• List of Articles extrovert

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        1 - Study of Relations Between Personality Types (Introverted, Extroverted), Intelligence, Sexuality And Semantic Conditioning
        سعید نجارپور استادی محمود ایروانی
        The aim of this research is to study the relations between personality types (introverted and extroverted), intelligence, sexuality and semantic conditioning. For this purpose, 94 subjects were selected through systematic random sampling from among the students of the More
        The aim of this research is to study the relations between personality types (introverted and extroverted), intelligence, sexuality and semantic conditioning. For this purpose, 94 subjects were selected through systematic random sampling from among the students of the first and second semesters of psychology at Islamic Azad University of Roudhen. Eysenck personality test and Raven IQ test were done on subjects. Then 25 words were randomly presented through tape recorder in four stages to the subjects. The subjects received electrical shock when hearing 9 works from the list. After conditioning of the subjects to these words, 25 other words were randomly presented among which there were 9 synonym words with the works which were presented with electrical shock. Electrical response of skin of subjects was measured when presenting the synonym words and at the end, one grade was obtained for each subject as conditioning index. Analysis of data by multi-variable regression test showed that there a significant relation between the variable of personality type and conditioning only (P 0.05). Also, there was no difference in terms of semantic conditioning between girls and boys and intelligent persons and those with average IQ (P>0.05). But there was a significant difference in terms of semantic conditioning between introverted and extroverted groups (P>0.01). So, we can conclude that the introverted subjects are conditioned faster that extroverted subjects and intelligence and sexuality variables have no relation with the semantic conditioning. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Investigating the Different Meanings Of Extrovertive Journey and its Achievements in Perspective Of Muslim Mystics
        Vahideh fakhar noghani
        According to the verse We will show our signs to them in the horizons of the external world and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that it's the truth, journey in Islamic mysticism is divided into extrovertive and introvertive journey. Extrovertive journe More
        According to the verse We will show our signs to them in the horizons of the external world and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that it's the truth, journey in Islamic mysticism is divided into extrovertive and introvertive journey. Extrovertive journey is a journey in which the traveler and the seeker explore the external world far beyond human soul.  The opposite of the outward journey is inner journey in which the seeker explores his own soul. Since all stages of the travel are realized in the soul of the seeker, not out of it, this travel is interpreted as introvertive travel. For some mystics, extrovertive journey takes precedence over introvertive journey because of pre-existence of the world and also due to the detailed advent of the Holy Quran in the world level. Although at first glance, the concept extrovertive journey in mystical texts means travelling in different cities and areas, it seems that closer and deeper meanings can be offered for it. In this paper, we point out to the common sense of extrovertive journey and its achievements in spiritual track. Then, based on the ontological foundations of Islamic mysticism, and also according to the deeper meanings that the verse refers to, it is attempted to offer another level for extrovertive journey in Islamic mysticism. These levels that include "travelling in the longitudinal levels of the world" and "the perfect man's travelling in different levels of the world" are various ends and achievements of the first level. Manuscript profile
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        3 - A Comparative Investigation into Speaking Anxiety of Extroverted and Introverted Iranian EFL Learners
        Arezoo Rezvani Bahador Sadeghi
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        4 - بررسی ارزیابی پویای مداخله گر به روش مختلط: نگارش مقالات آکادمیک زبان آموزان ایرانی درون گرا و برون گرا
        مهدیه شفیع پور فرناز لطیف
        امروزه تعداد زیادی از روشهای ارزیابی در سیستمهای آموزشی مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است. با این حال ، ارزیابی پویا به عنوان روش ارزیابی مدرن با تأکید بر بهبود و پیشرفت یادگیری از طریق تلفیق تدریس و ارزیابی مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. بنابرین میتوان ارزیابی پویا را به عنوان رو More
