• List of Articles astronomy

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Critical Review of the Avicenna’s Effects on the Islamic Astronomy; a Critique on the Saliba’s Theory of Scientific Revolution in Maragha Observatory
        سید محمد مظفری
        This paper deals with three main effects of Avicenna on the IslamicAstronomy. First, he, methodologically, made a remarkable distinctbetween Astronomy, as a proofed and mathematical science, andAstrology, as a conjectural knowledge, and hence, he made a principalseparat More
        This paper deals with three main effects of Avicenna on the IslamicAstronomy. First, he, methodologically, made a remarkable distinctbetween Astronomy, as a proofed and mathematical science, andAstrology, as a conjectural knowledge, and hence, he made a principalseparation between Astronomy and Astrology, while these twoassumed to be permanently as a united whole throughout theBabylonian, Greek, and Hellenistic periods. Second, his defense of theAristotelian philosophy against the experimental doubts of Bīrūnī.Third, the effect of his peripatetic ideas on the astronomical activitiesin the first period of Maragha observatory, namely, the scientific circleestablished by Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī. These effects bear some positiveand negative consequences on Astronomy; the first may be assumedas a step to forward, while the two latter ones diminished the power ofAstronomy as an experiential science and made it unable to changethe customary, dominant ideas of the natural philosophy, or, in someplaces, reduced it as a purely geometrical science. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Risala fi [Tawziḥ Ashkal] al-Usṭurlab al-Kuriy: A Survey of an Anonymous Treatise on Spherical Astrolabe
        سید جمال Mousavi سید محمّد Mouzafari
        This article is to survey an anonymous treatise entitled fi [TawziḥAshkal] al-Usṭurlab al-Kuriy. The author, according to himself, wasan astrolabe maker; therefore, his description of the spherical astrolabeis probably based on a sample made by him. On the basis of thec More
        This article is to survey an anonymous treatise entitled fi [TawziḥAshkal] al-Usṭurlab al-Kuriy. The author, according to himself, wasan astrolabe maker; therefore, his description of the spherical astrolabeis probably based on a sample made by him. On the basis of thecomparison of this astrolabe with two other extant sphericalastrolabes, and according to some evidences, authors of this articleconcluded that this treatise is written in late sixth and early seventhcentury. There are at least three reasons for this claim. Furthermore,this article examines some interesting points about the etymology ofastrolabe, its usage, etc. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Avicenna’s Achievments in Astronomy in Medieval Islamic periods
        سید محمد مظفّری
        This paper gives a critical review of Avicenna’s Astronomy intheoretical and observational aspects. Theoretically, it investigates hismodel for the prime and second motions of the heavens, which havebeen propounded in his Dānishnāma cAlā’ī as well as in al-N More
        This paper gives a critical review of Avicenna’s Astronomy intheoretical and observational aspects. Theoretically, it investigates hismodel for the prime and second motions of the heavens, which havebeen propounded in his Dānishnāma cAlā’ī as well as in al-Najāt. Inthis model, he geometrically and with the strict insistence on theAristotelian dogma in the configuration of the planets’ orbs, i.e. theapplication of the only uniform circular motion, explains that how thePrime Mover is pertinent to the Firmament and the minor orbs of theplanets. In the second aspect, the only observational quantitymeasured by him, that is, his magnitude, 23º;33,30, for totaldeclination, is mentioned, which with accompany of the othermagnitudes gained by his Greek and Muslim predecessors had madehim to believe in changing total declination. Another aspect of hiswork, that is, the synthesis of two aforementioned aspects appears inhis Solar Model, described in the astronomical part of al-Shifā', wherehe attempted to construct a theoretical model for the solar motion bythe combination of five orbs so that it is able to justify theobservational evidence of the change in total declination. