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        1 - Analises in Shanghai Cooperation Organizatin Geopolitics, Economics and Security: Accent joined observer Iran in SCO
        Qiuomars Yazdanpanah Dero Ezatolahe Ezzati
        The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), Currently consisting of China,Russia and four Central Asian states (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan andTajikstan), covers more than three fifths of the Eurasian Landmass and represents onequarter of the world population. H More
        The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), Currently consisting of China,Russia and four Central Asian states (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan andTajikstan), covers more than three fifths of the Eurasian Landmass and represents onequarter of the world population. Hn that sense it is the biggest security organisation inthe world next to the UN.The SCO is also the only international security organization,where China is a member and the United States is not.As will be demonstrated belowcentral Asia is at the centre of the organisation both in a geographical and politicalsense.if India, Pakistan and Iran, which joined the organization in 2005 as observers(Plus Mongolia in 2004) are included, the organization represents about half the worldpopulation and contains four nuclear powers.The organzation calls for greter economic cooperation among its members ,and at ameeting on September 23, 2003, Wen Jiabao, the premier of the Peoples Republic ofChina (PRC) ,proposed the establishment over the long term of an SCO – wide freetrade area designed to improve the flow of goods in the region by easing traderestrictions, such as tariffs.The SCO, s Security agenda is vast.The organization has been compared to theWarsaw pact and referred to as the " NATO of the East. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The geoeconomic status and position of the Islamic Repulic of Iran and its role in keeping and promoting national security
        مهدی Minaei
        The basis of geostrategic scopes during cold war which had been built uponmilitary force, geographic space and ideologic influence was destroyed because ofmany reasons including high cost of arms and support for satellite countries,emergence of technologic revolution, a More
        The basis of geostrategic scopes during cold war which had been built uponmilitary force, geographic space and ideologic influence was destroyed because ofmany reasons including high cost of arms and support for satellite countries,emergence of technologic revolution, and development of communications.Meawhile, with decrease in the role of military and ideologic issues, groupingsand competitious between the two superpowers and their allies which were defined andanalyzed on the basis of militarism weakened, and the factors of workforce andeconomic resources were introduced as the index of “better development and power”.At present the strategic regions are classified on the basis of gross national product,human resources, and national resources. Specifcally the mark of power in the twentyfirstcentury is the economic capabilities at the internatiunal level, controllingprodution system, supply and consumption of economic goods. This is why thegeostrategic regions are mached with the regions that have abundant natural resources(specially energy resoures) as well as substantial gross national product.Therefore, the region of the broader middle east, specially the Persion Gulf andCaspian Sea play a very special “geoeconomic” role in the twenty-first century as theyhave more than 70 percrent of energy resources (Oil and Gas). The Islamic Repulic ofIran, which was considered an important country during Cold War, has been currentlymached with the global geoconomic situation. And it’s regional sitution during coldwar has turned to an excellent international situation in world considerations.This exceptional situation is irreplaceble and will become a pivotal role in formulatingthe strategies related to the world power systems.The natural domination of the Islamic Republic of Iran over Hormoz Strait andthe strategic islands around it, as well as having borders with the world’s secondlargest oil and gas resource in the North has made this country an important factor inestablishing peace and stability in the twenty-first century. Meanwhile, the IslamicRepublic of Iran should formulate a “geopolitic agenda” which can on the one hand,answer the regional and global problems and demands, and on the other hand ensurethe national security and interests, and realize the Islamic Revolution’s causes in thebest possible way. Manuscript profile
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        3 - U.S. Strategy and Iran’s Position in Middle East
        عزت اله Ezzati
        The 20 thcentury with its all characteristics, finally faced with the military strategies impasse and with U.S.S.R collapsing finished, and the day after the falling of Berlin wall in 1989, strategically entered to 21st century . By this, the world security agenda has b More