        امروزه تعداد زیادی از روشهای ارزیابی در سیستمهای آموزشی مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است. با این حال ، ارزیابی پویا به عنوان روش ارزیابی مدرن با تأکید بر بهبود و پیشرفت یادگیری از طریق تلفیق تدریس و ارزیابی مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. بنابرین میتوان ارزیابی پویا را به عنوان روشی مهم و بسیار متفاوت در نظر گرفت. تا به امروز، ارزیابی پویا در زمینه ها و مهارت های مختلف زبانی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. در راستای مطالعات انجام شده، تحقیق حاضر با هدف بررسی تاثیر ارزیابی پویای مداخله گر بر روی مهارت نگارش انگلیسی آکادمیک 160 دانشجویان ایرانی درون گرا و برون گرای سال دوم رشته مترجمی زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد شهر قدس انجام شده است. نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که از نظر آماری تفاوت معنی داری بین عملکرد برونگراها در مقابل درونگراها درمهارت نگارش انگلیسی آکادمیک، هنگام استفاده از روش ارزیابی پویای مداخله گر وجود دارد. به عبارت دیگر ،برونگراها در پس آزمون خود نمرات بالاتری نسبت به افراد درونگرا داشتند. همچنین نتایج پرسشنامه نگرش نشان داد که برون گرا ها نسبت به افراد درونگرا نگرش مثبت تری در ارتباط با ارزیابی پویا دارند. Manuscript profile
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        5 - تاثیر مقایسه ای مدلهای MRs و CSR بر مهارت درک مطلب زبان آموزان برونگرا و درونگرا
        پژمان نورزاد مهناز سعیدی سعیده آهنگری
        این تحقیق مطالعه تاثیر مقابله ای مدل  CSR و MRS بر درک مطلب زبان آموزان برونگرا و درونگرا میباشد. برای انجام این تحقیق از 325 زبان آموز آموزشگاه زبان معرفت یک آزمون آیلتس گرفته شد که طی آن 225 نفر انتخاب شده و به آنها آزمون شخصیت شناسی آیزنگ ارائه شد که در نهایت 15 More
        این تحقیق مطالعه تاثیر مقابله ای مدل  CSR و MRS بر درک مطلب زبان آموزان برونگرا و درونگرا میباشد. برای انجام این تحقیق از 325 زبان آموز آموزشگاه زبان معرفت یک آزمون آیلتس گرفته شد که طی آن 225 نفر انتخاب شده و به آنها آزمون شخصیت شناسی آیزنگ ارائه شد که در نهایت 150 نفر انتخاب شدند. این تعداد نهایی انتخاب شده متشکل از 75 نفز زبان آموز برونگرا و 75 نفر زبان آموز درونگرا بودند. بنابراین این تحقیق متشکل از چهار گروه تجربی و دو گروه کنترل بود: چهار گروه تجربی متشکل از 1 ) 25  زبان آموز برونگرا با مدل CSR ،  2) 25 زبان آموز برونگرا با مدلMRS  ، 3) 25    زبان آموز درونگرا با مدل CSR  و 4) 25 زبان آموز درونگرا با مدل MRS و همچنین دو گروه کنترل متشکل از 25 زبان آموز برونگرا و 25 زبان آموز درونگرا . از دو تست آنکووا جهت آنالیز داده های این تحقیق  استفاده شد که بر مبنای نتایج آنها زبان آموزان درونگرا با مدل (MRS) بهتر از زبان آموزان برونگرا با مدل (MRS) و درونگرا و برونگرا با مدل (CSR)بودند. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Simulation of Heterogeneous Inflation Expectations in Iran
        saeed isazadeh habib morovat omid sharifi
        In this paper by considering importance of inflation expectations, its formation quality has investigated by regarding heterogeneous economic agents and by factor based computing model, expected inflation in Iran economy has simulated with lest forecasting error squares More
        In this paper by considering importance of inflation expectations, its formation quality has investigated by regarding heterogeneous economic agents and by factor based computing model, expected inflation in Iran economy has simulated with lest forecasting error squares during 1979-2013. On the base of the assumptions, individuals have been divided into two groups with extroverted and regressive to trend expectations in which the ratio of these groups can change over time. The results show that the economic agents with extroverted inflationary expectations have an important role in inflation durability and changing the behavioral parameters of economic agents affects inflation expectation. Therefore, because of the possibility of endogenous dynamism mobility in the model, it is better that Policy-makers notice to the condition of inflationary expectations change in making polices.   Manuscript profile
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        7 - تاثیر بازخورد اصلاحی بر توانایی صحبت کردن به انگلیسی در زبان آموزان ایرانی درونگرا و برونگرا
        Atousa Ebrahimi Davood Mashhadi Heidar Mohammad Reza Khodareza
        واژه بازخورد اصلاحی در آموزش زبان اخیراتوجه زیادی را به خود جلب کرده است. بازخورد اصلاحی به منظور دادن اطلاعات مناسب در جهت بهبود تولیدات زبانی زبان آموزان مورد استفاده قرار میگیرد (فهیم و منتظری,1392). این مطالعه تلاش میکند تا تاثیراحتمالی انواع مختلف بازخوردهای اصلاحی More
        واژه بازخورد اصلاحی در آموزش زبان اخیراتوجه زیادی را به خود جلب کرده است. بازخورد اصلاحی به منظور دادن اطلاعات مناسب در جهت بهبود تولیدات زبانی زبان آموزان مورد استفاده قرار میگیرد (فهیم و منتظری,1392). این مطالعه تلاش میکند تا تاثیراحتمالی انواع مختلف بازخوردهای اصلاحی (طراحی مجدد کامل، طراحی مجدد نیمه کامل، فرازبانی، استنباط، درخواست توضیح) را بر توانایی صحبت کردن زبان آموزان درونگرا و برونگرای سطح متوسط ایرانی مورد بررسی قرار دهد. شرکت کنندگان در این مطالعه از بین زبان آموزان موسسه کانون زبان ایران، شعبه بابل انتخاب شدند. 120 زبان آموزایرانی زبان انگلیسی که در حال سپری کردن دوره های آمادگی آزمون آیلتس بودند از طریق نمونه گیری راحت انتخاب شدند. زبان آموزان به دو گروه، بعنوان گروه کنترل و گروه آزمایش تقسیم شدند. گروه آزمایش، بازخورد اصلاحی فرازبانی را دریافت کرد در حالیکه گروه کنترل هیچ بازخوردی را دریافت نکرد. پس از آن، پس آزمون برگزار شد. نتایج آماری نشان داد که گروه آزمایشی که بازخورد اصلاحی دریافت کرده اند به طرز معناداری توانایی صحبت کردن بهتری نسبت به گروه کنترل در پس آزمون داشت. نتایج همچنین نشان از عدم وجود تفاوت معنادار بین توانایی صحبت کردن زبان آموزان درونگرا و برونگرا داشت. Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Relation between Extroverted/Introverted Foreign Policy and the Rise and Fall of World Hegemons
        Mojtaba Touiserkani Abumohammad Asgarkhani
