduate education is necessary in urbanplanning in Iran. The result of the interviews also shows the same idea. They noted to some reasons like independentidentity for urban planning, society need, expanding urban challenges and lack of professional people and experts,infusion of holistic view from 18 years old, good effects of graduates, short time for familiarity with urban issues ingradate level (2 year), introduction for choosing future branch, preparing urban experts of governance and otherorganizations. People who were against undergraduate level stated some reasons like interdisciplinary identity ofurban planning, unmeaning less subjects and contents, overlapping between undergraduate and graduate lessons.Based on this research undergraduate level is necessary for urban planning in Iran because of professional andacademic reasons. It is expected that urban planners with Bachelor degree more deal with urban topics with smallerscale and less complexity (such as the comprehensive plan of rural and small towns) and participation in gatheringdata and describing the status quo in the urban development plan for different scale. The key point is revising ineducational content in graduate level and focusing on make it more proficiency and analytical.The remarkable thing is increasing in the number of undergraduate students in urban planning especially in somekind of universities like Islamic Azad, Payamenoor and nonprofit University. Because of the weakness of the ratioof the number of students to lecture in this kind of university, the subject would be a serious problem in urbanplanning. In addition, this increasing is not based on the market demand and it could lead to a lot of problems forgraduates of Bachelor's in urban development.... Key words: Urban Planning Education, Undergraduate, Graduate, Justification, Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Manifestation of Social Justice in the Structure of Islamic City (Neighborhood)
        Leila Rahimi Mohammad Naghizadeh
        Utopia, a place that ensures prosperity and happiness of the person's life. It is always stamped in the humanideals. The desire to create an ideal society in the integration of spiritual and material concepts, has taken variousexpressive statements in the form of though More
        Utopia, a place that ensures prosperity and happiness of the person's life. It is always stamped in the humanideals. The desire to create an ideal society in the integration of spiritual and material concepts, has taken variousexpressive statements in the form of thought and civilizations to arise from the text. Utilization of resources andreferences to Islamic principles and values and especially the Holy Quran and tradition of the Prophet and Ali (AS)and infallible narrations can lead us to unique traits and characteristics of Islamic utopia. The Islamic utopia meansthe proper place in life that is recreating acts of God; follow the word of God, shall act establishing objective justiceand appropriate for putting everything in place and creating their own space with appropriate size.The methodology of this paper is based on the documents in the field of social justice and its instances have beendone in architectural and urban issues (city and neighborhood). The structure of research is first on the cognitionof the concept of equity, social justice and the importance of equity in Islamic texts from the viewpoints of utopiathinkers and in the present study, the injustices of the existing cases in elements and contemporary urban spacesand then the realization of social justice in connection with the city and its constituent elements is provided withaspects of the neighborhood and its components.Islam in the realization of social justice goes with the two major principles: Comprehensive unity, proportion,balance and public task between people and communities. To achieve the development of social justice in thecommunity, urban managers need to bind the rights of citizens and balance in the sphere of their lives. The studyof Islamic teachings is provided to identify and develop criteria for community activities, including architecture andurban planning. The most important and most obvious concepts of manifestation of justice in the urban architecturalspaces can be a balance, coordination, size range that is essential their observance not only in the body and urbanspaces, but also keeping all the different aspects of citizens, urban planners and managers are essential. Brieflook at the samples in the works of contemporary urban spaces and neighborhoods indicated a lack of attention tojustice and its instances. Thus the neighborhood as a main member constituting the city can pave the realizationof social justice in their neighborhood by observing the personal and social justice among the inhabitants of theneighborhood and the manifestation of true justice (balance and Coordination) in the neighborhood, spaces andemphasis on the legal rights of individuals and public facilities in urban neighborhoods and local services by localmanagement system. According to this study, this balance in the neighborhoods can be expressed from variousaspects such as special privacy and social privacy, requisite substance and meaning, power of flexibility, selfbalancingin communication within the neighborhood and distribution of neighborhood usages, balance in socialand cultural issues of a specific neighborhood, visual and special balance.... Keywords: Social Justice, Islamic City, Neighborhood, Balance and Coordination Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Studying the Qualitative and Quantitative Roles of Ivan in Traditional Houses and Revitalization them in the Shape of the Terrace
