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        1 - Evaluation of land capability for developing Agriculture and Range management (Case Study: Tajyar dam basin in East Azerbaijan Province)
        Marzieh Alikhah-Asl Nafiseh Rezapoor Andabili
        Background and Objective: In the present era that a variety of changes in the natural environment has been created, we are obliged to plan and manage land on the basis of the actual and potential of study areaʼs land to achieve sustainable development. The aim of this s More
        Background and Objective: In the present era that a variety of changes in the natural environment has been created, we are obliged to plan and manage land on the basis of the actual and potential of study areaʼs land to achieve sustainable development. The aim of this study is to evaluate the ecological potential for agriculture, range management and determine the consistency of current account agriculture, range management with ecological potential users of this area.Material and Methodology: In this research, first by looking at the different sources and standards, criteria and sub-criteria were selected. The main criteria used in this study include: Soil maps, geology, topography, climate, vegetation, water and land use. Then, layers were evaluated by designing and distributing questionnaires and were weighed by AHP and binary comparison matrix. Finally, all the layers were combined using a weighted linear combination method and the final ecological map can be obtained.Findings: In the final map for the development of agriculture and pasture lands that were taken in 1394, there is not classes 1, 2 and 7of agriculture - range management applications in the final map of these users because the topography, over the rest of the criteria limits the possibility of the agricultural grade 1 and 2 in the study area and from the perspective of range management standards, to the 3rd floor can be seen in the study area. Agricultural Grade 3 is the highest with 31.9% and pasture Grade 3 is the lowest with 11.5% of the land proportion .Discussion and Conclusion: The findings suggest that the combination of AHP and GIS has a high potential for ecological capability evaluation of land for agricultural - range management applications and given that Tajyar dam basin has the potential to develop agricultural activities and pasture In case of exploitation in line with the ecological, local people will be benefited from the effects of the economic expansion of these activities. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Evaluation studies of the resources and capabilities of sloping lands in Savadkooh region
        Alireza Moradian Nazanin Khakipour
        Indiscriminate livestock grazing, rainfed agriculture in sloping lands, cutting of forest trees and other illogical uses of land have caused disturbance of the ecological balance of the environment, erosion of soils and reduction of their fertility in Savadkooh area. Th More
        Indiscriminate livestock grazing, rainfed agriculture in sloping lands, cutting of forest trees and other illogical uses of land have caused disturbance of the ecological balance of the environment, erosion of soils and reduction of their fertility in Savadkooh area. The purpose of this study is to determine the best way of exploitation in each of the parts of the land unit, in such a way as to obtain the maximum yield or income, to prevent the destruction of the land and to stop the current process of soil erosion as much as possible. separation of land resources and determination of their capabilities and suitability and talents, land use map of Savadkooh area were determined. Then, by using the FAO method, a detailed evaluation was done using the characteristics of the land and matching them with the tables of plant needs. By combining the results of the aptitude of land and its suitability for various agricultural activities, as well as plant needs and its relationship with the production potential index of suitable areas for agricultural activities in general and horticulture in particular, it is determined. Conclusion: Studies of land potential show that the irremediable limitations and negative factors in horticulture are basically the limitation caused by the impossibility of irrigation in terms of water resource limitations and the limitation of the possibility of mechanization development in terms of the slope of garden lands. Manuscript profile
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        3 - قابلیت اراضی کشت و توسعه گیاه دارویی آنغوزه با رویکرد اقلیمی مطالعه موردی: استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد
        سید احمدعبدلپور سید احمدعبدلپور حسینمحمدی حسینمحمدی علی‌اکبر شمسی‌پور علی‌اکبر شمسی‌پور
        هدف اصلی از تعیین قابلیت اراضی، پیش­بینی ظرفیت ذاتی واحدهای اراضی برای کاربری خاص در طی یک دوره طولانی و پایدار است. پژوهش حاضر باهدف شناخت نواحی مستعد و قابل توسعه اراضی مرتعی استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد برای کشت گیاه دارویی آنغوزه[1] در رابطه با نیازهای مطلوب اقلیمی More
        هدف اصلی از تعیین قابلیت اراضی، پیش­بینی ظرفیت ذاتی واحدهای اراضی برای کاربری خاص در طی یک دوره طولانی و پایدار است. پژوهش حاضر باهدف شناخت نواحی مستعد و قابل توسعه اراضی مرتعی استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد برای کشت گیاه دارویی آنغوزه[1] در رابطه با نیازهای مطلوب اقلیمی بر اساس روش­های تصمیم­گیری چندمتغیره در محیطGIS است. برای دستیابی به هدف پژوهش، پایگاه داده­های اقلیمی شامل دما، بارش، رطوبت، تعداد روزهای یخبندان وساعت­های آفتابیمجموع ۲۳ایستگاه هواشناسیو باران­سنجی از زمان تأسیس تا سال۱۳۹۷وداده­های فیزیوگرافی: ارتفاع، شیب، جهت شیب، کاربری اراضی وبافت خاک در قالبنقشه­های موضوعی تهیهو طبقه‌بندی شد. سپس با استفاده از مدل تحلیل رابطه­ای[2]، تلفیقو وزن دهیلایه­هادر محیط GISانجامو درنهایت نقشه نهایی قابلیت اراضی آنغوزه برای استان تهیه شد.نتایج مدل­سازی نشان داد کهاراضی دارای اولویت مناسب، با بیش از ۱۲۲۰۰۰ هکتار برابر با ۸ درصد مساحت استان است. اراضی دارای اولویت متوسطبا برخی محدودیت­های محیطی ۹۸۰۰۰ هکتار از زمین­های استان را پوشش می­دهد. غالب اراضی باقابلیت توسعه کشت گیاه آنغوزه در زمین­های مرتعی خوب، پهنه­های با بارندگی بین ۶۰۰ تا ۸۰۰ میلی­متر، دامنه­های آفتاب­گیر جنوبی،زمین­های با بافت خاک سبک شنی لومی، نقاط ارتفاعی بالای۲۰۰۰ متر و شیب­های تند بالای ۲۰ درصد هستند. به‌طوری‌که این مشخصات محیطی بیشتر در منطقه سردسیر بویراحمد پای دامنه­های کوهستان زاگرس قرار دارند. بیش از ۷۱درصد استان به دلایل مختلف قابلیت کشت و توسعه گیاه آنغوزه را ندارد. مهم‌ترین دلایل محدودیت کشت و توسعه این گیاه، کاربری­های زراعی، باغی، جنگلی و اراضی مسطح و جهت شیب­های شمالی است. 1 Ferula assafoetida [2]Relational Modeling Manuscript profile
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        4 - Ability to Cultivate Land in The Mahshahr City Using Parametric Model Geomorphologic
        Maryam Ilanlo
        Recognition and grading land potential, can contribute to the optimal utilization of these resources is necessary. Also identify areas prone and its distribution in different regions, we can identify potential land management methods appropriate to apply the maximum ben More
        Recognition and grading land potential, can contribute to the optimal utilization of these resources is necessary. Also identify areas prone and its distribution in different regions, we can identify potential land management methods appropriate to apply the maximum benefit to not be done. In this study, soil and land, topography (slope, altitude), and meteorological data (average rainfall) data geology (rock type) and susceptibility to erosion in Mahshahr city were studied. For this purpose, layer by using available data, a database in GIS environment were prepared and analyzed. After preparation of layers, with integrated software environment ArcGis10.2 maps obtained using the hierarchical model, different regions based on their talent into three zones, good, fair or poor were zoning Manuscript profile