• List of Articles Fardid

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Freedom and Human Rights from the perspective of Seyyed Ahmed Fardid Seyed Hossein Nasr
        MohammaJjavad Sadipour Ali Darabi Ali Mortazavian
        Fardid, having invented and expanded the concept of westernization and split it into two types of non-double and double that are subject to the old and new, has had a great impact on the intellectual society of Iran. Freddie sees the Renaissance as the beginning of doub More
        Fardid, having invented and expanded the concept of westernization and split it into two types of non-double and double that are subject to the old and new, has had a great impact on the intellectual society of Iran. Freddie sees the Renaissance as the beginning of double-harboring, because the domination of the subject matter or the originality of subjectivism is the result of evolutionism. Nazrine challenges the discourse of traditionalism or wisdom, the self-centered humanist subject that underlies modernity. The Nazarene is a modernist state with a Renaissance and a religious reformation centered on humanism against the Sunnah. In fact, two different philosophical views of humanism, with the definitions of human beings, are the heart of the anthropological way of thinking. These two, with their particular intellectual and philosophical system, seek the critique of Western modernity, and through this the central axis of modernity, which is humanism or self-founded subject, The focus on the views of these two philosophers on the face of modernity in terms of philosophical anthropology and the analogy of texts such as freedom and human rights as two modern concepts; against mystical definitions such as freedom of the heart and humanity with the sole of human freedom and responsibility In the face of God, instead of human rights It will. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analysis of the thought of essentialist intellectuals against Pahlavi II modernity (case study of Seyed Ahmed Fardid and Seyed Hossein Nasr)
        khosro afzalian faeze amiri poua iraj etisam mohsen tabasi
        The contemporary history of Iran, especially Pahlavi II, is full of political and social developments resulting from the intellectual currents and activity of intellectuals. Enlightenment is a product of the modern world. Therefore, it is possible to put forward the sta More
        The contemporary history of Iran, especially Pahlavi II, is full of political and social developments resulting from the intellectual currents and activity of intellectuals. Enlightenment is a product of the modern world. Therefore, it is possible to put forward the standard of typology of intellectuals based on modernity. The most important service of an intellectual to society is through his intellectual products. Therefore, knowing the thought of an intellectual is one of the necessities. Essentialist enlightened thinkers against modernity, who philosophically negate the entirety of modernity and envision another future, and point out any attempt to patch modernity with Eastern religions or culture as futile, put forward a type of discussion. Examining and analyzing the discourse of essentialist intellectuals against modernity is the subject of this research. And in this regard, the essentialist concepts against the modernity of Pahlavi II are examined by examining the thoughts of Fardid and Nasr. In the upcoming research, according to the interaction of the essentialist type against modernity with the thought of the mentioned intellectuals, the research method is logical reasoning. The indicators of the species mentioned in the thought of Ahmed Fardid and Nasr are the West, technology and the interaction of modernity with the West. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Political Thought of Fardidian Circle
        جواد خزعلی جلال درخشه
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The approach of Iran's traditional and reformist intellectuals to Orientalism in the horizons of modernity
        ali bali
        Background and purpose: In Iran, from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, while the modernist intellectuals who are familiar with the western culture, mainly look at modernization with the view of interaction and tolerance, and even tolerate its scientifi More
        Background and purpose: In Iran, from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, while the modernist intellectuals who are familiar with the western culture, mainly look at modernization with the view of interaction and tolerance, and even tolerate its scientific and technological achievements, looked at the phenomenon and function of modernity and the vanguard of renewal with a view of error and opposition and considered it as an example of westernization. This essay tries to answer the question, "What was the quality of the intellectual confrontation of Iranian dissidents with regard to Orientalism and the arrival of modernism in the course of the 20th century?"Methodology: The methodological approach of this research is comparative and analytical and based on library sources.Findings and results: Modernity in its nature promoted the propositions of individuality, civil freedom and the importance of law. It seems that the approach of Iranian intellectuals to Orientalism was twofold; parallel to the fascination of some progressives towards the West and the manifestations of modernity, who considered westernization from head to toe as a necessity for the development and progress of society; At the same time, Iran's traditionalist intellectuals considered the first group's point of view to be xenophobia, westernization, and a colonial conspiracy and denied any interaction and tolerance with the West. It seems that during the years leading to the Islamic Revolution, the discourse of the later group became more influential and remained the dominant discourse of Iranian society for many years. Manuscript profile