• List of Articles Travelogue

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        1 - Volney's Journal of Travel and Its Impact on Napoleon Bonaparte's Campaign to Egypt
        Sayyed Kamal KeshikNevis Razavi Abdollah Hemmati Golyan
        For understanding the Orient, the journals of travels were the important sources for Europeans. The number of those journals had steadily increased from the eighteenth century in which there is a report of the visit of Constantine Francois de Chassebœuf Volney to More
        For understanding the Orient, the journals of travels were the important sources for Europeans. The number of those journals had steadily increased from the eighteenth century in which there is a report of the visit of Constantine Francois de Chassebœuf Volney to Egypt And Syria (1785-1783). In his journal, particularly the Egyptian section, he is mainly aware of the various aspects of the land, including Egyptian rulers, the climate, business, people's lives, and so on. While the information of his journal had an impact on the Napoleon campaign, the researchers such as Edward Saeed emphasized strongly on it. This article gives a review on the Egyptian part of Volney travel journal and prove that the information of that had affected the Napoleon invasion of Egypt. References Ḳurʾān-i Karīm. Abū Ghunaym, ʿAbdallāh Yūsuf, Maṣādir al- Bakrī wa Manhadjuhu al- Djughrāfī, Kuwait,  Dhāt al- Salāsil, 1996/ 1374. Aledavoud, Seyed Ali, “Ḥāfiẓ Ābrū”, Dāirat al- Maārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, Kazem Mousavi-Bojnourdi (as supervisor), Vol.20, Tehran, The Centre For The Great Islamic Encyclopedia, 2013/ 1392. Anṣārī Dimashḳī, Shams al- Dīn Muḥammad b. Abī Ṭālib, Nukhbat al- Dahr Fī Adjāib al- Barr wa  al- Baḥr, Trans. Hamid Tabibiyan, Tehran, Asāṭīr, 1382/ 2003. Bakri, Abdallāh b. ʿAbd al ʿAzīz, al- Masālik  wal- mamālik, Revised by Van Leeuwen & André Ferré, Beirut, Dār al- Maghrib al- Islāmī, 1993/ 1371. Ibid, Mudjam Mā Istadjam min Asmā al- Bilād wa al- Mawāḍi, Revised by Muṣṭafa Saḳḳām, Beirut, ʿĀlam al- Kitāb, 1403 AH/ 1982 AD. Ḍabbī, Aḥmad b. Yaḥyā b. Aḥmad b. ʿAmīra, Bughyat al- Multamis Fī Taʾrīkh Ridjāl Ahl al- Andalus, Madrid, Maṭbaʿat Rūkhas, 1884/ 1262. Dastgerdi, Vahid, “ʿĀdat Ṭabīʾat-i Thānawī Ast”, Armaghān, Vol. 22, No. 8 & 9, October & November 1941/ 1320. Djiyhānī, Abū al- Ḳāsim Aḥmad, Ashkāl al- Ālam, Revised by Firooz Mansouri, Tehran, Āstān-i Ḳuds- i Raḍawī, 1368/ 1989. Fazli Nejad, Ahmad, “Iran Zamiīn dar Tārīkh-Nigārī- yi Īlkhānān wa Mamālīk”, Pazhūhish- hā- yi Tārīkhī- i Iran wa Islām, Fall & Winter 2015- 2014/ 1393, No. 15. Ḥādjī Khalīfa, Muṣṭafa b. ʿAbdallāh, Djahān- Namā, Istanbul, 2008/ 1386. Ḥudūd al- Ālam min al- Mashriḳ ilal-, Maghrib Revised by Yūsuf al- Ḥādī, Cairo, Dār al- Thaḳafiyya li- Nashr, 1423 AH/ 2002 AD. Ibn Abbār, Abī ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad b. ʿAbdallāh b. Abī Bakr al- Ḳuḍāʿī,  al- Ḥulla al- Siyarā, Revised by Ḥusayn Muʾnis, Cairo, 1963/ 1341. Ibn al- Faḳīh, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad, al- Buldān, Revised by Yūsuf al- Hādī, Beirut, 1996 AD/ 1416 AH. Ibn Ḥawḳal,Abū al- Ḳāsim Muḥammad, Ṣurat al- Arḍ, Beirut, Dār al- Ṣādir, 1938/ 1316. Ibn Ḥawḳal, Ṣurat al- Arḍ, Trans. Jafar Shoar, Tehran, Amīrkabīr, 1366, 1987. Ibn Khurdadhbih, ʿUbaydallāh b. ʿAbdallāh, al- Masālik wa al- Mamālik, Beirut, Dār Ṣādir, 1992/ 1370. Ibn Rusta, Aḥmad b. ʿUmar, al- Alāḳ al- Nafīsa wa Kitāb al- Buldān , Beirut, Dār al- Ṣādir,1892/ 1270. Ibn Saʿīd al- Maghribī, ʿAlī b. Mūsā, al- Mughrib fī Ḥulya al- Maghrib, Revised by Manṣūr Khalīl ʿUmrān, Dār al- Kutub al- ʿIlmiyya, Beirut, 1997/ 1375. Iṣṭakhrī, Abū Isḥāḳ Ibrāhīm b. Muḥammad, al- Masālik wa al- Mamālik, Revised by Aḥmad b. Sahl, Beirut, Dār Ṣādir, 1927/ 1305. al- Istibṣār fī Adjāib al- amṣār, Revised by ʿAbd al- Ḥamīd Saʿd Zaghlūl, Baghdad, Dār al- ShuThaḳāfiyya, 1986/ 1364. Krachkovskii, Ignatii Iulianovich, Tārīkh-Niwishta- hā- yi Djughrāfiyā dar Djahān- i Islām (Istoriia arabskoi geograficheskoi literatury), Trans. Abul-Qasim Payandeh, Tehran, Intishārāt- i ʿIlmī wa Farhangī, 1379/ 2001. Krawulsky, Dorothea., “Iḥyā- yi Nām- i Iran dar ʿAhd-i Īlkhānān- i Mughūl”, History of Foreign Relations, Trans. Ali Bahramian, Vol.1, No.1, Winter 2000/ 1378. Ḳudāma b. Djaʿfar, Nabdh Min Kitāb al- Kharādj wa Ṣanāat al- Kitābah, Leiden, Brill, 1889/ 1267. Maḳdisī, Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Aḥsan al- Taḳāsīm fī Marifat al- Aḳālīm, Beirut, Dār al- Ṣādir, (Und.). Maḳdisī, Mutahhar b. Ṭāhir, al- Bad wa l- Tarīkh, Maktaba al- Thaḳāfa al- Dīnīyya, (Und.). Masʿūdī, Murūdj