• List of Articles Safavid era

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Measures of body hygiene in Safavid Iran
        mohammad ali parghoo javad alipoor silab
        One of the most interesting and Neglected aspects of social history studies is the issue of body health from a historical perspective, the present study seeks to investigate the perception of the Safavid physicians about the body and what measures they used to maintain More
        One of the most interesting and Neglected aspects of social history studies is the issue of body health from a historical perspective, the present study seeks to investigate the perception of the Safavid physicians about the body and what measures they used to maintain health(hygiene)or to deal with and treat various diseases. The present study is an applied study in terms of purpose. The health measures identified in the present study can be considered efficient, effective, and low-cost interventions in providing a healthy lifestyle by healthcare providers. Data were collected by library method and materials were presented by descriptive-analytical method. The findings of the present study indicate that the physicians of the Safavid era, by paying attention to the opinions of former physicians, defined the body and concepts such as wellness, health and disease in the framework of the teachings of humours view medicine and under the title of"omure-e tabiyye".The behavioral approach of physicians by referring to the opinions of former physicians as well as their own experiences, in the first step was aimed at protecting the health of the body by maintaining the balance of the body's temperament and restoring the balance to it when the disease occurs. Keeping the body healthy had a direct relationship with observance of physicians preventive recommendations regarding the six principles of "Hava, Makoul va mashroob, Harakat va sokon, Khab va bidari, Aaraz-e nafsani, Ehtebas va estefrag".In the second step, in the case of disease, according to the pathogen, different treatment methods were used. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Link Between Astronomy and Astrology in Safavid Era
        Behzad Karimi
        The historiography can be understood by studying the contextual, social and political science. On this basis, the relationship between cosmology and historiography during Safavid Era will be studied in this paper. In the early part, the “Qiran” (conjunction) More
        The historiography can be understood by studying the contextual, social and political science. On this basis, the relationship between cosmology and historiography during Safavid Era will be studied in this paper. In the early part, the “Qiran” (conjunction) as an essential principle related to the core of this essay is reviewed. Then, the connection between astrology and historiography and their influences based on the historiographical and astrological works have been considered. Finally, Safavid historiographical rhetoric has been studied through a formalistic approach.   Keywords: Historiography, Cosmology, Astronomy, Astrology, Safavid Era.                         References Abū al- Ḥasan Ḳazwīnī, fawaid al- Ṣafawiyya, Revised by Maryam Mir Ahmadi, Tehran, Mūassisa-yi Muṭāliāt wa taḥḳīkāt-i farhangī, 1988/ 1367. Abū Rayḥān al- Bīrūnī, al- tafhīm li- Awāil ṣināat al- tandjīm, Revised by Jalal Homaei, Tehran, Madjlis, 1939- 1937/ 1318-1316. Abū muashshir Balkhī, Aḥkām Ḳirānāt-i Abū muashshir Balkhī, Malek National Library and Museum Of Iran, manuscript, No. 3395/5. Afūshtaī Naṭanzī, Hidāyat Allāh, Nuḳāwat al- āthār fī dhikr al- akhyār, Revised by Ehsan Eshraghi, Tehran, Bungāh-i tardjuma wa nashr-i kitab, 1971/ 1350. Ahmadi, Babak, Risāla-yi Tarikh, Tehran, markaz, 1387/ 2008. Amīnī Harawī, Amīr Ṣadr al- Dīn Ibrāhīm, Futūḥāt-i Shāhī, Revised by Muhammad-Reza Nasiri, Tehran, Andjuman Āthār wa Mafakhir-i farhangī, 2004/ 1383. Anārī, Muḥyi l- Dīn b. Badr al- Dīn, Aḥkām-i ḳirānāt Muḥyi l- Dīn Anār Bayāzī, Malek National Library and Museum Of Iran, manuscript, No. 3068. Būdāḳ Munshī Ḳazwīnī, Djawahir al- Akhbār, Revised by Mohsen Bahram Nejad, Mīrāth-i Maktūb, Tehran, 2008/ 1387. Chardin, Jean, Safar-nama Shārdun (Perser Bayagesen), trans. Eghbal Yaghmaei, Tehran, Tūs, 1995/ 1374. Djanābandī, Mīrzā Bayg, Rawḍat al- Ṣafawiyya, Revised by Gholamreza Tabatabaie Majd, Tehran, Dr. Afshar's Endowment Foundation, 1999/ 1378. Geoffrey, Roberts, Tarikh wa Rawāyat (The History and Narrative Reader), trans. Jalal Farzaneh Dehkordi, Tehran, Imam Sadiq University, 2010/ 1389. Ibn Athīr, Tarikh-i kāmil-i buzurg-i Islām wa Iran, trans. Abbas Khalili & Abu al- Qasim Halat, Tehran, Ilmī, 1992, 1371. Iskandar Beg Turkoman, Tarikh-i Ālam- ārā-yi Abbāsī, Revised by Iraj Afshar, Tehran, Amīr Kabīr wa kitāb furūshī-yi tayīd Iṣfahān, 1955/ 1334. Jafarian, Rasul, “Zāyča- nāma niwīsī wa Tāli- bīnī dar tarikh mā (guzārishī az čand Zāyča- nāma az khāndān-i Mahdī ḳulī khān ḳummī)”, website: http://khabaronline.ir/detail/364349/weblog/jafarian, 2014/ 1393. Ḳāḍī Aḥmad b. Sharaf al- Dīn al- Ḥusayn al- Ḥusaynī al- Ḳumī, Khulaṣat al- Tawārīkh, Revised by Ehsan Eshraghi, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1984/ 1363. Khūrshāḥ b. Ḳubād al- Ḥusaynī, Tarikh Ilčī-yi Niẓām-shah, Revised by Muhammad-Reza Nasiri & Koi chi Haneda, Tehran, Andjuman Āthār wa Mafakhir-i farhangī, 2010/ 1389. Kennedy, Edward Stewart, Pazhūhishī dar zīdj-hā-yi Dawra-yi Islāmī(A survey of islamic astronomical tables),trans. Muhammad Bagheri, Tehran, Ilmī wa Farhangī, 1995/ 1374. Ibid, Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, Beirut, American University of Beirut, 1983/ 1361.      