• List of Articles Ismailis

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Ghaznawides and Philosophy and Theology in Khorasan and Transoxania
        Dr. Mahbub Mahdavian
        The lands of Khorasan and Transoxania before Islam were one of theimportant scientific and cultural centers of Iran, and had an outstandingrole in ruling Abbasides during the Isiamic era. Because of this, Theyhave been one of the pioneering lands in the world of Islam, More
        The lands of Khorasan and Transoxania before Islam were one of theimportant scientific and cultural centers of Iran, and had an outstandingrole in ruling Abbasides during the Isiamic era. Because of this, Theyhave been one of the pioneering lands in the world of Islam, from notonly political but also scientific and cultural points of view, particularlyin philosophy and theology. Ghaznawhdes government was one of themost important governments that ruled the entire of this land duringtheir authority. in this article, it has been attempted to survey andanalyze the role of Ghaznawides in the development of philosophy andtheology in Khorasan and Transoxania which led to the suppression ofphilosophy, Ismailism and Mutazilites, and strengthening of theologicalcastes of karramites and Ashrites. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The role of Da'wa institution in the political authority of the Ismaili Imamate
        zohreh alavidaghigh
        وجود یک سازمان تبلیغی- تبشیری با نام «سازمان دعوت»، یکی از عوامل پیش‌رفت و توسعه فرقه اسماعیلیه بود که سرانجام منجر به تأسیس یکی از امپراتوری‌های بزرگ اسلامی به نام فاطمیان در قرن چهارم در مغرب و مصر شد. داعیان ایرانی نهاد دعوت، با تبیین و تحلیل تفکر اسماعیل More
        وجود یک سازمان تبلیغی- تبشیری با نام «سازمان دعوت»، یکی از عوامل پیش‌رفت و توسعه فرقه اسماعیلیه بود که سرانجام منجر به تأسیس یکی از امپراتوری‌های بزرگ اسلامی به نام فاطمیان در قرن چهارم در مغرب و مصر شد. داعیان ایرانی نهاد دعوت، با تبیین و تحلیل تفکر اسماعیلی تلاش نمودند دعوت فاطمی را از طریق مسالمت‌آمیز در داخل و خارج قلمرو فاطمیان نشر دهند. در این راستا یکی از مهم‌ترین راهبردهای فرهنگی داعیان، ارائه استدلال‌های دینی و فلسفی در تبیین مشروعیت دینی و دنیوی ائمه فاطمی بود. بر همین اساس، سوال پژوهش حاضر این است که، داعیان نهاد دعوت چگونه از براهین کلام و فلسفه در تحکیم اقتدار امامت بهره جستند؟ فرضیه مطرح شده آن است که، داعیان با برهان‌های کلامی – فلسفی و مذهبی راه جدیدی برای نگرش به جهان و بیان نقش انسان ارائه دادند تا با تلفیق حقیقت دینی با حقیقت علمی دعوت شبه سیاسی امام فاطمی را نشر دهند. دستاورد این نوشتار که به روش توصیفی ـ تحلیلی سامان یافته این است که تالیفات داعیان در خصوص کلام و فلسفه چه با هدف حفظ موجودیت سیاسی خویشی و چه با انگیزه ترویج فرقه اسماعیلیه تالیف شده باشد، شایسته بازخوانی است و از سوی دیگر نقش تعیین کننده ای در اقتدار امامت امام فاطمی ایفا کرده است. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Areas of tolerance of Samanids with Ismailis
        mohammad najafi hasan shadpoor mahbobeh esmaeili
        The Ismailis who have been given various names are an extension of the Shiite religion and believe Ismael and his son are righteous for Imamate after Imam Jafar Sadegh. Through its ups and downs, this dynasty had interactions and confrontations with the incumbent govern More
        The Ismailis who have been given various names are an extension of the Shiite religion and believe Ismael and his son are righteous for Imamate after Imam Jafar Sadegh. Through its ups and downs, this dynasty had interactions and confrontations with the incumbent governments among which their interaction with the Samanid, as one of the most Iranian government of the history, is significantly important. Therefore, based on the necessity of explaining and recognizing the history of the Samanids and the type of their interaction with the Ismailis, in this descriptive-analytical study, we will examine the most important social contexts of the Samanids' tolerance of the Ismailis and explain its consequences. In addition, rooting out the causes and factors of the Ismaili's influence and expansion, especially among the Samanids and the role and policies of the political and cultural leaders of the two sides in the results of these ups and downs, is another case that this study intends to explain. The results of this study indicated that areas like the Iranian origin of the Samanids, their open religious policy, the influence of Shiite ideas on the Samanid rulers and the relative economic, social and security stability in Khorasan and Transoxiana were among the factors that paved the way for positive Samanid interaction with the Ismailis which , in consequence, made the Ismailis able to take advantage of this opportunity to succeed in their invitation and to expand the realm of their invitation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Factors of Conflict Between The Ismailis And The Seljuks: Results and Outcomes
        mohammad najafi hasan shadpoor mahbibeh esmaeili
        The main opposition of the Ismailis' government and thought were the Abbasid Caliphate and the Seljuk monarchy. The Ismailis didn't stop to react and utilized any opportunity to harm them, especially the Seljuk government which was accessible for the Ismailis. The outco More
