• List of Articles فطری

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        1 - حقوق و اخلاق در آراء جان آستین ،کلسن، هارت و کانت: در جستجوی نظام حقوقی کارآمد
        محمد صادقی مهدیه صانعی
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        2 - Unity of Religion from the Rumi’s Point of View
        عبدالرضا مظاهری
        According to the Sufis the relation between God and the world issimilar to the relation between sun and its rays so all prophets camefrom a single source of light; however lay people who have engaged inmaterial matters could not appreciate this unity, therefore, called More
        According to the Sufis the relation between God and the world issimilar to the relation between sun and its rays so all prophets camefrom a single source of light; however lay people who have engaged inmaterial matters could not appreciate this unity, therefore, called theprophets as Moses, Jesus and etc. Since people could not realize theessence of religion, they start interpreting it according to theirunderstanding, and as a result, fighting with each other. Rumi believesthat prophets are the representatives of God on the earth and by usingallegory he tries to explain the unity of the path of prophets. Accordingto Rumi, the mystery of the oneness of religion will be discovered onlyby cutting through the exoteric side of it. From his viewpoint the innateGod-given religion, or the real divine unity, and the devotional prayerare the essence of religion and if people understand this reality, theirconflict will be disappeared. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Spiritual Role of Pain and Suffer from Holy Quran and Narrations View Point
        Ramezan Mahdavi Azadboni Seyyedeh Maryam Alizadeh
        The present paper tries to express the spiritual role of pains and difficulties in human lives by citing Holy Quran verses as well as the narrations by Ahl –e Beit. The assumption of this article is that if a human distracts of his Creator is because if his own ne More
        The present paper tries to express the spiritual role of pains and difficulties in human lives by citing Holy Quran verses as well as the narrations by Ahl –e Beit. The assumption of this article is that if a human distracts of his Creator is because if his own negligence and inattention. The role of the mischievous thinking in human lives is to remind human's nature and his Lord. According to this assumption a human could harm his nature because of some behaviors or social conditions and the Divine tradition is to suffer the human in order to wake him up and remind him his capabilities by considering his authorities. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Love in Imam Khomeini’s Mystical Poems
        Aghdas Jahangiri, Ali Akbar Afrasiabpour Farajollah Barati Maryam Bakhtyar
        Imam Khomeini believes that the concept of love is covered by the necessity of covering the divine essence. On the one hand, he believes that the universe is all the shadow of the beloved, even the love of the mountain and nature belongs to the beloved, and on the other More
        Imam Khomeini believes that the concept of love is covered by the necessity of covering the divine essence. On the one hand, he believes that the universe is all the shadow of the beloved, even the love of the mountain and nature belongs to the beloved, and on the other hand, he has described the absolute beloved in secret, to the extent that even the use of the words of the unseen is inward. He also knows about the divine nature from necessity and urgency. The language of lyricism and joyful information and romantic themes and reckless expressions do not leave room for mysticism to study and discuss, and if there is a trace and fruit of mysticism, it is its lip and essence, which knocks on the door of love like a ring and says need. Innovation in this research is mystical love in Imam Khomeini's poems, which has not been done in any research so far Manuscript profile
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        5 - ازدواج در ادیان الهی و فرهنگ اجتماعی و تأثیر آن در جنبه‌‌های حقوقی و اجتماعی
        حسن قلی پور
        در جهان‌بینی اسلامی برای تمامی نیازها و غرایز انسانی راهکارهایی در نظر گرفته شده است. در این رابطه می-توان گفت مسأله ازدواج بهترین راهکار برای یکی از غرایز انسانی است که از دیدگاه اسلامی و ادیان الهی اهمیت بسیاری دارد. روح لطیف انسان همانند جسم او دارای نیازهایی است که More