Ibid, Astronomy and Astrology in the Medieval Islamic World, London, Ashgate, 1998/ 1376. Ḳumī, Abū Naṣr Ḥasan b. Alī, al- Madkhal Ilā Aḥkām al- Nudjūm, Revised by Jalil Akhavan Zanjani,Tehran, Mīrāth-i maktūb & Ilmī wa Farhangī, 1996/ 1375. Lockhart, Laurence, Inḳirāḍ-i silsila-yi Ṣafawiyya(The Fall of the Ṣafavī Dynasty and the Afghan Occupation of Persia), trans.Ismail Dowlatshahi, Tehran, Ilmī wa farhangī, 2004/ 1383. Mir Muhammad Sadegh, Sayyed Saeed, “Tarikh-i Abbāsī”, Dāirat al- Maārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī. Mīrzā Rafīā, Dastūr al- Mulūk, Revised by Muhammad Ismail Marchinkowski, trans. Ali Kord-Abadi, Prolegomena by Mansor Sifat Gol , Tehran, Markaz Asnād wa tarikh-i Dīplumāsī, 2006/ 1385. Mīrzā Samīā, Tadhkira al- mulūk, Revised by  Vladimir Minorsky, trans. Masoud Rajabnia, Prolegomena by Mohammad Dabeer Siyaqi, Tehran, Amīr Kabīr, 1989/ 1368. Mullā Djalāl al- Dīn Muḥammad, Tuḥfa-yi Khānī, National Library of Iran, Manuscript, No. 3017/3. Mullā Muẓaffar Gunābādī, Tanbīhāt al- Munadjdjimīn, Malek National Library and Museum Of Iran, manuscript, No, 3107. Muṣaffā, Abu al- Faḍl, Farhang-i Iṣṭilāḥāt-i Nudjūmī, Tehran, Mūassisa-yi Muṭāliāt wa Taḥḳīḳāt-i farhangī, 1987/ 1366. Mustawfī, Hamdallāh, Tarikh-i Guzida, Revised by Abdolhossein Navaei, Tehran, Amīr Kabīr, 1985/ 1364. Nallino, Carlo Alfonso, Tarikh-i Nudjūm-i Islāmī, trans. Ahmad Aram, Tehran, Bahman, 1970/ 1349. Pingree, David, The Thousands of Abu Maashar, London, The Warburg Institute, 1968/ 1346. Roberts, Geoffrey (ed.), The History and Narrative Reader, London. Yamamoto, Keiji and Burnett, Charles, 2000, Abu Maashar on Historical Astrology, Leiden, Brill, 2001/ 1379. Rustam al- Ḥukamā, Muḥammad Hashim Āṣif, Rustam al- Tawārīkh, Revised by Mitra Mehrabadi, Tehran, Dunya-yi kitab, 2003/ 1382. Rūzbihān Khundjī, Faḍlullah, Tarikh-i ālam-ārā-yi Amīnī, Revised by Muhammad Akbar Ashigh, Mīrāth-i Maktūb, Tehran, 2003/ 1382. Shahmardān Ibn Abī al- Khayr Rāzī, Rawḍat al- Munadjdjimīn, Revised by Jalil Akhavan Zanjani, Library, Museum and Document Center of Iranian Parliament & Mīrāth-i maktūb, Tehran, 2003/ 1382. Taghizadeh, Sayyed Hassan, Bīst maḳāla-yi fārsī, trans. Ahmad Aram & Kavus Jahandari, Tehran, Bungāh-i tardjuma wa nashr-i kitab, 1967/ 1346. Taghizadeh, Sayyed Hassan, Maḳālāt-i taḳī-zāda( Gāh-shumārī dar Iran-i ḳadīm),Vol. 10, Iraj Afshar (as supervisor), Tehran, Shukūfān, 1978/ 1357. Tankulūshā, Revised by Rahim Reza Zadeh Malek, Tehran, Mīrāth-i Maktub, 2005/ 1384. Utbī, Abī Naṣr Muḥammad b. Abd al- Djabbār Utbī, Tarikh-i yamīnī, Revised by Abu al- Sharaf Naseh Jrfadqany, ed. Jafar shoar, Tehran, Ilmī wa Farhangī, 1995/ 1374. Valeh Qazvini, Mohammad Yusuf, Iran dar zamān-i Shāh Abbās-i Duwwum, Revised by Muhammad Reza Nasiri, Tehran, Andjuman Āthār wa Mafakhir-i farhangī, 2003/ 1382. Valeh Qazvini, Mohammad Yusuf, Khuld-i Barīn, Revised by Mir Hashem Mohaddes, Tehran, Dr. Afshar's Endowment Foundation, 1993/ 1372. Vahid Qazvini,Muhammad Taher, Tarikh Djahān Ārā-yi Abbāsī, Revised by Sayyed Saeed Mir Muhmmad Sadegh, Tehran, Institute for humanities and cultural studies, 2004/ 1383. Van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert & Kennedy, Edward Stewart, Sāl “ālam-i pārsiyyān”,Farhang, No. 21-20, pp. 188-157, 1997/ 1376. Winter, H. J. J. Winter, “Ulūm-i Iran dar Rūzigār-i Ṣafawiyyān”, The Cambridge History of Iran: The Safavids Period, trans. Yaghoub Azhand, Tehran, Djāmī, 2001/ 2004.       Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Social Impact of the Architectural Components of Safavid Bridges in Isfahan (Case S‌tudy: Khaju and Allahverdi Khan Bridges)
        Ghazaleh Hanaei Darab Diba Hamed Abedini Masoumeh Yavari
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Comparative Study of Text and Pictures of Walters's Shahnameh (W602)
        Nahid Jafari Dehkordi Sara Faraji Ebrahim Torkzadeh
        Walters's Shahnameh (W602) is one of the Safavid era's pictorial versions which contains scenes of battle and feast as well as romantic stories and heroes' advantures such as Bijan & Manijeh and Bijan's trouble by falling down to a borehole. The beauty and gracefuln More
        Walters's Shahnameh (W602) is one of the Safavid era's pictorial versions which contains scenes of battle and feast as well as romantic stories and heroes' advantures such as Bijan & Manijeh and Bijan's trouble by falling down to a borehole. The beauty and gracefulness of the pictures, made the author to analyze the depiction and coherence based on descriptive – analytical method and answer the following questions: a)      How much was the effect of the context on artist's work? b)     How much is the artist allowed to apply his personal taste? The authors assume that the artist of this version and othe authors do not rely on the context and present their art dependently (of the text). The surveys show that there are 10 commonalities and 14 differences out of 24 general characteristics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Study of Shia religions and the factors affecting its spread in the Safavid era based on the poetry of Saeb Tabrizi