        Mohammad Ali Khanmohammadi Sirwan Azimi Yaser Rahmaneian Mokhtar Hossaini
        Nowadays the population growth and immigration caused expansion of cities a great concern in many ways, such asconstruction of new cities, vertical expansion of cities and residential complexes and rapid growth of apartments in largescales. The house which is the main p More
        Nowadays the population growth and immigration caused expansion of cities a great concern in many ways, such asconstruction of new cities, vertical expansion of cities and residential complexes and rapid growth of apartments in largescales. The house which is the main part of the city once was a fusion of diverse spaces with quality and functionalitysuch as room, yard, Ivan, porch or terrace which could respond the functional and psychological needs of humans andthe architectural richness and improving the quality of life. For example indeed the residents integrated themselvesinto the space through making physical or visual connection between Ivan and yard and this will improve the quality oflife. Nowadays, due to removal of the yard and Ivan in apartment designs and its replacement with improper terraces(balcony), the efficiency of housing quality has decreased, and because this sort of imported housing is not in harmonywith its unique residents in many aspects such as privacy and possessing good perspective, therefore, the residentsliterally do not reside in them but accustomed to this type of living. In order to make living in the apartments harmoniousand compatible with that traditional and independent housing and also reduce its unfavorable agents, this study aimsto explore the role of frontal Ivan of the traditional and vernacular architecture and its revival in terrace format intoday’s apartment as a potential possibility of today’s life. This qualitative-interpretative investigation used the correlationmethod and used questionnaires, interviews and case studies to gather the data. The main question of this study isas follows: How we can make terrace as a living space, efficient, multi-functional and qualitative with correct location,optimum size and design principles? And what are the new solutions for adapting to unfavorable agents of terrace andholistic integration in one alternative for designing of terrace? The Results of analyzing 100 questionnaires and surveyof 400 terraces in three to five story apartments in Tehran are presented as the findings about determining of theappropriate and effective factors, the logic of establishment and effective principles of quality of which are the followings:designing overall windows between terrace and living room with zero O.K.B in order to reconciliation these two spacesin particular cases for enhancing living space and improvisation external windows for terrace in order to completethe above notion and also active using of it in cold days. Considering at least 2.5 meters depth for terrace in order tocreate a multifunctional place as a place for living, sleeping, dining, kids’ game and the possibility of planting flowersaiming at promoting the internal view and perspective, and also a connection with nature, empowering connection withgreen environment and the obviation of deprivation issue; that is a place capable of reviving Ivan and yard in smallerscales and new format. For ordering spare utensils and foodstuff, a cupboard should be installed in order to avoid visualdisarray of the building’s appearance as well as avoiding these appliances to get dirty.... Keywords: Apartments, Ivan, Housing Quality, Multi-Functional, Terrace Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Solutions of Climate Design for Outdoor Pathways (Case Study: Pedestrians of University of Kashan)
        Mohamad Amin Eslami Ahmad Nozari Ferdosieh Mansoureh Tahbaz
        Open spaces and pathways are areas of urban environment that a part of the social life of the citizens and inhabitantsof a town flows in there. Therefore, it is important to design thermal comfort, make a chance for safe, comfortableand stable life at such spaces, espec More
        Open spaces and pathways are areas of urban environment that a part of the social life of the citizens and inhabitantsof a town flows in there. Therefore, it is important to design thermal comfort, make a chance for safe, comfortableand stable life at such spaces, especially in hot and dry climates with hard and harsh environmental conditions ofthese regions. Through many of the urban land uses, the universities are spaces that placed buildings and differentuses within its own. Thus, in order to make the appropriate weather and climate conditions for students, it's veryimportant to design of open spaces and pathways between the buildings such as pathways among colleges,residence halls, rest areas, and also places to pause. The present paper considering the importance of designof open spaces in this place, and aims to evaluate the thermal conditions of pedestrian streets and open spacepathways, and also to identify factors contributing in creating the appropriate microclimate in such spaces, dealwith the following questions:- How open spaces thermal comfort indices can improve the design of pedestrian pathways?- Is it possible to determine the thermal status of pedestrian streets by using the field sampling?