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Link Between Astronomy and Astrology in Safavid Era
        Behzad Karimi
        The historiography can be understood by studying the contextual, social and political science. On this basis, the relationship between cosmology and historiography during Safavid Era will be studied in this paper. In the early part, the “Qiran” (conjunction) More
        The historiography can be understood by studying the contextual, social and political science. On this basis, the relationship between cosmology and historiography during Safavid Era will be studied in this paper. In the early part, the “Qiran” (conjunction) as an essential principle related to the core of this essay is reviewed. Then, the connection between astrology and historiography and their influences based on the historiographical and astrological works have been considered. Finally, Safavid historiographical rhetoric has been studied through a formalistic approach.   Keywords: Historiography, Cosmology, Astronomy, Astrology, Safavid Era.                         References Abū al- Ḥasan Ḳazwīnī, fawaid al- Ṣafawiyya, Revised by Maryam Mir Ahmadi, Tehran, Mūassisa-yi Muṭāliāt wa taḥḳīkāt-i farhangī, 1988/ 1367. Abū Rayḥān al- Bīrūnī, al- tafhīm li- Awāil ṣināat al- tandjīm, Revised by Jalal Homaei, Tehran, Madjlis, 1939- 1937/ 1318-1316. Abū muashshir Balkhī, Aḥkām Ḳirānāt-i Abū muashshir Balkhī, Malek National Library and Museum Of Iran, manuscript, No. 3395/5. Afūshtaī Naṭanzī, Hidāyat Allāh, Nuḳāwat al- āthār fī dhikr al- akhyār, Revised by Ehsan Eshraghi, Tehran, Bungāh-i tardjuma wa nashr-i kitab, 1971/ 1350. Ahmadi, Babak, Risāla-yi Tarikh, Tehran, markaz, 1387/ 2008. Amīnī Harawī, Amīr Ṣadr al- Dīn Ibrāhīm, Futūḥāt-i Shāhī, Revised by Muhammad-Reza Nasiri, Tehran, Andjuman Āthār wa Mafakhir-i farhangī, 2004/ 1383. Anārī, Muḥyi l- Dīn b. Badr al- Dīn, Aḥkām-i ḳirānāt Muḥyi l- Dīn Anār Bayāzī, Malek National Library and Museum Of Iran, manuscript, No. 3068. Būdāḳ Munshī Ḳazwīnī, Djawahir al- Akhbār, Revised by Mohsen Bahram Nejad, Mīrāth-i Maktūb, Tehran, 2008/ 1387. Chardin, Jean, Safar-nama Shārdun (Perser Bayagesen), trans. Eghbal Yaghmaei, Tehran, Tūs, 1995/ 1374. Djanābandī, Mīrzā Bayg, Rawḍat al- Ṣafawiyya, Revised by Gholamreza Tabatabaie Majd, Tehran, Dr. Afshar's Endowment Foundation, 1999/ 1378. Geoffrey, Roberts, Tarikh wa Rawāyat (The History and Narrative Reader), trans. Jalal Farzaneh Dehkordi, Tehran, Imam Sadiq University, 2010/ 1389. Ibn Athīr, Tarikh-i kāmil-i buzurg-i Islām wa Iran, trans. Abbas Khalili & Abu al- Qasim Halat, Tehran, Ilmī, 1992, 1371. Iskandar Beg Turkoman, Tarikh-i Ālam- ārā-yi Abbāsī, Revised by Iraj Afshar, Tehran, Amīr Kabīr wa kitāb furūshī-yi tayīd Iṣfahān, 1955/ 1334. Jafarian, Rasul, “Zāyča- nāma niwīsī wa Tāli- bīnī dar tarikh mā (guzārishī az čand Zāyča- nāma az khāndān-i Mahdī ḳulī khān ḳummī)”, website: http://khabaronline.ir/detail/364349/weblog/jafarian, 2014/ 1393. Ḳāḍī Aḥmad b. Sharaf al- Dīn al- Ḥusayn al- Ḥusaynī al- Ḳumī, Khulaṣat al- Tawārīkh, Revised by Ehsan Eshraghi, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1984/ 1363. Khūrshāḥ b. Ḳubād al- Ḥusaynī, Tarikh Ilčī-yi Niẓām-shah, Revised by Muhammad-Reza Nasiri & Koi chi Haneda, Tehran, Andjuman Āthār wa Mafakhir-i farhangī, 2010/ 1389. Kennedy, Edward Stewart, Pazhūhishī dar zīdj-hā-yi Dawra-yi Islāmī(A survey of islamic astronomical tables),trans. Muhammad Bagheri, Tehran, Ilmī wa Farhangī, 1995/ 1374. Ibid, Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, Beirut, American University of Beirut, 1983/ 1361.      