        Maryam Asraei Iraj Mehraki Azar Daneshgar
        The Safavid government could establish an independent identity by formalizing the Shia religion and creating favorable social and cultural conditions in its territory. This identity played a significant role in the spread of Shiism and Shia religious rituals. The Safavi More
        The Safavid government could establish an independent identity by formalizing the Shia religion and creating favorable social and cultural conditions in its territory. This identity played a significant role in the spread of Shiism and Shia religious rituals. The Safavid kings maintained the appearance of religion and performed religious ceremonies and rituals in order to legitimize their rule. Likewise, the people followed these rituals. During this period, the Shiites had the opportunity to hold Shia religious rituals freely and away from the opposition. These beliefs and rituals are well reflected in the poems of Saeb, the greatest poet of the Safavid era.  Influenced by the Shia rituals and beliefs of his time, Saeb has devoted many verses to the subject of Shia religious rituals in the form of transition and reinforcement. In this research, which is written in a descriptive-analytical method, the reflection of several types of Shia religious rituals in the Safavid era in Saeb's poetry will be studied. Also, the reflection of Shia religious rituals divides into two groups of transitional rituals and reinforcement rituals according to the classification of religious rituals in cultural anthropology. The research findings show that the reflection of these religious rituals in Saeb's poetry is based on Shia teachings and beliefs influenced by Safavid religious policies and the social conditions of the people. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigating the Role of Dandar in the Cultural Identity of the Men of the Safavid Age, Based on Sa'eb Tabrizi Poetry
        nasrin rezazadeh maryam mohammadzadeh ramin sadeginejad
        In examining the identity of the body, such as cover and makeup, wear, and moreover, upper underwear, especially the cover, such as gown and color, sex, shape, size and makeup, play a significant role in identity formation, in comparison with other cloths. The culture o More
        In examining the identity of the body, such as cover and makeup, wear, and moreover, upper underwear, especially the cover, such as gown and color, sex, shape, size and makeup, play a significant role in identity formation, in comparison with other cloths. The culture of men has been in different societies. One of the most influential cultural-social effects of this identity is Safavid era. The main question of this article, which we are seeking to find a response in a descriptive-documentary way, is that the poetry of the Safavid period, as an important part of the documents and historical sources, can play; the role of the dressing and arrangement in creating and forming an identity Cultural society among men in this period? The findings of this research show that Safavid era poetry, especially Saeb Tabrizi, is one of the richest sources and documents for historical-social studies, including cover and makeup, and the most important and most significant identity coverage The section of men is in the Safavid era. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Shiism in the Persian poetry of the Safavid Era
        Fareydoon Tahmasebi
        Shiism is an inseparable, strongly-rooted part of Islam. Shiism is the outcome of the conditions, factors, and events that took place after Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) demise and what happened in the first century after Hijrat. Saqifeh community, the third Caliph be More
        Shiism is an inseparable, strongly-rooted part of Islam. Shiism is the outcome of the conditions, factors, and events that took place after Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) demise and what happened in the first century after Hijrat. Saqifeh community, the third Caliph being killed, Siffin War events, the emergence of Khawarij and Imam Hussain’s (PBUH) martyrdom, and the emergence of Tavabyn have been among the effective factors in the formation of Shiism. From the very beginning of Shiism, Iranians were specifically interested in it, and during the centuries after Islam, Shia was active in some regions in Iran.  It was not till the beginning of the tenth century that the Safavid Shah Ismail announced it to be the official religion of Iran and expanded it in most regions of the country. Along with these specific religious conditions in Iran, Persian literature, especially poetry that enjoyed Hindi- (Esfahani-) style in this period, experienced changes among which Panegyric and elegy related to the  Shia’s Imams were considered as new issues, something which is more or less seen in the Divans of most of the poets. This paper tries to examine this phenomenon, that is, the influence of Shiism on the poetry of the Safasvid era.   Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Status of Women and Music in the Safavid Era and Its Representation in the Persian Paintings of Shah Tahmasb’s Shah-Nameh
