List of Articles water table Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The Survey of Drought Effects on Hamadan Planes Under Ground Water Resources Using Multivariate Statatistics and GIS Analysis حسین Mohammadi A.A Shamsipoor Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Evaluation of the effect of cropping pattern on groundwater resources of Mehranplain using the system dynamics approach under scenarios of energy price changes Ebrahim Darvishi Abdolrahim Hooshmand Hamza ali alizadeh zahra Izadpanah Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Investigating and Temporal Monitoring of GRI Index on the Fluctuations of Groundwater Table (Case Study: Zanjan Plain) Ebrahim Yousefi Mobarhan Samira zandifar 10.30495/wsrcj.2023.72140.11361 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Application of time-series modeling to predict subsurface drainage discharge and water table depth Shafie Vazirpour Farhad Mirzaei Asl Shirkohi Hamed Ebrahimian Hamed Rafiee Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Simulating unsteady soil evaporation under variable water content based on Campbell's two-parameter retension model Raziyeh Aghajani Mehdi Homaee Mohammad Bybordi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Potential of Soil Liquefaction Assessment in Chalus and Nowshahr Region during an Earthquake using Shear Wave Velocity (Vs) Method Narges Afsari samid alizadeh Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - Evaluation of water level fluctuations in the irrigation and drainage network of Ramshir, Khuzestan province Parvaneh Zaheri abdehvand Davoud Khodadadi Dehkordi