al-Dhahab wa- Maādin al- Djawhar, Revised by Asʿad Dāghir, Qom, Dār al- Hidjra, 1409 AH/ 1988 AD. Reza, Enayatollah, “Idrīsī, Muḥammad b. Muḥammad”, Dāirat al- Maārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, Kazem Mousavi-Bojnourdi(as supervisor), Vol.7, Tehran, The Centre For The Great Islamic Encyclopedia, 1375/ 1996. Ibid, “Abū ʿUbayd Bakrī”, Dāirat al- Maārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, Vol.20, Tehran, The Centre For The Great Islamic Encyclopedia, 1372/ 1993. Shoar, Jafar, “Ibn Ḥawḳal”, Dāirat al- Maārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, Kazem Mousavi-Bojnourdi(as supervisor), Vol.3, Tehran, The Centre For The Great Islamic Encyclopedia, 1374/ 1995. Al-Suyūṭī, Ḥāfiẓ Djalāl al- Dīn Abd al- Raḥmān, Bughyat Wuāt fī Tabaḳāt al- Lughawiyyīn wa- l- Nuḥāt, Revised by Muḥammad abū l- Faḍl Ibrāhīm, Īsā al- Bābī al- Ḥalabī wa- Shirkā, 1384 AH/ 1964 AD. Ṭabarī, Abū Djaʿfar Muḥammad b. Djarīr, Tarīkh al- Umam wa al- Mulūk, Revised by Muḥammad abū l- Faḍl Ibrāhīm, Beirut, Dār al- Turāth, 1387 AH/ 1967 AD. Tavana, Mina, Iran wa Iraq dar al- Masālik wa al- Mamālik- i Bakrī: Barrisī- yi Intiḳādī, Master's degree Thesis (History & Civilization of Islamic Nations), Younes Farahmand as Supervisor, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, 2015/ 1394. Yāḳūt Hamawī, Mudjam al- Buldān, Beirut, Dār Ṣādir, 1995/ 1373. Zamakhsharī, Abū al- Ḳāsim Maḥmūd b. ʿUmar, al- Djibāl wa al- Miyāh wa al- Amkina( al- Amkina wa al- Djibāl wa al- Miyāh), Leiden, Brill, 1855/ 1233.                             Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Political Power of Shi’i ‘ulama in Safavid Travelogues
        mojtaba zahabi
        The way  Shi'a ‘ulama  dealt with the issue of political power was one of the challenges of the Safavid period. The theoretical discussions of Shi'a clerics on Imamat and government, and the presence of the monarchy as a historical-political reality, cre More
        The way  Shi'a ‘ulama  dealt with the issue of political power was one of the challenges of the Safavid period. The theoretical discussions of Shi'a clerics on Imamat and government, and the presence of the monarchy as a historical-political reality, created complex problems for Shi'a scholars. The second period of the Safavid rule saw more efforts by Shi'a clerics to gain power. The main question of this research is how the efforts of the Shi'i ulama in the second period of Safavid rule have been reflected in Safavid travelogues. This research seeks to show that the growing power of the Shi'a ulama has become a matter of concern for those foreign observers and ultimately provided an analysis of those developments that are hidden in other historical sources of the period Manuscript profile
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        3 - Representation of the Personality and Character of the Kurds by Orientalists: A Study on Rich’s ‘Narrative of a Residence in Kurdistan’
        Bahman Bayangani Sahar Faeghi
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        4 - A Study on the Political Content of the Five Travelogues of Holy Shrines in the Islamic Revolution Era
        Saeedeh Abbasi Mohammad Reza Sangari Abolqasem Raadfar
        Travelogues are one of the important scientific resources to recognize cities and countries. They are one of the best sources of political information, as the travel writer writes it for the purpose of reporting his journey. The travelogues of the Holy Shrines provide u More
        Travelogues are one of the important scientific resources to recognize cities and countries. They are one of the best sources of political information, as the travel writer writes it for the purpose of reporting his journey. The travelogues of the Holy Shrines provide useful information to the readers due to the religious motives that most Muslims in the world encourage them to do. The subject of the present article is the political analysis of several travelogues of Holy Shrines in the Islamic Revolution era; since after the change of the Pahlavi regime to the Islamic government in Iran, the attention to the writing of this group of travelogues has become more prominent which is remarkable in its kind. The importance of this research is that writers are not political people and they express everything they see in the world around them. These travelogues are a cognitive guide to the literature of the Islamic Revolution. The method is descriptive – analytical and in a librarian way. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Comparative study of the coordinates of "Hajj travelogue" based on Ibn Jubayr and Ibn Mazeh's travelogue