        Fatemeh Soqra Ghazanfari Zahra Tabatabaii
        This study aimed to investigate the Persian paintings of Tahmasbi’s Shah-nameh and women's lifestyle and music in that era. This is a fundamental research with a descriptive-historical method and social analysis has been applied for studying the Persian paintings More
        This study aimed to investigate the Persian paintings of Tahmasbi’s Shah-nameh and women's lifestyle and music in that era. This is a fundamental research with a descriptive-historical method and social analysis has been applied for studying the Persian paintings and the role and status of women and music in the Safavid era. The data were collected in library. Analysis of three Persian paintings of Tahmasbi’s Shah-nameh showed the proficiency and talent of the women artists in Safavid era in general and in Shah Tahmasb’s era in particular. The results showed that, given the importance of Shah Tahmasbi’s Shah-nameh, Shah Tahmasb’s penance had not only a great impact on Iran’s political, social, and cultural conditions but also made women more restricted than the previous eras. Accordingly, the music was boycotted and musicians endured many hardships. Although, repentance of Shah Tahmasb suppressed the activity of musicians and naturally, the activity of women, there are some Persian paintings containing women playing harp and tambourine. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Surveying Social Status Of Women According To Veil Alteration Process In Safavid Paintings
        عابد Taghavi S. M. Mousavi
        Present research studied women social role and status in Safavid era on the basis of veil alteration process through descriptive-historical analysis approach. This paper administrated historical sources and comparative method. The results indicated that women veil in Sa More
        Present research studied women social role and status in Safavid era on the basis of veil alteration process through descriptive-historical analysis approach. This paper administrated historical sources and comparative method. The results indicated that women veil in Safavid era was considered as a part of social class identity. It was defined according to Shah Inclination and imposed as a norm for the women in imperial court, while others social classes’ women worn veil according to their religious and ethics beliefs. They had prospered liberty in veil wearing selection compared to other women. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Reflection of trade union tools and words in the words of Ghassab Kashani
        Elham Gholamkelisani Mehrdad ChatraeiAzizabadi morteza rashidi
        Among Iranian poets, especially after the Safavid period, a group of professionals gradually appeared and some of them have shone. The use of tools and occupations in poets' poetry has a long history. This application, along with the useful information that it provides More
        Among Iranian poets, especially after the Safavid period, a group of professionals gradually appeared and some of them have shone. The use of tools and occupations in poets' poetry has a long history. This application, along with the useful information that it provides about different occupations, provides guidance in better understanding the old days of Iran in different periods The literary approach of these occupations can be seen in the literary type of poetry, One of the most important features of the city of riots, in addition to the description of the beloved, is the expression of the professions that were popular in the time and place of the poet and its community. In this research, among the professional poets, we have focused on the butcher of Kashani. Kassab is one of the poets of the second half of the 11th century and the beginning of the 12th century of Hijri, who has been able to write admirable poems in addition to the mystical and lyrical themes in the creative theme of his profession, considering the level of his awareness and knowledge. Bring in your speech. aims to investigate the use of tools and related job terms in Kassani's butcher's court, and by analyzing the findings, explain the use of tools in Kassab's poetry. and show the poet's ability to combine his profession with the poetry and social characteristics of his time, how are the tools and words related to the butcher's profession reflected in the words of Kashani's butcher? Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - social customs and traditions in Iranian branch of Safavid era poetry
        nasrin rezazadeh maryam mohammadzadeh ramin sadeghinejad