- What approaches should be considered in design of open spaces for thermal comfort?The present study includes two parts: the first part is the collection of information based on field study and thesecond part is the analysis and evaluation of collected data. The field sampling was carried out in one of thecrowded pathways at the University of Kashan, located in Ravand region, at the peak of summer heat and wintercold - on December 13 and 14, 2012 and June 22 and 23, 2013- at four times, in morning, noon, evening andnight, by mobile meteorological devices that are able to sample temperature, humidity, wind and air pressure data.The selected direction, connect the entrance door to colleges, restaurant, mosque and male residence halls. Theweather conditions were compared in different parts of the path, after transfer of the obtained data from the fieldsampling to related tables by using the Excel program. Furthermore, thermal status of these points was evaluatedwith the help of most recent evaluation index of outdoor thermal condition that is called Universal Thermal ClimateIndex, and was compared with the psychometric graph with thermal zone defined by the mentioned index.The results obtained from these graphs besides indicate thermal condition of the path, determine requirementsof each point to reach optimal weather conditions. In addition, the results show that the available elements of theenvironment and its architectural space design how much is impressive in microclimate condition of the area. At theend, a general framework and appropriate solutions is provide for better organizing of the open spaces in the formof two crossing spaces and pause spaces by comparing the mentioned pathway with climate compatible pathwaysof the historical context of Kashan and by using the techniques applied in their design.... Keywords: Open Space Design, Radiant Temperature, Universal Thermal Climate Index, Pedestrian, OpenSpace Thermal Comfort Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Comparative Study of the Architectural Space Syntaxof Caravansaries Qajar era (Case Study: caravansaries Qazvin and Kashan)
        Jamaleddin Soheili Nastaran Rasouli
        As we know one of the recent achievements of space syntax techniques, access graphs have been applied to analyzethe spatial configuration of buildings in correlation with the social concepts. The purpose of this research is to show howto use the space layout techniques More
        As we know one of the recent achievements of space syntax techniques, access graphs have been applied to analyzethe spatial configuration of buildings in correlation with the social concepts. The purpose of this research is to show howto use the space layout techniques in the analysis of specific spatial relationships is the crux ray Iranian caravansaries."Security" and "access" the most important factors in creating spatial relationships in Iran is caravansaries and it's users.It examined These factors justify tracing access graphs of a few of Qazvin and Kashan caravansaries have beenstudied. In this research, we use the library and field studies, identification of selected caravansaries done. Then, afterconsidering the spatial layout of the inn, with charts outlining the justification, has been based on the analysis of SpaceSyntax approach. In conclusion, comparative Chambers, depositories and courtyard inn and how to communicate thisspaces with other spaces, using techniques available to them and their safety, "Justification for tracing and analyzinggraphs " is done. And it comes in addition to the concepts and issues of identity in ancient Iranian architecture andarchitects in view of their subjective impressions, Reviewing the achievements of Iranian architecture and the throughachievements of this study highlight the importance of the spatial relationship of the meaning and function of eachcomponent in the architecture is to be followed identity as innovative of this, the reconstruction is to be followed in thisresearch.This research basically stable set of values and patterns in the architecture of Iran, which according to the principlesand methods of architectural space syntax analysis and processing have been subjected to. This can be achievedfor researchers and designers in dealing with issues related to markets and commercial spaces using space syntaxapproach, due to the different aspects of how markets and the need to address the social context and its impact on theorganization of spaces used. And even afford this concept and relationship dimension of space and how architecturecan be used in other functions.All results obtained in this research can also design commercial spaces in the contemporary period, the readout canbe used. What the market today resembles the human mind in the beginning mainly focused on the economic aspects;While Besides these features, the role of civil society and it was much more important than today. Mostly becausethe market along the main road and the city was crossing the main method to the city was considered and more orless all public spaces and urban activities are directly or indirectly associated with this bazaars. Unifying elementsof market stalls and warehouses from the chamber and to tims and Timcheh, the inns and caravanserais and dockand warehouse, and Khanbarha, Caesarea Howe Charsuq and back along the main and secondary elements suchas mosques, baths and coffee and Pelican House, cisterns was applying social-economical in the unifying body withperfect geometry from the generality to the particularity. and makes soothing and vibrant and lively space.... Keywords: Space syntax, Iranian caravansaries, Access graph, Spatial relations Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Leading Role of Climate in Outlining Contemporary Architecture (Case Study: Dezfool Houses in Qajar Era)
        Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad Majid Mansour Pour Mostafa Masoudinejad
        The province of Khuzestan and ancient city of Dezfool are from among the most prosperous regions of Iran. Inhistorical perspective, there are lots of traditional monuments which show the quality of rich and valuable history ofthis ancient region. Dezfool has a hot semi- More
