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        1 - A Study of Forough Farokhzad’s Poems from the Perspective of Lacan’s Theories of “Gaze” and “Mirror Stage”
        Saeed Yazdani Haleh Cheraghi
        In his theory of “mirror stage,” Lacan focuses on the fundamental role played by the mirror image in the development of man’s psyche. He refers to the importance of mirror image in the social and linguistic identity of the individuals. From Lacan&rsquo More
        In his theory of “mirror stage,” Lacan focuses on the fundamental role played by the mirror image in the development of man’s psyche. He refers to the importance of mirror image in the social and linguistic identity of the individuals. From Lacan’s perspective, man’s “gaze” is superior to that of the woman. Man’s “gaze” deals with the woman as the one who is endowed with a more inferior place than that of the former. The other concept considered in this article is the concept of “gaze,” that has an affiliation with Lacan’s theory of “mirror stage”. The author has made an attempt to study the impact of Lacanian “gaze” and “mirror stage” on Farrokhzad’s poem, using analytical-descriptive method. Since Forough’s poems have romantic characteristics and they reflect her own feelings and thoughts, thus this article can provide an important ground for offering better attitude towards Forough’s poems. The main research questions used in this article is how we can establish a relationship between Lacanian “gaze” and “mirror stage” and Forough’s poems. The results indicate that Forough has intended to challenge an identity ascribed to het by society and literary traditional through her poems; she intended to attain her real self. For the purpose, she could make use of mirror as metaphor, and like many other modern poets, present her feminine subjectivity and identity using “mirror image” and “gaze”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Function of “Ego” in Maqalat; Manifestation of “the Mirror Stage” in “the Imaginary Realm” of Shams-e Tabrizi and Its Narcissistic Traits
        Shahāb Kāzemiyān Shervin Khamse
        Shams-e Tabrizi is an eminent figure in Sufism and also is one of the most influential characters on Jalāl al-Din Rūmi, however based on existing sources some aspects of his character is ambiguous. In Maqalat, written by Shams-e Tabrizi and reflecting its author’s More
        Shams-e Tabrizi is an eminent figure in Sufism and also is one of the most influential characters on Jalāl al-Din Rūmi, however based on existing sources some aspects of his character is ambiguous. In Maqalat, written by Shams-e Tabrizi and reflecting its author’s life and beliefs, we encounter some phrases referring to concepts of self-assertion and boastfulness which represent the position of the concept of "ego" in the author’s mind. These phrases mainly refer to admirable aspects of "self" or criticize and denounce some Sufis. But on the other hand, in Islamic mysticism and Sufism, self-assertion and boastfulness are obstacles to attain the Truth. So, we are faced with a paradox in Maqalat that is mainly rooted in the author's personality. According to the psychoanalytical approach, literary works are examined as the mentality of the author and reflections of his/her unconscious. In the present article, based on method of psychological criticism, we attempt to study Maqalat, and to examine the "realm of imagination" of the author regarding to the concept of ego. This is done by mapping the metaphorical process of "the mirror stage" and showing the emergence of narcissism and its behavioral appearances.   Manuscript profile