            Regarding the fact that in analyzing the poems of great poets in Safavid era, a type of generative sociology is felt like any other era, and considering that the recognition and analysis of literary works and gaining knowledge about the life of the authors More
            Regarding the fact that in analyzing the poems of great poets in Safavid era, a type of generative sociology is felt like any other era, and considering that the recognition and analysis of literary works and gaining knowledge about the life of the authors who have created such works is not possible without investigating the society and culture through which they have been brought up, the present research, aimed at investigating about social status of the era and knowing the general public lifestyles, is going to investigate different social ethics and customs in Iranian branch of Safavid era (the poems composed by Vahshi-e-Bafghi, Mohtasham Kashani, Naziri-e-Neishabouri, Kalim-e-Kashani, and Saeb). In this era, different issues such as the different traditions to celebrate the New year, wedding ceremonies, mourning, drinking alcohol, and other customs such as tipping, holding babies in cradle, fastening the letters onto the wings of pigeons, bottling the fairies and wearing something onto the arms were among the most frequent mentions in the Divan composed by Saeb.In Bafqi's poems, there­ is the least mention of social  customs Manuscript profile
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        12 - Structure of the New Julfa Churches of Isfahan after the Migration of Armenians in the Safavid Era
        Bahareh Nikravesh Mohammad Karim Yousef Jamali Alireza Khajeh Ahmad Attari Mehrdad Hejazi
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Children and Adolescence Education in the Safavid’s Era
        naser homaun
        Children education has existed first at home in the form of modeling and inculcation since ancient times. Since education has cultural value, it prepares children to live in society. For sure the social and economic circumstances play a role in the quality and the reali More
        Children education has existed first at home in the form of modeling and inculcation since ancient times. Since education has cultural value, it prepares children to live in society. For sure the social and economic circumstances play a role in the quality and the realization of education. In the course of historical changes the educational tasks turned into institutional ones, and are assigned to education institution. In post-Islam Iran, the institution ,which had its roots in the culture of ancient Iran and religious teachings, undergone rapid changes and appeared as a remarkable feature throughout the country. After Mongols’ attacks and Teimoor’s military moves, tribal governments spread throughout the country and in some parts governmental institution was established independently. However, Iranian culture and associated institutions like education more or less maintained its unity and homogeneity. After the collapse of tribal governments , the termination of Ghara Ghoylo Torkman government, and weakening of local governments, the Safavids took power. Gradually, Iran regained its social and political solidarity, and enjoyed “national” independence. However, the unity created was through force. It employed cultural institutions based on a special Ghezelbash Shiite. Culture(art, thought, and education) lost its dynamism, and developments were noticeable in some aspects of cultural-materialistic(architecture and decorative arts).   Manuscript profile
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        14 - Golkoshti Introduction and Review is a City Chaos Left Over from the Safavi Era
        Mahin Khatibnia
        There are many poets whose names are not mentioned in the memoirs and over time, the manuscripts of their divans have been known and studied by scholars around the world; Obviously, the manuscripts obtained, and especially the city of riots, are of special importance as More
        There are many poets whose names are not mentioned in the memoirs and over time, the manuscripts of their divans have been known and studied by scholars around the world; Obviously, the manuscripts obtained, and especially the city of riots, are of special importance as the local history of the system, the lexicon left over from the words and expressions, as well as the reliable source of historical, social and cultural information of their time And research about them is necessary and is one of the goals of this research. "Golkoshti" is one of the works of Mir Nejat Esfahani, one of Saeb Tabrizi's students and belongs to the Safavi period. The research method is quantitatively describing and analyzing 270 couplets of the shipwreck manuscript and library research and shooting tools. Extraction and retrieval of special and common words and terms of the Safavid period, retrieval of social customs, introduction of social classes, people's view of wrestling as a popular profession with more than 170 techniques and introduction of the city of Golkosht as the only reliable document that proves in the past, "gymnasium" was used instead of zurkhaneh, all of which are the results of this research. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Philosophy and Location: Aesthetic Thoughts and its Relationship with the Building of Urban Spaces (A Case Study of Naghsh-e-Jahan Square in Isfahan and St. Peter's Square in Rome, Italy)