        در جهان‌بینی اسلامی برای تمامی نیازها و غرایز انسانی راهکارهایی در نظر گرفته شده است. در این رابطه می-توان گفت مسأله ازدواج بهترین راهکار برای یکی از غرایز انسانی است که از دیدگاه اسلامی و ادیان الهی اهمیت بسیاری دارد. روح لطیف انسان همانند جسم او دارای نیازهایی است که در صورت تأمین آنها به تکامل واقعی خواهد رسید به همین دلیل محبوب‌ترین چیزها در نزد خداوند مسأله ازدواج است، آنجا که در قرآن مجید می-فرماید: « ... فَانکِحُوا ما طابَ لَکُم مِنَ النِّساء مَثنی و ثُلاث و رُباعَ فان خِفتُم اَلّا تَعدِلُوا فَواحِدَهً اَو ما مَلَکَت اَیمانُکُم ذالِک اَدنی اِلّا تَعُولَو». با زنان پاک دامن ازدواج نمائید، دو یا سه یا چهار همسر و اگر می‌ترسید عدالت را (درباره‌ی همسران متعدد)رعایت نکنید، تنها یک همسر بگیرید و یا از زنانی که مالک آنهایید استفاده کنید این کار از ظلم و ستم بهتر جلوگیری می‌کند(نساء 3). پیامبر عظیم‌الشأن (ص) فرمود: «النکاح سنتی و من رغب عن سنتی فلیس منی» ازدواج سنت و روش من است و هر کسی از آن دوری کند از من نیست. ازدواج به عنوان پایه و اساس یک جامعه صلح آمیز است. ازدواج یک رکن اصلی خانواده و تقریباً اساس تشکیل خانواده و مبنای سازمان اجتماعی هر کشوری محسوب می‌شود. ازدواج یک سنت الهی است که در تمام ادیان الهی (یهودیت، مسیحیت، اسلام، هندو، بودیسم و غیره) وجود داشته و دارد. از طرفی ازدواج یک حکم فطری و هماهنگ قانون آفرینش است و انسان برای بقاء نسل و آرامش جسم و روح و حل مشکلات زندگی اجتماعی احتیاج به ازدواج سالم دارد. بر اهمیت ازدواج دلایل فراوانی بیان داشته‌اند، از جمله مسأله تولید مثل مسأله کسب استقلال، حفظ عفت و مصونیت از گناه و ایجاد آرامش و تأمین اجتماعی و ... که در این مقاله اشاره شده است. از طرفی خانواده، واحد بنیادین جامعه و مرکز اصلی رشد و تعالی انسان‌ها است و قرآن کریم به آن اشاره کرده و فرمود: برای هر چیز زوج قرار دادیم و راز بقای بشر این است که این امر به نحو احسن انجام پذیرد. دلیل اهمیت این امر، تأثیر خانواده بر ارزش‌ها و روابط اجتماعی است و می‌توان گفت که یک خانواده سالم، جامعه سالم را نوید می‌دهد و سلامت خانواده، سلامت جامعه را به دنبال دارد، تمام تحولات اجتماعی، در ابتداء در خانواده شکل می-گیرد و سپس به جامعه منتقل می‌شود. Manuscript profile
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        6 - f
        Siddiqah Musaddiq Sidqi Bahram Arifi
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        7 - Analysis of Descartes' innate ideas Based on knowledge by presence
        seyed hebatollah sadrosadat zadeh
        Descartes’ theory of knowledge is based on the existence of innate ideas, to counter the wave of skepticism in his time. However, these ideas have certain ambiguities regarding their existential quantity and quality as well as the criteria for their identification More
        Descartes’ theory of knowledge is based on the existence of innate ideas, to counter the wave of skepticism in his time. However, these ideas have certain ambiguities regarding their existential quantity and quality as well as the criteria for their identification, therefore the theory is considered by some to lack integrity. Knowledge by Presence is an innovation of Muslim Philosophers. It has attracted much attention from them since the time of Al-Farabi until the present and its characteristics and examples have been examined in numerous works. A contemporary thinker has gone so far as to name it the foundation of all human knowledge. Since Knowledge by Presence has not been heeded by Western philosophers, there is no mention of it in any of their works, including Descartes. This paper seeks to prove that first, Knowledge by Presence has played a significant part in the formation of Descartes’ Epistemology although he may not have been aware of it; second, his innate ideas can be considered equivalents to the examples of Knowledge by Presence and third, the ambiguities of Descartes’ theory can be resolved by applying his innate ideas to the examples of Knowledge by Presence. Manuscript profile
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        8 - God in Meditations on First Philosophys Descartes
        seeyed mostafa shahraeini
        What we seek to show in the present paper is that although Descartes throughout his masterpiece, Meditations on First Philosophy, speaks of God, by this, he does not reveal one but only a redefinition of God for reaching a new idea of Him upon which he tries to build hi More
        What we seek to show in the present paper is that although Descartes throughout his masterpiece, Meditations on First Philosophy, speaks of God, by this, he does not reveal one but only a redefinition of God for reaching a new idea of Him upon which he tries to build his system of knowledge. In his arguments for God, he seeks not to establish His existence like scholastics but only tries to prove God from a new idea of Him. In Meditations, the two main goals can be traced in parallel: First, to establish the new Cartesian system based on the redefinition of man, God, and the world; Second to do philosophy by avoiding challenging with Church to the extent that if philosophy cannot be done unless through this challenge, undoubtedly it must be stopped. The former goal is not principal while the latter is marginal, since no philosophy can be done when there is any fear of challenge and clash with others. The author tries to redefine God so that his subjectivism and the autonomy of thinking ‘I’ can be developed. At the same time, he cannot but speak of this redefined God in a scholastic Christian language in order to cause no hostility from the Church against the book. In spite of the fact that he, in Meditations, speaks of the existence of God and proves it, he does this task by recourse to the Idea of God and neglecting the external God. Descartes only tries to present a new definition of God that satisfies his system’s needs. Manuscript profile