        The 20 thcentury with its all characteristics, finally faced with the military strategies impasse and with U.S.S.R collapsing finished, and the day after the falling of Berlin wall in 1989, strategically entered to 21st century . By this, the world security agenda has been formulated on the basis of new principals and actors which according to this global blue print, the world will be directed by 5 orbits which is composed of 4+1 axis.Consequently, the world’s geo-strategic divisions drastically changed and in fact the world’s map planning is on the bassis of the peace map. According to these transformations, traditional Middle East borders moved towards north, east and weast and geographically wielded. This geopolitical expansion created challenges among and for Middel Eastern countries. Moreover, besides the other changes, U.S. Security Strategy has focused on Caspian Sea basin. The considerable point in this process is locating Iran, in the centre of the Heartland of energy or in the other world, the Heart of world energy. This affair must be considered in arranging Iran’s National Strategy. Manuscript profile
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        4 - تحلیل جغرافیایی ژئواکونومی جمهوری اسلامی ایران در معادلات جدید منطقه جنوب غرب آسیا
        مجید قصاب زاده محمد اخباری داوود حسن آبادی
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        5 - تأثیر ثبات هژمونیک جمهوری اسلامی ایران بر امنیت مرزهای شرقی
        علیرضا نظریان مسعود مطلبی محمد نبی سلیم
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        6 - Putin's geopolitical and geoeconomic impact on the European Union
        hamid salehi ramin bakhshi mohammadreza farhadi
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        7 - Security Strategies of China against Geopolitical and Geostrategic Actions of the United States
        Mohsen Zamani
        Abstract: The relations between China and the United States may be the most complex and the most controversial relations among the big powers. These relations are affected by numerous variables and in many cases have been opposite and unpredictable. China is a represent More
        Abstract: The relations between China and the United States may be the most complex and the most controversial relations among the big powers. These relations are affected by numerous variables and in many cases have been opposite and unpredictable. China is a representative of the newly emerged powers and the United States is the representative of traditional powers. They have been considered as two rival and conflicting powers in world policies of the twenty first century. These complicated relations and China's emerging as a world power and the consequent repercussion of it is important in international system. Understanding the security strategies of these two countries in geostrategic and geopolitical region of the world will guide us about future prospect of international system. The present article tries to use an analytical model that is a moderation of the model of structural realism of Kenneth Waltz and raises this question that "what is China's security strategy against the geopolitical movements of the United States in geostrategic areas?" It is seen that China's security strategy is having four behavioral models of hard and soft balance, hard trail and soft trail which is based on relative strength, relative security and relative ideology. The methodology used in the paper is descriptive-analytical based on library sources. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - تحلیل جغرافیایی ژئواکونومی جمهوری اسلامی ایران در معادلات جدید منطقه جنوب غرب آسیا
        مجید قصاب زاده محمد اخباری داوود حسن آبادی
      • Open Access Article

        9 - تأثیر ثبات هژمونیک جمهوری اسلامی ایران بر امنیت مرزهای شرقی
        علیرضا نظریان مسعود مطلبی محمد نبی سلیم
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Geo-Strategic capabilities of the Zionist regime and its impact on the Geopolitics of the Islamic republic of Iran
        alireza keshvardoost hamed khadem
        The forward research has been done with target recognition and specifying geostrategic ability of the Qods occupying regime to identify and determine the geo-strategic capabilities in the hardware field (military power), geo-politics (policy settlements and water) and s More
        The forward research has been done with target recognition and specifying geostrategic ability of the Qods occupying regime to identify and determine the geo-strategic capabilities in the hardware field (military power), geo-politics (policy settlements and water) and software (the media) and its impact on the geopolitical Islamic republic of Iran. Geographic area where the research has been conducted, limited to the south and south-west Asia and north Africa are, But because of the widespread influence of this regime in the countries and international institutions, particularly the United States and its influence on the geo-strategic capabilities Quds occupiers, This relationship was also considered and investigated. Methods In this descriptive study - analysis and use of library resources, documents and the Internet are usually "common method is to study the humanities This study shows that politicians in the occupied territories and are based on the belief that peace in South-West Asia, Only through a combination of powerful hardware and software, it has achieved this regime, The only obstacle to achieving this result, the set of countries are supportive of the Islamic Resistance, And to crush the resistance, should be the mainstay and backbone of the Islamic Republic of Iran is about the in vision. So using all the tools that are intended to come into the beating heart of the Muslim world and its surrounds, And the different ways that affect the ability of geopolitical Manuscript profile