        Abbas Damercheli Navid Saeidi Rezvani Seyyed Mohammad Reza Khatibi
        Aesthetics is somehow engaged in the thoughts of urban planners and architects. Aesthetics is a complex subject that adheres to individual and group tastes complied with a coherent and theoretical framework. The impressions of the various and contrasting aspects of the More
        Aesthetics is somehow engaged in the thoughts of urban planners and architects. Aesthetics is a complex subject that adheres to individual and group tastes complied with a coherent and theoretical framework. The impressions of the various and contrasting aspects of the beautification of urban spaces, in addition to raising the costs of the city, have caused confusion in the aesthetic field of urban planning and architecture. This article deals with what aesthetics in urban planning necessarily involves, which factors one has to deal with, or what kind of sources are used. In this article, the tendencies of theorists in aesthetics in the period of the Safavid and Renaissance in Europe based on the analysis of  Naqsh-e-Jahan Square of Isfahan and  St. Peter's Square in Italy in Rome were selected and studied. Then the adaptation and proximity of the features of the aesthetics have been evaluated applying the methodology of using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Based on the results of the questionnaires and findings, a tangible relationship between the aesthetic thoughts and ideas and the urban spaces designed in both Squares were observed. So, it was concluded that the beautification of urban spaces requires the backing of philosophical and aesthetic ideas, as well as a public art movement in the creation of urban spaces.   Manuscript profile
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        16 - A study of the common arts of the Safavid era through the Holy Divan of Mashhad
        nilofar khosravani KOBRA NODEHI
        One way to get acquainted with the common arts of each period of history is to study the great literary works that have survived from that time. Among the present literary texts, the Divan of Haji Mohammadjan Ghodsi Mashhadi, a poet of the 11th century AH, is a contempo More
        One way to get acquainted with the common arts of each period of history is to study the great literary works that have survived from that time. Among the present literary texts, the Divan of Haji Mohammadjan Ghodsi Mashhadi, a poet of the 11th century AH, is a contemporary of the Safavid dynasty, whose popular art of this era is widely reflected in his poetry.The era of flourishing Iranian art is in the Seljuk and Ilkhanid eras and reaches its peak in the time of the Timurids. However, the concentration and integration of the Safavid state organization caused all the arts to flourish, and for this reason, the types of arts in this era grew significantly in quantity. The Safavid government has been considered as a superior power in the field of politics, culture, economy and even art due to its religious authority and the confrontation of the great Shiite power with the Sunni government of Ottoman Turkey.In this article, an attempt is made to analyze the arts that were popular in the Safavid era, such as music, painting, calligraphy, book design and architecture through the Holy Divan of Mashhad. Manuscript profile
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        17 - A Review of Implications of King Succession in the Safavid Era
        zahra rezaei naser jadidi mohamadkarim yousof jamali
        In the history of Iran, king succession is marked as an important issue with strong impacts upon all sociopolitical and economic affairs. Possibly, it could be enumerated as an element of identification of a government’s political stability. In the Safavid era, th More
        In the history of Iran, king succession is marked as an important issue with strong impacts upon all sociopolitical and economic affairs. Possibly, it could be enumerated as an element of identification of a government’s political stability. In the Safavid era, the issue of king succession came with economic and political consequences that left significant implications in the Safavid governance and dignity of king, leading to debilitation of Safavid government. Ineffectual succession mechanisms and dearth of a codified law caused different forces, including women and military forces, to engage in succession processes. These forces made their utmost attempts to influence the king and derail him toward their own interests. Elapsing most of their lifetime in king courts, Safavid princes were ignorant of governance policies. They, accordingly, were much easy to get magnetized by these currents. Making use of a descriptive-analytical methodology, this study makes attempts to provide replies to the question how power leverages embedded in the pyramid of governance caused disputes in the issue of king succession. According to the findings of this research, disturbed internal situations, invasion of neighbors to borders, and faltered king's position as an absolute guide were the most significant consequences of the crisis in the issue of king's succession. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Resorting (Take refuge) in Safavid era