Ibid, Astronomy and Astrology in the Medieval Islamic World, London, Ashgate, 1998/ 1376. Ḳumī, Abū Naṣr Ḥasan b. Alī, al- Madkhal Ilā Aḥkām al- Nudjūm, Revised by Jalil Akhavan Zanjani,Tehran, Mīrāth-i maktūb & Ilmī wa Farhangī, 1996/ 1375. Lockhart, Laurence, Inḳirāḍ-i silsila-yi Ṣafawiyya(The Fall of the Ṣafavī Dynasty and the Afghan Occupation of Persia), trans.Ismail Dowlatshahi, Tehran, Ilmī wa farhangī, 2004/ 1383. Mir Muhammad Sadegh, Sayyed Saeed, “Tarikh-i Abbāsī”, Dāirat al- Maārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī. Mīrzā Rafīā, Dastūr al- Mulūk, Revised by Muhammad Ismail Marchinkowski, trans. Ali Kord-Abadi, Prolegomena by Mansor Sifat Gol , Tehran, Markaz Asnād wa tarikh-i Dīplumāsī, 2006/ 1385. Mīrzā Samīā, Tadhkira al- mulūk, Revised by  Vladimir Minorsky, trans. Masoud Rajabnia, Prolegomena by Mohammad Dabeer Siyaqi, Tehran, Amīr Kabīr, 1989/ 1368. Mullā Djalāl al- Dīn Muḥammad, Tuḥfa-yi Khānī, National Library of Iran, Manuscript, No. 3017/3. Mullā Muẓaffar Gunābādī, Tanbīhāt al- Munadjdjimīn, Malek National Library and Museum Of Iran, manuscript, No, 3107. Muṣaffā, Abu al- Faḍl, Farhang-i Iṣṭilāḥāt-i Nudjūmī, Tehran, Mūassisa-yi Muṭāliāt wa Taḥḳīḳāt-i farhangī, 1987/ 1366. Mustawfī, Hamdallāh, Tarikh-i Guzida, Revised by Abdolhossein Navaei, Tehran, Amīr Kabīr, 1985/ 1364. Nallino, Carlo Alfonso, Tarikh-i Nudjūm-i Islāmī, trans. Ahmad Aram, Tehran, Bahman, 1970/ 1349. Pingree, David, The Thousands of Abu Maashar, London, The Warburg Institute, 1968/ 1346. Roberts, Geoffrey (ed.), The History and Narrative Reader, London. Yamamoto, Keiji and Burnett, Charles, 2000, Abu Maashar on Historical Astrology, Leiden, Brill, 2001/ 1379. Rustam al- Ḥukamā, Muḥammad Hashim Āṣif, Rustam al- Tawārīkh, Revised by Mitra Mehrabadi, Tehran, Dunya-yi kitab, 2003/ 1382. Rūzbihān Khundjī, Faḍlullah, Tarikh-i ālam-ārā-yi Amīnī, Revised by Muhammad Akbar Ashigh, Mīrāth-i Maktūb, Tehran, 2003/ 1382. Shahmardān Ibn Abī al- Khayr Rāzī, Rawḍat al- Munadjdjimīn, Revised by Jalil Akhavan Zanjani, Library, Museum and Document Center of Iranian Parliament & Mīrāth-i maktūb, Tehran, 2003/ 1382. Taghizadeh, Sayyed Hassan, Bīst maḳāla-yi fārsī, trans. Ahmad Aram & Kavus Jahandari, Tehran, Bungāh-i tardjuma wa nashr-i kitab, 1967/ 1346. Taghizadeh, Sayyed Hassan, Maḳālāt-i taḳī-zāda( Gāh-shumārī dar Iran-i ḳadīm),Vol. 10, Iraj Afshar (as supervisor), Tehran, Shukūfān, 1978/ 1357. Tankulūshā, Revised by Rahim Reza Zadeh Malek, Tehran, Mīrāth-i Maktub, 2005/ 1384. Utbī, Abī Naṣr Muḥammad b. Abd al- Djabbār Utbī, Tarikh-i yamīnī, Revised by Abu al- Sharaf Naseh Jrfadqany, ed. Jafar shoar, Tehran, Ilmī wa Farhangī, 1995/ 1374. Valeh Qazvini, Mohammad Yusuf, Iran dar zamān-i Shāh Abbās-i Duwwum, Revised by Muhammad Reza Nasiri, Tehran, Andjuman Āthār wa Mafakhir-i farhangī, 2003/ 1382. Valeh Qazvini, Mohammad Yusuf, Khuld-i Barīn, Revised by Mir Hashem Mohaddes, Tehran, Dr. Afshar's Endowment Foundation, 1993/ 1372. Vahid Qazvini,Muhammad Taher, Tarikh Djahān Ārā-yi Abbāsī, Revised by Sayyed Saeed Mir Muhmmad Sadegh, Tehran, Institute for humanities and cultural studies, 2004/ 1383. Van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert & Kennedy, Edward Stewart, Sāl “ālam-i pārsiyyān”,Farhang, No. 21-20, pp. 188-157, 1997/ 1376. Winter, H. J. J. Winter, “Ulūm-i Iran dar Rūzigār-i Ṣafawiyyān”, The Cambridge History of Iran: The Safavids Period, trans. Yaghoub Azhand, Tehran, Djāmī, 2001/ 2004.       Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Comparative study of cryptography and Telisman-opening of the beginning of feasts in Shahnameh and Haft Peykar