        Fazel Abbaszadeh Sarban Valizadeh
        have set their destination and aim for their trip to Mecca to do the Hajj commandment and if it weren't for this goal, we would only have a few travelogues today.Meanwhile, during trip to Hajj, many belletrist have mentioned the conditions of this trip and compilation o More
        have set their destination and aim for their trip to Mecca to do the Hajj commandment and if it weren't for this goal, we would only have a few travelogues today.Meanwhile, during trip to Hajj, many belletrist have mentioned the conditions of this trip and compilation of a book in the form of a travelogue, and have created a special literary form called "Hajj travelogue" in terms of content, structure and other stylistic and literary features is differentfrom travelogue in the general meaning. . This study wants to compare and analyze characteristics and conditions of Hajj travelogue in Persian and Arabic literature by relying on two ancient Arabic and Persian travelogues called Ibn Mazeh's travelogue entitled "Latayef Al-Azkar lelhozar and Al-safar fi Al-manasek and Al- Adab" and Ibn Jubayr's travelogue entitled " Al-Nasak's validity treatise fi Al-Karimat and Al-Manasek . The results show that both travelogues were from the title to the form and content for Hajj and for the purpose of Hajj. Characteristics and conditions in the processing of time, place,subject,and structure, etc distinguish it from other types and travelogues According to the American comparative literature School, this study investigates a comparative study of this type of literature in two said works Manuscript profile
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        6 - Nicolas Bouvier's own look in the itinerary
        Fatemeh Khanmohammadi Elnaz Aali
        Travel mirror that can reflect the image of social, political, economic, customs and beliefs, behavior and negotiation of various communities living in that vision, It seems clear picture and largely devoid of cynicism and considerate. Including travel, travel "way of t More
        Travel mirror that can reflect the image of social, political, economic, customs and beliefs, behavior and negotiation of various communities living in that vision, It seems clear picture and largely devoid of cynicism and considerate. Including travel, travel "way of the world" by Nicolas Bouvier's is. The Swiss tourist to travel to different lands, a story interesting, honest and accurate of how people's livelihood, status of cities, industries and products, schools, religious customs of the people and the ruling classes that from the perspective of comparative literature very valuable and important; We believe that relying on the itinerary "way of the world" Bouvier's work to study the manifestations of Iranian culture from the perspective of comparative literature at all. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Study and Comparison of the Two Jewish and Zoroastrian Spiritual Journeys to the Post Mortal World
        Gordafarin Muhammadi Mehdi Momtahen
        The present article analyses the quality and nature of two Jewish and Zoroastrian journeys of the afterlife namely “Book of Ardaviraf” and “Dream of Enokh” while expressing their similarities and differences. The main characters of both works (V More
        The present article analyses the quality and nature of two Jewish and Zoroastrian journeys of the afterlife namely “Book of Ardaviraf” and “Dream of Enokh” while expressing their similarities and differences. The main characters of both works (Viraf&Enokh) are great men of their nation who experience this spiritual journey and visit heaven and hell and walk with creator of the universe and finally they come back to their people with great experiences and instructions. They inform people of what they have observed. In the “Dream of Enokh” the way the universe was created and how it works systematically is also explained but this article mainly focuses on the differences of Heaven and hell in these works. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Political Psychology of Qajar Rulers (Case Study: Nassereddin Shah's Political Psychology Based on His Travelogue)
        rahele rohani Ali Akbar Amini
        The  purpose of this research is to describe and declare the social personality of Nasser-Al-Din-Shah-Qajar and It's impact on his policies by analyzing the content of diaries from his trips and with considering the Maslow's theory. In this regard, the items such a More