        The main opposition of the Ismailis' government and thought were the Abbasid Caliphate and the Seljuk monarchy. The Ismailis didn't stop to react and utilized any opportunity to harm them, especially the Seljuk government which was accessible for the Ismailis. The outcome of such conflict was confrontation, positions based on conflict a between the Ismailis and the Seljuks. Thus, studying the background of this continuous and pervasive conflict is an undeniable necessity which will reveal a part of Iran's political and intellectual history. Therefore, the current research investigates the Ismailis movement and its ties and conflict with the Seljuk government by using an analytical- descriptive method. Also, their positions will be studied in different viewpoints. The results of the current research indicated that the relationship of the big Sunni government of the Seljuks with the Ismailis was established as based on the attitude of jurisprudence school of the Sunni scholars. In addition, the lack of a peaceful solution to express dissatisfaction was one of the main reasons for the violence of the Ismaili sect and its conflict with the Seljuk government, the most important result and consequence of which was the radicalization of the political atmosphere and the Ismailis' resorting to terror. The opposite point of this situation was the neglect of the opportunity for dialogue, the use of force to suppress the opposition and the application of social, political, religious and cultural pressures, discrimination and social restrictions by the Seljuks. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - “Khorram Religion” in Ferdowsi’s words, and its connection with Poet’s Ismaili religion
        Hamid Reza Ardestani Rostami
        Abstract There are many argument about “Khorram’s religion” in a mesra from the prologue of the tale of Siavsh in Shahnameh.  The writer of this article presents his own interpretation of this subject.  Since Ferdowsi had been a member of Ism More
        Abstract There are many argument about “Khorram’s religion” in a mesra from the prologue of the tale of Siavsh in Shahnameh.  The writer of this article presents his own interpretation of this subject.  Since Ferdowsi had been a member of Ismailits and long before becoming moslem, the majority of this group were members of Khorram-dinan who aspired for an independence of Iran from the Arabs dominance it seems that Ferdowsi in that mesra shows his devotion to the political and cultural movements of this group and regards himself as a follower of their path, hence sharing their patriotic feelings for Iran he had composed Shahnameh so that this tall tree could disperse its fruits to all Iranians.  Moreover in the prologue of the tale of Siavash, Ferdowsi speaks of a mobad or a priest who invites all to speak softly, to behave well, to be graceful, to act according to wisdom, and draws attention to God given gifts and the other world.  In view of a text remained from a Ismaili person who was earlier an adherent of Khorram religion and the correspondence of that text with the priest’s words in Ferdowsi’s poem, it is assumed that this priest must have had inclination towards this sect.  The existence of certain Manavi thoughts in the priest’s speech which is also indicative of his connection with the Khorramdini beliefs, since the root of Khorramdini beliefs lies in Mazdai sect who in turn are closely related to Manavi’s religious belief.  Therefore it is concluded that devotion to Khorram religion in Ferdowsi’s words probably confirms certain religious beliefs of Khorramdinan, those compatible with the Ismaili beliefs and in particular shows that he favors and adopt their political and cultural deeds. . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Ferdowsi, Naserkhosrow, and Ismailis
        HamidReza Ardestani Rostami
        Shahnameh scholars have earlier often referred to Ferdowsi’s shiism of being of the zaydi, twelvers, and Ismaili type. The writer of this essay sees the latter opinion closer to the truth since  There have been close associations between Ismailis and the com More
        Shahnameh scholars have earlier often referred to Ferdowsi’s shiism of being of the zaydi, twelvers, and Ismaili type. The writer of this essay sees the latter opinion closer to the truth since  There have been close associations between Ismailis and the compatriot Persian Dehqans and Sunni followers have constantly accused Ferdowsi for having ancient Persian beliefs.  Ferdowsi like Naserkhosrow and the Ismailis finds helpful accompaniment of Immanence and revelation in knowing God. In a verse in Shahnameh’s preface God is known as ”The designer of the best gem “ And based on Ferdowsi’s words one can assume ”the best gem”(in contrast to attribute) is the essence of reason and Universal Soul which is the source of all creation.  Ferdowsi like Naserkhosrow based on the Ismailis doctrine, summon people to inspect the word of God so that one can comprehend the true essence of God’s words as a great reward. Description of the process of creation in the preface is closer to the beliefs of Naserkhosrow and Ismailis. Both poets speak of God of revelation (Tanzil or Nateq) that the God of interpretation or (executor, Vasi) should disclose the secret of His words. They both in praise of prophet’s family use the term Ahl-al bayt and unlike many Sunni historians and geographers who mention Imam Reza once speak of city of Tus, there are no references made to Imam Reza who was buried near them or else the conclusion would have been to regard Ferdowsi as a twelver. Manuscript profile