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        1 - Model Construction of Engagement and Outcomes in Consumers Food Life: Evidence from C stores Customers
        Saman Sheikh Esmaeili Sana Hazbavi
        The present study was designed and implemented in the field of Food consumer’s behavior and marketing. The main purpose of this study is to provide sufficient evidence for new pattern of food neophobia, food involvement and food life style as predictors of custome More
        The present study was designed and implemented in the field of Food consumer’s behavior and marketing. The main purpose of this study is to provide sufficient evidence for new pattern of food neophobia, food involvement and food life style as predictors of customer satisfaction and loyalty in chain store of Tehran city. In terms of methodology, the research was survey and applied type and based on descriptive-survey methods. Required data was gathered using, food related lifestyle standard questionnaires, food-related personality traits including food neophobia scale, Food involvement scale and researcher-made measures for customer satisfaction and loyalty.The content of factors was confirmed through the expert’s opinions and the validity of test construct by using factor analysis. Also to determine the measures reliability, Cronbach alpha coefficient was calculated and confirmed. The research findings showed that the proposed variables are suitable predictors of customer satisfaction and loyalty. In such a way that it can be admitted that food-related lifestyle and food-related personality traits significantly explain customer satisfaction and loyalty pattern. Research Limitations: The new and complex approach used to understand the effective factors of food customers’s satisfaction and loyalty despite the presence of numerous chain store’s customers with the various incentives and tastes could be mentioned as the limitations of the present research. Managerial Implications and Valve: The results of this study provided a deep understanding about the customer’s motivation and behavior by testing the cognitive drivers of food customer’s satisfaction and loyalty and their behavioral aspects. Considering the intense competition in the food industry, it has a practical applications for marketing managers and food retailers for makeing the right decisions. Manuscript profile