        The  purpose of this research is to describe and declare the social personality of Nasser-Al-Din-Shah-Qajar and It's impact on his policies by analyzing the content of diaries from his trips and with considering the Maslow's theory. In this regard, the items such as variety-seeking, fascination, fright of western countries, isolation, justice, features of women and sensuality of the king, attention to the disciplines and principles, king's despotism and collective wisdom, king's regret from Amirkabir's murder and his belief in transcendental issues have been discussed through this research. The results showed that, Nasser-Al-Din-Shah, due to the deficiencies and problems which had affected his personality, has paid more attention to the deceptive appearances of western countries and grandeur of the west in the sight of this king, cast a shadow over the king's travelogues. Manuscript profile
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        9 - A Comparative Study of Two Travelogues by Two Haj Pilgrims
        Zohre Rahimi Mehr Zahra Dorri
        The most valuable literary-cultural treasures of any country include travelogues. They reflect the viewpoints related to social, political, cultural, literary and religious functions of the society. Regardless of their form and purpose, travelogues are of great signific More
        The most valuable literary-cultural treasures of any country include travelogues. They reflect the viewpoints related to social, political, cultural, literary and religious functions of the society. Regardless of their form and purpose, travelogues are of great significance, especially the ones recorded by well-known itinerants and literary elite. Haj travelogues, however, are more important, since their recorders are literati who thrust into them their mystical and insightful impressions to reveal the outer world and its cultural differences. Now the present research tries to analyze and compare and contrast two Haj travelogues recorded by two Muslim – one Iranian and one non-Iranian – women. Manuscript profile
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        10 - allegorical travelogues in iranian and world literature
        jafar havasi
        Allegorical travelogues are mainly influenced by Islamic religions, which are written by great writers inspired by religious teachings and based on religious traditions. Since there are many commonalities regarding the hereafter in all Islamic religions, such travelogue More
        Allegorical travelogues are mainly influenced by Islamic religions, which are written by great writers inspired by religious teachings and based on religious traditions. Since there are many commonalities regarding the hereafter in all Islamic religions, such travelogues are also common in various ways.The author has explained the points and mysteries of each of them,focusing on thetravelogues of Ardavirafnameh, Siral abad eli maad and Komedi Elahi. At the same time, the author has tried to examine the allegory from various lexical,idiom,Quran and narration, history and psychology perspectives.The purpose of this article is to express different angles of one of the most common and effective ways of expression,which is allegory. Whether this efficient tool can be effective in educational purposes is one of the basic research questions.This research is written in a library based on analytical and descriptive method. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Examining the elements of text coherence in the imagery of the geographical location of cities in Nasser Khosrow's travelogue based on Halliday and Hassan's theory
        Azima Sabbaghnia Hamid Reza Ardestani rostami Farzaneh Youssef Ghanbari Masoud Khordmandpour
        Coherence means the lexical or structural relations of the text, or in other words, the intra-textual mechanism of the language that helps the author to create and communicate in each sentence or between sentences. In this research, the author is trying to investigate a More