        The province of Khuzestan and ancient city of Dezfool are from among the most prosperous regions of Iran. Inhistorical perspective, there are lots of traditional monuments which show the quality of rich and valuable history ofthis ancient region. Dezfool has a hot semi-arid climate while in Köppen climate classification called “BSh”. Dezfoolhas extremely hot summers and mild winters, therefore the weather in summer is harsh. The level of rainfall ishigher than most of southern Iran, especially in winter to spring time. In other words, harsh climatic circumstancesof Dezfool made a necessity for its traditional architecture to be closer and closer to compensating outdoorsituation. In traditional architecture of Iran, buildings were planned by adoption of different approaches in order tofit the needs and demands of its inhabitants. Thus rethinking about the meaning of “Home” in valuable culture ofIran, might be considered as a source of inspiration for contemporary architecture in general, and for contemporaryarchitecture of developing countries such as Iran especially. It is very important to explain that nowadays morethan ever, learning from eco-friendly concept of traditional architecture is significant to make a better future forcontemporary architecture of developing countries such as Iran.This paper is to show the leading role of climate in outlining contemporary architecture. Therefore eleven exemplarof Dezfool houses in Qajar era selected by purpose as case studies of the paper. The research team organizeda questionnaire for data gathering from among eleven invaluable houses which selected by purpose in Dezfool.Focus discussion group (FDG) was set in order to interpret the questionnaire in which five experts gathered tocollaborate and find the possibility of role climatic issues in outlining contemporary architecture of Dezfool in Qajarera. Contemporary architecture of Dezfool in Qajar era might be called one the most prosperous periods in whichconsiderable number of valuable buildings are made by the hand of its wise architects. Literature review of thepaper shows that in Iranian culture, home is an illustration of peace and prosperity for family members to keepthem safe and relax especially in harsh climate such as south-west of Iran. It is very important to explain thatsome classical issues like balance between building and urban scale, separation of public and private sectors ofhouse, spatial sequence and socio-cultural could easily be identified in traditional architecture of Iran especially inKhuzestan and Dezfool in Qajar era.The results of the paper show that the main parts of Dezfool contemporary houses such as entrance, vestibuleand corridor, yard, porch, hall, bedroom, belvedere etc. show that all these parts have a lot to do with climatewhile those are from among the most leading elements of architectural identity in this region. The results indicatethat some classical issues like balance between building and urban scale, separation of public and private sectorsof the house, spatial sequence and socio-cultural issues have a lot to do with climate in contemporary houses ofDezfool in Qajar era.... Keywords: Climate, Contemporary Architecture, Dezfool Houses, Qajar Era. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Considerations of Gibsonian Affordances in Systematic Exploration of Design Process Model in Architectural Education
        Reza Naghdbishi Shahindokht Barghjelveh Seyed Gholamreza Islami Hamed Kamelnia
        This paper explores t This paper explores the challenges of finding theoretical frameworks, derived from the tenets of behavioral science methods to improve the learning process of architectural design and construction of a theoretical - practical approaches in order to More
        This paper explores t This paper explores the challenges of finding theoretical frameworks, derived from the tenets of behavioral science methods to improve the learning process of architectural design and construction of a theoretical - practical approaches in order to change, and contrast with the lack of stasis of training method in architectural education in Iran. Moreover, the aim of this research is to define and identify environmental characteristics resulting from Gibsonian affordances to use the above question which is in line with a review of theories and related approaches about appropriate and inappropriate, along with the identification of faces overt and covert capabilities will be discussed. Accordingly, Features used on the basis of the above theory involve cognitive, cultural, logical, semantic, cognitive, physical, natural and human limitations. In the design process, man-made environment is defined as an interactive interface to establish a connection between mental processes of designer and behavioral activities of the user. On the other hand, affordances are a kind of relationship between designer and user that affect in processes which are being followed by designer. In the proposed model, the consequences of a simultaneous process of "cognition-creation" for affordances makes it a common point for product of architecture, based on a theoretical structure that supporting the establishment of most interactive relations for the designer-user. Such a process of architectural training workshop will emphasize the role of the student as a learner analysis and also the role of the educator as leader of education who is responsible for directing students in the form of the Affordance Theory. This process and method, since then based on a theoretical structure, imported to architectural design process and its training scientifically, and as a small part of the range of characteristics