• List of Articles The Sacred

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Criticism and Study of Reasons for Ritual Impurity of the People of the Sacred Book
        Muhammad mahdi Taghdisi Kazim Ghazizade
        In the modern era - is called communication time - symbiosis, interaction and experience exchange among human beings are vital and necessary. Islam deems necessary the multilateral presence of religion in diverse fields of life, one of which is connections of Muslims wi More
        In the modern era - is called communication time - symbiosis, interaction and experience exchange among human beings are vital and necessary. Islam deems necessary the multilateral presence of religion in diverse fields of life, one of which is connections of Muslims with others. Relationships with nonMuslims have been brought up in the Qur’an from different aspect and with various criterions. In the same way, efficient answering to questions concerning human relationships, interaction and symbiosis with the followers of other religions is expected from Islamic Jurisprudence. Certainly previous jurists have provided some answers in this ground, but nowadays in the light of new requirements, these answers need further study. Therefore, this paper has noticed the verdict of ritual impurity of the people of the sacred book. Although some jurists like Vahid Behbahani has said this verdict has turned to emblem of Shi’a and despite the statement of author of Madarek: “ Shi’a is known with the verdict”, but modern researchers and jurists express serious hesitation about reasons of this judgment which is also one of controversial matters between sunnism and shi’ism.  In this article, the four proofs (two verses from Holy Qur’an: 28 of Toba and 125 Anaam; traditions and consensus) of this verdict have been reviewed and their inaccuracy proved. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Religion, Post Secularism and Social Integration
        Zahra Khoshk jan
        Religion is a fertile context of meaning, regardless of whether it is monotheistic or non-monotheistic, it is one of the most fruitful, meaningful and influential systems that human beings have been experiencing and have never been able to ignore it completely. The pres More
        Religion is a fertile context of meaning, regardless of whether it is monotheistic or non-monotheistic, it is one of the most fruitful, meaningful and influential systems that human beings have been experiencing and have never been able to ignore it completely. The present article seeks to theoretically examine the impact of religion (as a collective meaning system) on social integration and socio-political practices in the classic theories of sociology of religion (especially that of Weber, Durkheim and Simmel) and new readings of it. According to modern sociologists of religion such as Turner, Berger, and Lukman, the present epoch, is more a period of experiencing post-secular approaches or a return of the sacred to individual and social life than of secular ones. The main claim of these new theories (neo-Durkheimian approaches) is to consider religion as a key element of social integration and to emphasis on the immortality of religious meaning in the modern and postmodern world. What has now emerged as practical theology is a kind of practice-based religiosity and social and political activism that connects the individual as a citizen to a collective and sanctified meaning system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Myth and Religion: A Study of Ernst Cassirer’s Theory of Myth
        حسن جعفری
        In modern times, the Neo-Kantian philosophy of Ernst Cassirer is themost significant attempt to construct a philosophy of myth as anintegral part of the philosophy of religion. His most elaborateddefinition of myth can be found in the second volume of hisPhilosophy of S More
        In modern times, the Neo-Kantian philosophy of Ernst Cassirer is themost significant attempt to construct a philosophy of myth as anintegral part of the philosophy of religion. His most elaborateddefinition of myth can be found in the second volume of hisPhilosophy of Symbolic Forms. According to this book, myth is asymbolic form that maintains unity of the word and being, the signifierand the signified, it yet still retains itself in the developing structureand, by the use of symbols and signs, it shapes the foundation ofreligion. Myth and religion, therefore, represent the fundamentaltendency toward symbolic formation. In other words, they constitutethe basis of a metaphor that lies at the heart of all forms of symbolicfunction.This essay surveys the nature of myth, the characteristics ofmythic–religious though and the role of time and place in thedevelopment of the mythology. It also deals with the relation betweenlanguage and myth and tries to give an account of the interrelationshipbetween myth and religion. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Basics of Nasr's political thought
        Mohammad Taheri Khonakdari
        Traditionalism and Nasr are among the currents of thought that are still alive and dynamic and are improving their position in the intellectual and philosophical circles of the world. Hence, to ignore it is, in fact, to ignore a new philosophical trend. The present rese More