        Coherence means the lexical or structural relations of the text, or in other words, the intra-textual mechanism of the language that helps the author to create and communicate in each sentence or between sentences. In this research, the author is trying to investigate and analyze the travelogue of Nasser Khosrow Qabadiani in a descriptive-analytical way and library tools using Halliday and Hassan's theory of coherence in constructivist linguistics. According to Halliday and Hassan's theory, cohesion is one of the main characteristics of a text that is created by elements in the text, and these elements include three parts: lexical, grammatical, and linking, which play a role in the relationship between sentence components. In this article, the elements and methods of creating coherence in the text of Nasser Khosrow's travelogue have been studied and analyzed. The result of the research indicates that considering that Nasser Khosrow's travelogue contains material in the geographical, economic, social and political fields; It is a coherent, uniform and integrated text, and a number of elements and ways of integrating the text play a very important role in creating its coherence. Also, the elements of cohesion play a great role in its attractiveness, understanding and impact on the reader, which convinces the reader. In this way, prose and prose texts are distinguished from each other based on the language and content and the method of using the elements of coherence, and they are valued and graded in terms of the extent of the use of coherence. Manuscript profile
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        12 - The Investigation of the Effects of the Iranian Folk Culture on the Travelogues of the German Heinrich Brugesch
        Farshad Eskandari Sharafi Mehdi Sadeghi Darvishi Vahid Mobarak
        Folk culture is a collection of rituals, ceremonies, myths, legends, stories, proverbs, songs, lullabies, riddles, games, entertainment, beliefs and superstitions of a society. Travelogues provide us with extensive and valuable information about the political, social, e More
        Folk culture is a collection of rituals, ceremonies, myths, legends, stories, proverbs, songs, lullabies, riddles, games, entertainment, beliefs and superstitions of a society. Travelogues provide us with extensive and valuable information about the political, social, economic, and cultural aspects of different societies. Therefore, analyzing such writings is very effective in recognizing the manifestations of folk culture in a society. In this study, two travelogues "A Journey to the Court of Sultan Sahebqaran" and "In the Land of the Sun" written by Heinrich Brugesch, who traveled to Iran twice during the reign of Nasser al-Din Shah, were analyzed using descriptive-analytical method and library resources, to re-read the domains of Qajar's Iranian folk culture. The results of the study show that a significant part of these travelogues deals with the elaboration and description of the components of the Iranian folk culture. Description of appearance and character of Iranians, jewelry, hunting, celebrations, Muharram's mourning ritual, marriage and wedding ritual, funeral ritual, eating etiquette, hospitality etiquette, folklore language and literature, folk buildings and places, folk arts and handicrafts, and beliefs and superstitions are the most important elements of the Iranian folk culture, about which Brugesch has written in his travelogues with a sharp and comprehensive prospective. In parts of Bruges's travelogues, the "Western" mentality toward east is seen, comparing the "other" with the "self", and considering the "self" to be superior. Nonetheless, there are many fair judgments in them, distinguishing them from other European travelogues. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Concepts and institutions of public law in Qajar travelogues
        Reza Yaghoubi
        travelogues are an important channel for identifying and introducing the relations governing the era that the travelogue narrates. An important part of these relationships are the concepts and institutions that the travel writer has described as a symbol of the apparent More
        travelogues are an important channel for identifying and introducing the relations governing the era that the travelogue narrates. An important part of these relationships are the concepts and institutions that the travel writer has described as a symbol of the apparent difference between the West and the East. Considering the significant cognitive gap between the spatial container of the minds of the authors of these travelogues and the historical space of the subject of the travelogue writers' narrative and considering the newness of the major part of established and conventional legal concepts and institutions in the time and place of the subject of these travelogues, understanding the narrative The travelogues of these concepts and institutions allow us to get acquainted with their historical background. The description of the authors of these travelogues is descriptive and limited to the appearances of institutions and legal concepts, and all the travelogues who are the subject of this research had no knowledge of the theoretical foundations and background of these concepts and institutions, and only Abdul Latif Shoushtari made scattered references to the break between the old and the new in their thoughts. and the theoretical foundations of these concepts and institutions. In general, the predominance of genre and historical narrative and the lack of theoretical and analytical reflection is the common feature of all these travelogues. Manuscript profile