        Although the patterns of emergence and decline of the powers are recurred for centuries, surprisingly there are no clear evidences to answer the question of what are the causes for rise and fall of powers. The efforts made to date to order the patterns of rise and fall More
        Although the patterns of emergence and decline of the powers are recurred for centuries, surprisingly there are no clear evidences to answer the question of what are the causes for rise and fall of powers. The efforts made to date to order the patterns of rise and fall of world powers have created a close link between the periodic patterns of emergence (and decline) of world orders with the cycles of rise (and fall) of global hegemons, which both are severely influenced by the waves of global wars. Utilizing the literature on this field and introducing new concepts such as introversion (seeking for internal power resources) and extroversion (introversion + seeking for external power resources beyond the borders), this essay is to test this hypothesis that “achieving the status of global hegemony by a super power requires the adoption of an introvertist approach until deployed hegemony enters into a decline period and subsequently transition into an extrovertist approach. On the other hand, taking on an introvertist approach by the deployed hegemon will abridge the hegemonic cycle and leads to the decline of the hegemon”. This research is exploratory in nature. To analyze the collected data, this study uses the causal or post-event method. Findings of the study confirm the above hypothesis and draw the conclusion that although there is no desertion of the recurrence of the hegemonic cycle and the global order, the length of a hegemonic cycle is subject to the pursuit of an extrovertist approach by the hegemon. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Introverted and extroverted marketing model in digital marketing based on Grounded theory
        razieh kokabi Kambiz heidarzadeh Bahram kheiri
        Summary Due to the wide range of changes and developments in various areas of business, the need for organizations to increase the quality of their products and services has increased. Therefore, in this regard, organizations need to develop organizational capabilities More
        Summary Due to the wide range of changes and developments in various areas of business, the need for organizations to increase the quality of their products and services has increased. Therefore, in this regard, organizations need to develop organizational capabilities to provide high quality products and services. In today's business environment, managers pay close attention to meeting the needs of customers in order to remain competitive and provide financial benefits to the satisfaction of owners and shareholders. Marketing is a phenomenon that has undergone many changes in recent decades and all these times these changes have affected the research conducted in this field. Today, marketing is not just a function in the organization or related to a specific unit in the organization, but the whole organization is related to the concept of marketing. Today, many of the marketing activities that normally need to be done in a marketing unit are distributed among the various functions of the organization, such as human resource management, sales, and product engineering. This approach has led to a new wave of marketing research, as well as technological changes such as the advent of the Internet and the Web in marketing research. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Impact of Elicitation and Clarification Request Corrective Feedback on Intermediate Introvert/Extrovert EFL Learners’ Speaking Ability
        Atousa  Ebrahimi Davood Mashhadi Heidar Mohammad Reza khodareza
        The current research investigates the impact of two types of corrective feedback such as elicitation, and clarification requests - out of five types of corrective feedback - on the speaking abilities of Iranian intermediate EFL learners who are either introverts or extr More
        The current research investigates the impact of two types of corrective feedback such as elicitation, and clarification requests - out of five types of corrective feedback - on the speaking abilities of Iranian intermediate EFL learners who are either introverts or extroverts. Participants in the study included 172 intermediate level students in 11 groups: 10 experimental and 1 control groups. They were language learners studying English in The Iran Language Institute in three branches: two branches in Babol, and one in Sari. The tools applied in this quasi-experimental research were: Oxford Placement Test (OPT) to achieve the homogeneity of the groups, speaking section of IELTS as pre-test and post-test and a Learning Style Survey to examine extraversion and introversion. ANCOVA and two-way ANOVA statistics were employed to analyze the data. The findings revealed that the extroverts had better performance in elicitation while the introverts had better performance in clarification corrective feedback. Employing the findings of the study, teachers can create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere that encourages both introverted and extroverted learners to participate and engage in speaking activities. Manuscript profile