        Jahanbakhsh Savagheb
        Resorting (Take refuge) in some religious places in terms of people is one of the ways to protect individual security which those who resorted to it. The sources of Safavid era have no clear information about resorting and how it is customary, but based on the same news More
        Resorting (Take refuge) in some religious places in terms of people is one of the ways to protect individual security which those who resorted to it. The sources of Safavid era have no clear information about resorting and how it is customary, but based on the same news and the reports that European writers have presented, although not to the extent of the Qajarid era, places are known as sanctuary and those who have resorting them. In this paper, using descriptive - analytical method, the phenomenon of resorting in the Safavid period has been studied and the sites and facilities that have been sanctuary are described. The findings of this research indicate that some of the buildings and religious institutions and some political and administrative facilities are located in this period which have played security role in the protection of the oppressed people against the injustices of the government. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Health Protection Measures in Safavīd Irān
        mohammad ali parghoo javad alipoor silab
        One of the most interesting and neglected aspects of social history studies is the issue of health from a historical perspective. Therefore the present study seeks to investigate the perception of the Safavid physicians about the body and what measures they used to main More
        One of the most interesting and neglected aspects of social history studies is the issue of health from a historical perspective. Therefore the present study seeks to investigate the perception of the Safavid physicians about the body and what measures they used to maintain health or to deal with and treat various diseases. The present study is an applied study in terms of purpose. The health measures identified in the present study can be considered efficient, effective, and low-cost interventions in providing a healthy lifestyle by healthcare providers. Data were collected by library method and materials were presented by descriptive-analytical method. The findings of the present study indicate that the physicians of the Safavid era, by paying attention to the opinions of former physicians, defined the body and concepts such as wellness, health and disease in the framework of the teachings of humors view and under the title of “umure-e tabi’iyyah”. The behavioral approach of physicians by referring to the opinions of former physicians as well as their own experiences, in the first step was aimed at protecting the health of the body by maintaining the balance of the body's temperament and restoring the balance to it when the disease occurs. Keeping the body healthy had a direct relationship with observance of physicians preventive recommendations regarding the six principles of “Hava, Makoul va mashroob, Harakat va sokon, Khab va bidari, Aaraz-e nafsani, Ehtebas va estefrag”. In the second step, in the case of disease, according to the pathogen, different treatment methods were used. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Introducing and investigating the stylistics of Haft Lashkar Masnavi
        Fahimeh Gordgiran maryam mahmoodi ahmadreza yalameha
        Abstract Haft Lashkar in the form of Masnavi is an epic tale which was composed in the twelveth and thirteenth centuries.  Since its first and last pages had been omitted, there is no information available about its author, yet it is assumed that its composer coul More
        Abstract Haft Lashkar in the form of Masnavi is an epic tale which was composed in the twelveth and thirteenth centuries.  Since its first and last pages had been omitted, there is no information available about its author, yet it is assumed that its composer could have come from the Indian subcontinent.  In view of its’ stylistics features and according to manuscripts studies criteria this work enjoys the characteristics of the style common in the Safavid era.  This Masnavi is a verse narrative of a tale which appeared in the naqqali scrolls under the name of Haft Lashkar.  The most considerable part of this Masnavi is devoted to the tale of Borzu and his son Tamur or Taymur who intends to place Borzu on the throne instead of Kaykhosrow.  It appears that in composing this Masnavi, its composer had looked up to Shahnameh to a great extent but the poems are weak and unstable and at times meter is not respected. The composer employs feast and epic in feast and combat scenes. Applying documentary and library approach to the only copy left from the Haft Lashkar Masnavi, this research aims to assess it in terms of stylistics which involves examination of the every aspect of the language, its content and usage of literary devices. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The comparative study of the Indian Garuda with Simorgh in Persian Miniatures (Safavid era)