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        14 - The picture of Iranian economic community in the historical travelogue prepared by Adam Olearius (Safavid era)
        آسیه ذبیح نیا عمران
        Adam Olearius (1599AD) is one of the most famous German tourists who resided as secretary and adviser of ambassador one year and a half in Iran. In his travelogue, he talked about various information and data the present paper tries to offer the implications of Iranian More
        Adam Olearius (1599AD) is one of the most famous German tourists who resided as secretary and adviser of ambassador one year and a half in Iran. In his travelogue, he talked about various information and data the present paper tries to offer the implications of Iranian economy and markets from the view of Olearius travelogue. Safavid era is a boom era of Iranian markets. In Safavid era, the social and cultural functions of market were very important because market was not only for trade and commerce but as the most important city's highway, it places some of the important cultural and social urban elements such as Jameh mosque, religious schools, a Sufi monastery, public bath and etc. in itself and it was also connected with the administrative and governmental centers. Consequently, it was considered as the most important axis of relationship in the city's economic and social life. In Olearius travelogue, the most important and basic performance of markets is their economic performance considered as one of the important sources for recognition of the economic characteristics of Iranian community and the present paper tries to study the economic picture, market and income of the Iranian people in Safavid rea from the viewpoint of Olearius. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Representation of popular culture in Khorasan, according to the views of European travelers in the Qajar era
        Reza Musabadi Batool fakhreslam
        In the context of historical studies, travel logs are important because of their social and cultural content. Therefore, the present article seeks to explain how and why travel writers and European tourists look at the social and cultural status of Khorasan in the Qajar More
        In the context of historical studies, travel logs are important because of their social and cultural content. Therefore, the present article seeks to explain how and why travel writers and European tourists look at the social and cultural status of Khorasan in the Qajar era. Using librarianship method, this article reviews and criticizes the opinions of these travelers about the reflection of the social and cultural situation of the Khorasan community in the Qajar era by referring to European travelogues and descriptive-analytical methods. The results of this research show that in a general outcome, features such as superficiality, Europeanism, colonial and humiliation, dominated by the majority of Western travel journalists, have led, in some cases, to the social and cultural situation of Khorasan by travelers The west is reversed and away from reality. Also, they sometimes ignored the multiple functions of social and cultural conditions in Khorasan and magnified their weaknesses. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Iranian Historiography's Sources in the Timurid Era
        shahrzad sasakpour
        The subject variety of historical sources- as literary, geographical and religious books– is the one of the most important issues in historiography. This different source which used in compilation of history in every period, step by step, became as the historical More
