List of Articles Mindfulness-based stress Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction on Cognitive Flexibility and Coping Styles of Women in Female-headed Households Sajad Basharpoor Nasim Mohammadi Sara Asadi Shishegaran Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Effectiveness of Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction Training on Academic Self-Regulation and Existence of Girl Students Mahak Naghizadeh Alamdari Saeed najarpour ostadi 10.30495/jinev.2022.1913209.2322 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - The Effectiveness of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program on Academic Boredom and School Well-being in Secondary School of Maragheh City Issa Mohammadi ali afshari Ali Eghbali Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Sexual variety seeking based on early maladaptive schemas, parenting styles and moods Abdollah Omidi Javad Moemeni Fariba Rayegan Hosein Akbari Enseye Talighi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Moderating role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and perceived stress Somaye Rajabpour Farkhani Masod GHolamali Lavasani Gholamali Afrooz Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based of Stress Reduction on Marital Adjustment, Quality of Parent- Child Relationship and Self- Compassion in Women Employees of Shiraz University Elahe Aslami narges parvandeh Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program on Quality of Life of Female-Headed Households سجاد Basharpour نسیم Mohammadi سارا Asadi Shishehgaran Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Anxiety, Cognitive Flexibility and Resilience of Divorced Mothers Maram Azadegan Mehr Mohammad Javad Asgari Ebrahhimabad Majid Moeenizadeh 10.30495/jzvj.2021.4564 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction training on social anxiety and negative body image of people with body dysmorphic disorder Aliakbar Khosravi Hampa Akbar Mohammadi