List of Articles Historical house Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - A Comparative Study of Physical and Functional Features of Bushehr Shanashirs with Mashrabiya Space in Persian Gulf Countries Neda Naseri Zohre Oveisi keikha 10.71793/hoviatshahr.2024.793573 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Recognition the Sociological and Architectural Components based on Geographical Segmentation Technique by Value-normative Paradigm Mobina Rouhi Darab Diba Naser Fakouhi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Study of Components Reading in the Individual-Collective Space of the Courtyard in Traditional House (Historical Houses of Central Iran in the Qajar and Safavid Eras) Hosna Varmaghani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Investigating the Role of Isfahan Historic Houses yards in Promoting Social Interactions پژمان ناظری Maryam Ghasemi sichani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Investigating the Role of Isfahan Historic Houses yards in Promoting Social Interactions Pejman Nazeri Maryam Ghasemi sichani Mohsen Afshari Narges KeshtiAray 10.30495/uss.2022.696854 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - The Evolution of Historical Houses of Tabriz Metropolis from the Perspective of Visual Perception (Case Study: Houses in Qajar Period of Tabriz) Fatemeh Mohammadiyan Ali Azar Asadolah shafizade 10.71633/jshsp.2025.1032370 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - Investigation of socio-cultural factors affecting the physical transformation of the house according to the change of lifestyle in the contemporary era (case example: contemporary houses in Tabriz)* Farnaz Asgari sahar toofan Lida Belilan Asl Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - Investigating the Cultural and Social Effects of the Transition from Tradition to Modernity on the Physical Structure of Historical Houses in Tabriz leyla firouzfar Mir Saeed Moosavi nima valizadeh Asadollah Shafizadeh 10.30495/jscc.2023.1991293.2122 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - Analyzing and Prioritizing Effective Indicators to Modernize Historic Houses in Mashhad City through a Hierarchical Approach Tina Farahbod Mohsen Tabassi sanaz Saeidi mofrad Vahid Ahmadi