        The subject variety of historical sources- as literary, geographical and religious books– is the one of the most important issues in historiography. This different source which used in compilation of history in every period, step by step, became as the historical sources of this period. In the Seljuk era “Iranshahri thought” dominated the minds of Iranian historians, and it makes the first change in historians' thought. During the Mughal-Ilkhanid’s era, historians began writing global histories, and as result, the second major change occurred in historical thought. After the Establishment of the Timurid rule, historians of this period inherited the traditions of the former Persian historians. Historiography of this period, despite the fact that certain features are- that addressing it requires a separate article- three steps behind: Timur, Shahrokh and Soltan Hosein Baygar's period. The key focus of this paper is a cursory examination of different historiography sources in Timurid era and understanding the different orientation of the authors and historians in writing this content. Therefore attempted to use the sources of modern historical studies of the period and the historical analysis and by considering the new methods, subjects and data were collected and compiled. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Historical Explanation of the Political-Economic Indicators and Consequences of the Safavid Kings' Autocracy in European Travelogues (Based on the theory of Iranian tyranny Homayoon Katouzian)
        akram karamali mojtaba zahabi
        Iran's history has witnessed the power of finding different tribes and governments. The common mode of exercising political power in the centuries ago has been based on the Shah. This political system was a heritage of the ancient Persian past, which later became quite More
        Iran's history has witnessed the power of finding different tribes and governments. The common mode of exercising political power in the centuries ago has been based on the Shah. This political system was a heritage of the ancient Persian past, which later became quite seriously in the Islamic era of Iranian history. In this way of rule, the Shah was the highest in the head of the social and political pyramid of society And according to the theory of divine right, the shadow of the Lord was on earth and the owner of the goddess and glory of the kingdom. As a result, the king was beyond the reach of the people, and God had chosen him to exercise his will on earth. According to European logbooks, the structure of government in the Safavid period was also autocratic And in addition to the theory of divine right, they considered themselves as the deputy of the absent Imam and the guardian of the Safavid regime. The present research is working on descriptive-analytical method in the light of the reports of European journalists, Some aspects of the mode of rule and the nature of political power in Iran during the Safavid era, based on the Iranian tyranny theory Homayoon Katouzian, To analyze and explain And the political-economic consequences of this mode of rule. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Introduction of Iranology book: Iranian identity,,culture and characteristics
        saba pezhmanfar
        essay introduces the book Iranology: Iranian identity, culture and characteristics written by Zagros Zand. The content of the book is detailed in sixteen chapters and the author has given a short summary and conclusion at the end of each chapter. Zand has given his book More
        essay introduces the book Iranology: Iranian identity, culture and characteristics written by Zagros Zand. The content of the book is detailed in sixteen chapters and the author has given a short summary and conclusion at the end of each chapter. Zand has given his book a scientific and academic nature and he has used a theoretical framework in the first chapter of the book and has explained the contents by applying theory. In this book, the author examines the topic of national identity from inside and outside, from ancient times and by collecting data from Avestan texts, Achaemenid inscriptions, coins, Parthian architecture and literature of the Parthian period, and inscription literature. and the inscriptions of the Sassanians and raised this topic in the period of Iran after Islam, relying on the era of Al-Buyeh, who linked Iranism with Shiism and Sufism along with religious tolerance, and then During the Safavid and later Qajar periods, he explained by relying on the travelogues written from a different point of view, and he also proceeded by explaining the point of view of two important writers in this period - Jamalzadeh and Bazargan. In the final chapter, he has discussed the elements of national identity and the contribution of each one by criticizing the view of Iranian scholars.Keywords: Identity, Culture, National character, Travelogue, Iranology, Ego, Alter/Other Manuscript profile