List of Articles gymnastics Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The mediating role of physical activity in the causal relationship between cyberspace addiction and mental health in athletes Sima Najafnejad Hossein Poursoltani Zarandi Azadeh Naghdi 10.30486/4s.2023.1980381.1105 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Effectiveness of Therapeutic Interventions Based on Brain Gymnastics on Working Memory and Processing Speed of Students with Special Learning Disabilities Afsaneh Mehrabi Ghodratollah Abasi Fakhri Mohammad Kazem Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Investigating changes in body composition and cardiovascular risk factorsin in obese children by basic gymnastics exercise Sohila Fakhrian Roghani Allahyar Arabmomeni 10.83078/EPP.2024.202405311121390