        Leila Saei Nasser Naseri Tazeh Shahri Shahriar Hassanzadeh
        One of the outstanding features of all fictional works with mental themes is their cryptic nature, so that this feature has a special effect and prominence in "Shahnameh" and "Haft Peykar", since elders and heroes to unravel complex codes and telismans with the help of More
        One of the outstanding features of all fictional works with mental themes is their cryptic nature, so that this feature has a special effect and prominence in "Shahnameh" and "Haft Peykar", since elders and heroes to unravel complex codes and telismans with the help of Ahuras force and rationalists fought against the demonic forces, and sometimes resorted to cryptic acts to untie closed and difficult knots, and they rejoiced and feasted. The protagonists of the stories speak of tools such as astronomy and prediction of divine destiny, and consult with priests, clerics and dreamers to unravel the mysteries and secrets, and sometimes turn to astrology and knowledge of the misfortunes of Sepehri astronomers in order to achieve victory. In this article, scientific causation has been done in a descriptive-analytical and comparative way and the research results show that most of the celebrations have had roots in unlocking codes and telismans. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Seeing moon in the current era
        sedighe Mosadegh sedghi
        Determ ining the first day of lunar months is all important thing to do specially tor performing religious duties.So determining the first day of' 'shavwa" has the great importance in comparison to the other months due to being dubious about do.ng two obligatory and for More
        Determ ining the first day of lunar months is all important thing to do specially tor performing religious duties.So determining the first day of' 'shavwa" has the great importance in comparison to the other months due to being dubious about do.ng two obligatory and forbidden things-fasting on the last day of Ramadan and breaking: it on the first day of Shavwal.Determining the first day ofShavwal is one of the religious subjects and it is the duty of followers of that rei igion but due to being unable to investigate personally in this field.they usually refer to their religious authorities The jurists and astronomers have constantly attempted in the field of determining the first day of Shavwal Regarding the credit that lmamye jurisprudence has given to the meditative method and referring to the experts in all fields.v.e can nut neglect the importance of jurisprudence and astronomy cooperation on determining the first day of Shavwal. l ndeed.astronorners opinions can be :11 the service of religious authorities to lessen the probability of error.The current research is tr) ing to pace "long with these two sciences while offering solutions trorn jurisprudence and astronomy science.  Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Use of Astronomy in Explaining Mystical-Educational Concepts Based on Military Poetry, Anvari and Nasser Khosro
        behnaz shahnavazi
        There is a tendency for education and ethics in all periods of Persian poetry; what distinguishes poetry in different styles and discourses is the way poets and scholars express it. In Anwari and Nasser Khosrow's poetry, he is part of a teaching poem with the help of li More
        There is a tendency for education and ethics in all periods of Persian poetry; what distinguishes poetry in different styles and discourses is the way poets and scholars express it. In Anwari and Nasser Khosrow's poetry, he is part of a teaching poem with the help of literary images made of constellations. The poet uses education to elevate the stars and the planets, to be in a state of sadness and so on. In military poetry, in addition to teaching poems, mystical teachings are provided with the help of these constellations and the foundations of astronomy. In this research, we seek to present a report on the way these poets express themselves. The research is based on a descriptive-analytical method and is based on library resources. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Manouchehri, Astronomical Descriptions reflected in Damghani poetry