of behavioral sciences, has the ability of creating an interdisciplinary approach. Such researches can make a systematic and optimized architectural training according to scientific theories by other researchers with grafting of behavioral science and environmental design in future. The authors believe that affordances have two dimension: Behavior-Driven Actions and Environment-Driven Constraints; Behavior-Driven Actions Contain passive activities or flexible, individual or social, decisions and choices and needs, values and interaction and Environment-Driven Constraints includes restrictions on the cognitive, biological, cognitive, social, cultural, logical, semantic, good, bad, positive, negative, hidden, clear etc. Based on the mentioned issues and research goals which include finding an interdisciplinary model for architecture teaching based on behavioral sciences approaches in general and applying the Gibson Theory of Environmental Affordances specifically; This research is considered as applied research, And its methods "descriptive" and  "analytical" are categorized in the field of general strategy. On this basis, in the description field, the research includes a set of methods that aim to describe the investigated conditions or phenomena. Conducting the research can help to better understand the situation or the decision making process and in the analytical field, research move towards inferential reasoning along with modeling for the purpose of conducting research to provide a model for design process of architectural education in the workshop.... Keywords: Gibson, Affordance, Architectural Training, Design Process, Methods of Architectural Education, Environmental Design. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Investigating Statue and Importance of the Environmental Sustainability Subjects in Bachelor of Architecture
        Javad Ahmadi Mohsen Faizi Masume Ahmadi
        Education of sustainable architecture seeks proficiencies for students in order to design buildings with high energy efficiency since in current situation; environmental problems have attracted a lot of attention. Studies all over the world, demonstrate that the best wa More
        Education of sustainable architecture seeks proficiencies for students in order to design buildings with high energy efficiency since in current situation; environmental problems have attracted a lot of attention. Studies all over the world, demonstrate that the best way of saving energy through architecture is designing buildings with high energy efficiency in the light of appropriate and reasonable education. Studies all over the world have suggested that in order to reduce effects of pollutions caused by non-appropriated architecture, education and presenting main solutions for improving its methods should be considered as educational program or educational method. This education usually starts from undergraduate programs. But in Iran all efforts are summarized in one or two-credit courses and this is inadequate for gathering knowledge about new energies for bachelors. So, it seems that cognition of current situation and deficiencies is necessary. The main question of this study is that, to what extent sustainable subjects take into consideration in Iranian universities’ Curriculum and to what context the current problems are related. The solution could be found in the content of subjects related to nature and energy. Today, with an emphasis on sustainable development and coexistence with the environment, education of various sectors of applied science have found their direction and the result of this attitude can be seen in educational system of developed countries. Education can have the most important role in promoting and improving environmental sustainability issues and implementing them correctly. Educating sustainability topics is a new field which has only a little part of common educational courses. The purpose of this qualitative case study is investigating the importance and placement of environmental sustainability subjects, since educating sustainability topics is a new field which has only a little part of common educational courses in Iran. In other words, this case study research tries to investigate the importance and position of courses related to sustainability and their application in architectural design projects. Using attributive method, we compare the subjects approved by the Ministry of Science, with three successful foreign universities in terms of education of environmental sustainability, in order to extracting problems and presenting suggestions. Results indicate that students’ level of satisfaction about the content and applicability of issues related to environmental sustainability in undergraduate curriculum is low and sustainability topics does not have appropriate position in educational system of architecture, so it is necessary to review the presentation of these courses. It seems that, new topics and courses such as energy economy and energy policies should be considered for architects and engineers in order to cover the main subjects in energy decision makings. Because sustainable architecture is a pervasive issue and is not only dedicated to issue of reducing energy and materials consumption. There are fields like architectural technology, green architecture, smart architecture and also environmental design, behavioral architecture, economy-oriented architecture and so on. The seminal result of this study revealed the academic education in the bachelor of architecture needs to be more attended than before especially in the terms of sustainability.... Keywords: Educations, Architecture, Environmental sustainability, Courses, Revise. Manuscript profile