        Traditionalism and Nasr are among the currents of thought that are still alive and dynamic and are improving their position in the intellectual and philosophical circles of the world. Hence, to ignore it is, in fact, to ignore a new philosophical trend. The present research raises the question that traditionalists like Seyyed Hossein Nasr use what intellectual bases to plan, discuss and criticize the current political and social situation? It intends to analyze Nasr's thought in various epistemological, ontological, anthropological, sociological and epistemological aspects. Therefore, the aim of the research was to familiarize with the main angles of Nasr's thought, which after much effort led to the conclusion that Seyyed Hossein Nasr and his friends are seeking to make the entire system of knowledge legal and find a sacred identity. They are trying hard to establish the idea that such an identity with the existence of the holy God spreads to all areas and gives sanctity to man, society, politics, government and their final destination, which is the final production and establishment of a kind of conservative ideology. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Sacred Time and Space in Islamic Mysticism: An Analysis Based on the Prose Texts
        Koroush Ghoodarzi S. Mohsen hoseiniMoaakhar Mohammadreza Rozbeh
        In the present article, after the expressing the differences and similarities of myth, rite and mysticism, it has been attempt to analyze the mythical sacred time and space and the related rites in the Persian prose texts till 7th A.H. century. The common foundations of More
        In the present article, after the expressing the differences and similarities of myth, rite and mysticism, it has been attempt to analyze the mythical sacred time and space and the related rites in the Persian prose texts till 7th A.H. century. The common foundations of mythology and mysticism and common human unconscious show that in the passage of time, the sacred time and space have developed similar functions. The mystical texts reveal these similarities. We can refer to these functions: world denying, the intuition of God, knowing polite etiquette, the return to eternal time and space, experience of relaxation, catharsis, understanding the presence of gods and quest for wants. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Myth of Absence of Girl
        Mohammad Mashhadi Noushabad
        One of the myths about places of pilgrimage in Iranian culture is the myth that tells about the absence of girl from fountain or well which is reflected in public beliefs. Perhaps, the background of this myth is the story of stealing Shahrnaz and Arnavaz, the daughters More
        One of the myths about places of pilgrimage in Iranian culture is the myth that tells about the absence of girl from fountain or well which is reflected in public beliefs. Perhaps, the background of this myth is the story of stealing Shahrnaz and Arnavaz, the daughters of Jamshid, by Zahhāk and being freed by Jamshid, and the story of the absence of Kei-Khosrow from the fountain. Some scholars believe that in Aryan culture the stealing girl or cow is connected with absence of rain. This article indicates that this myth has five basic elements: the absence of girl in a determined place, the place of absence that is usually connected with water (fountain or well), the evil that the girl is absent for deliverance from it, the dream that narrates the story of absence and holiness, and the holiness of the place and the holding the rites of pilgrimage. The places include all Zoroastrian holy shrines (pirangah) and many Islamic Shrines as well. The exact analysis of elements of the myth needs to notice the location of fountain, water, stone and sacred rock, wickedness of the evil force and its attack on the holy force, spell bounding of water and blessing, and water shortages. Also, the relationship of the myth with Anahita is proved in the article. Since the myth appears in dream, a psychological analysis is employed. As a result, in pre-Islamic era, the shortage of water in fountains and wells relating to the absence of Anahita, transforms to the absence of the daughter of saint in Islamic period. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Political and social implications of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Philosophy
        mohammad taheri khonakdari مجید توسلی رکن آبادی
        Seyyed Hossein Nasr is among philosophers concerned mainly with the mystical philosophical tradition (Islam) and in this regard, he wrote over 50 books and 550 articles and now in the eighty decade of his life, he is still energetic and motivated, engaging still in his More
        Seyyed Hossein Nasr is among philosophers concerned mainly with the mystical philosophical tradition (Islam) and in this regard, he wrote over 50 books and 550 articles and now in the eighty decade of his life, he is still energetic and motivated, engaging still in his scientific activity. This will double the importance of analysis of his thought. Since there is no explicit referral to the political matter in Nasr's philosophy, understanding the political implications of his views and thoughts is extremely difficult apparent in this study, in some of his ideas that are based on a hermeneutic approach. The aim of the present paper is to understand the social and political aspects of Nasr's thought. In a clear and hypothetical answer to the questions related to the political and social implications of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's thought, it may be stated that he focuses his thoughts on the role of theosophy and Islamic rationality. Manuscript profile