        Abdolmajid Mohagheghi Hashem Arabi
        One of the ways the evolution of poetry and diversification of its contents, use a variety of terms, such as medicine, astronomy ..., the myth of national, religious, historical events, verses and sayings, news and likes to show his abilities in the juice it is Shrkhvys More
        One of the ways the evolution of poetry and diversification of its contents, use a variety of terms, such as medicine, astronomy ..., the myth of national, religious, historical events, verses and sayings, news and likes to show his abilities in the juice it is Shrkhvysh For more information about the poetry and beauty of these innovations in subsidies. In addition, scientific, literary, educational and social environment and events in the mind and puts Shartasyr poetry, some of them for trial or within Vtb fancy art and show his skill to hold their poetry from the past, and even poets poetry Masrkhvd The effects are excellent.He has been creative material world Shvd somewhat mature poetry is effective and the best representative of Ghazni age Manouchehri Damghani that nature are described in the Court's alive. He obtained his poetic images of sensory experience, its unique style that gather images and imagination are not poets before his term in nature and trend objects, things look from their perspective. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The advice of stories based on prediction in literary texts
        timoor Malmir
        According to holy Koran only Allah is aware of future   and making prediction by prophet or Imams is possible under the will of Allah. Therefore, it is necessary to make clear what the goal of making prediction is in the literary texts within the framework of More
        According to holy Koran only Allah is aware of future   and making prediction by prophet or Imams is possible under the will of Allah. Therefore, it is necessary to make clear what the goal of making prediction is in the literary texts within the framework of expressing dreams by astronomers, fortune-tellers ?the main goal of predictions are that everything that human do is the result of his/her action. To narrate a story that show the ability of a person of knowing about future is an advice for human that his knowledge is not related to him/her because it doesn’t make ability. In some cases, making prediction is a way by which wise men give advice to the oppressors. Sometime the claim of making prediction is a way for practicing hidden plans. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Masnavi Mowlavi and Astronomy
        Omidvar Maalmali
        Studying the circumstances under which  sciences in the 7th and 8th century A. H  developed, one notices the improvement  and development of logical sciences and astronomy alongside rhetorical sciences and one finds out that among the shining stars in the More
        Studying the circumstances under which  sciences in the 7th and 8th century A. H  developed, one notices the improvement  and development of logical sciences and astronomy alongside rhetorical sciences and one finds out that among the shining stars in the realm of Persian Literature, Mowlavi is the eternal poet of all times.  This article familiarizes the reader with Mowlavi’s extrovert thoughts, astronomy, astronomical devices, atmospheric phenomena, siding with the stars, omen, sinister, heavens, stars and constellations in Masnavi. Manuscript profile