        Zahra Mohseni Abolghasem Dadvar Seyyed Ali Asghar Mirfattah
        Ever since antiquity Iran and India were considered as rich ancient civilizations and their common cultural origin was the reason to leave behind symbols, signs and mysteries alike for later generations.  The study of these common cultural characteristics by way of More
        Ever since antiquity Iran and India were considered as rich ancient civilizations and their common cultural origin was the reason to leave behind symbols, signs and mysteries alike for later generations.  The study of these common cultural characteristics by way of search for the surviving symbols from those golden era help to unveil mysteries hidden in the labyrinth of history. In Persian paintings after Islam, the striking image of a bird is seen. Aesthetically speaking this is a massive bird with gigantic wings and beautiful colors in the heart of nature called Simorgh, a major mythological motif clearly manifested in our poetry and literary culture of our past. Similarly Garuda in Indian literary tradition is the counterpart of Simorgh famous as “king of birds” is considered as one of the Gods of animal origin, flies faster than the wind and serves as the mount of Vishnu respected greatly by the Hindus. The image of Simorgh and Garuda are among the most beautiful images masterly employed in the embellishments of many works in the Islamic art particularly in paintings of the Safavid period.  The purpose of this article is to explain the symbolic roles of these two birds in their respective cultures and then make a comparative study using a descriptive method to show their impact in the miniatures of the Safavid period.   Manuscript profile
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        22 - Kaabol’s Shahnameh of the Safavi era
        Mahmoud Tavoosi
        Despite the fact that hundreds of manuscripts of shahnameh have been investigated by the scholars, yet sometimes quite accidently mystery is unveiled from an abandoned and forsaken copy only to bewilder the eager artists and literary figures. Of such works, is a complet More
        Despite the fact that hundreds of manuscripts of shahnameh have been investigated by the scholars, yet sometimes quite accidently mystery is unveiled from an abandoned and forsaken copy only to bewilder the eager artists and literary figures. Of such works, is a complete Shahnameh, illustrated and gilded with beautiful calligraphy produced by the calligrapher Abdul Razzagh Ghazvini and with the artistic collaboration of other infamous painters in the year 1044 Hijra found in Ghazvin’s Darossaltaneh. This invaluable manuscript is currently kept in the national archive of Kabul, in Afghanistan and has not yet been introduced to the artistic and literary circles. The purpose of this article is to introduce this artistic work for the first time. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Health Protection Measures in Safavīd Irān
        mohammad ali parghoo javad  Alipoor Silab
        One of the most interesting and neglected aspects of social history studies is the issue of health from a historical perspective. Therefore the present study seeks to investigate the perception of the Safavid physicians about the body and what measures they used to main More
        One of the most interesting and neglected aspects of social history studies is the issue of health from a historical perspective. Therefore the present study seeks to investigate the perception of the Safavid physicians about the body and what measures they used to maintain health or to deal with and treat various diseases. The present study is an applied study in terms of purpose. The health measures identified in the present study can be considered efficient, effective, and low-cost interventions in providing a healthy lifestyle by healthcare providers. Data were collected by library method and materials were presented by descriptive-analytical method. The findings of the present study indicate that the physicians of the Safavid era, by paying attention to the opinions of former physicians, defined the body and concepts such as wellness, health and disease in the framework of the teachings of humors view and under the title of “umure-e tabi’iyyah”. The behavioral approach of physicians by referring to the opinions of former physicians as well as their own experiences, in the first step was aimed at protecting the health of the body by maintaining the balance of the body's temperament and restoring the balance to it when the disease occurs. Keeping the body healthy had a direct relationship with observance of physicians preventive recommendations regarding the six principles of “Hava, Makoul va mashroob, Harakat va sokon, Khab va bidari, Aaraz-e nafsani, Ehtebas va estefrag”. In the second step, in the case of disease, according to the pathogen, different treatment methods were used. Manuscript profile