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        9 - An Analysis of the process of Formation and Importance of the Problem "the Origin of Ideas and Concepts" in the New Age of Western Philosophy
        ahmad hamdollahi
        The question of "the origin of ideas and concepts" is one of the most important issues in the new age of Western philosophy. In this article I have attempted to provide an analysis of the process of formation and importance of this issue during this period. I have shown More
        The question of "the origin of ideas and concepts" is one of the most important issues in the new age of Western philosophy. In this article I have attempted to provide an analysis of the process of formation and importance of this issue during this period. I have shown in this analysis: The first step in the formation of this problem was the presentation of the Idea of innate ideas by the rationalists of new age, which is due to some of their metaphysical foundations and views, rather than answering an explicit and independent question called "the origin of ideas and concepts". At this stage, although the question of "the origin of ideas and concepts" has been raised in some way, it has not yet emerged as a serious and independent issue. In the second step, John Locke with the aim of rejecting of the Idea of innate ideas, for the first time explicitly and directly raising the question of "the origin of ideas and concepts" and discussing it seriously and in detail. Leibniz's re-defense of innate ideas against Locke's attacks, has led to the explicit formation of dualism of Rationalism and Empiricism for the first time, and thus making this debate particularly important. In the third and final step, Hume, by linking the fate of very important issues such as the possibility of Science and Metaphysics to the question of "the origin of ideas and concepts", makes it a matter of immense value that it never had before. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Feasibility and Type of knowledge of God with a Comparative View in Tafsir "Al-Mizan" and "Mufatih Al-Ghaib"
        zeinab ghasempour habibollah halimi jloudar reza mahdiyanfar
        Undoubtedly, one of the most important philosophical and theological topics is the discussion about God, but without understanding the method, it will be impossible to know God. Today, due to the differences between Islamic denominations, the best defense of the truth i More
        Undoubtedly, one of the most important philosophical and theological topics is the discussion about God, but without understanding the method, it will be impossible to know God. Today, due to the differences between Islamic denominations, the best defense of the truth is to discover the points of commonality and difference and to explain the views of the parties in the verses of the Holy Quran. The current research, which is based on the method of description and analysis by studying and examining the two commentaries of "Al-Mizan" and "Mufatih Al-Ghaib", examines the views and opinions of two prominent commentators - Allameh Tabatabai and Fakhr Razi - from the two Shia and Sunni perspectives about the possibility of knowing God's essence. Therefore, in order to analyze the main issue, other points were also examined, for example, which of the two typological commentators that they have presented about God is one of the natural, rational, figurative, transferable, intuitive, and sensory cognitions? The result is that Allameh Tabatabai, contrary to Fakhrazi's view, acknowledges the impossibility of fully knowing God, the limitation of intellectual knowledge, and ignoring direct and intuitive knowledge is the most important difference between Fakhrazi's view and Allameh's; Allameh Tabatabai's point of view in analyzing the problem is more coherent and does not have any conflict. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Knowledge of God in Imam's traditions and its epistemological justification
        Mohammad Hosein Mahdavinejad Masoud Fekri Mohammad Hosein Emamijoo
        The epistemological explanation of the knowledge of God is certainly one of the most important and controversial in the philosophy of religion. One of the theories presented is primordial nature theology. The Imams (as) in their hadith family have largely spoken on the More
        The epistemological explanation of the knowledge of God is certainly one of the most important and controversial in the philosophy of religion. One of the theories presented is primordial nature theology. The Imams (as) in their hadith family have largely spoken on the knowledge of God by primordial nature. The innate knowledge of God in the expression of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) is such that God has placed His knowledge in the institution of all human beings and they have no involvement in obtaining this knowledge. In addition, a large group of verses and hadiths have made statements about monotheism that are based solely on narrated sources. The purpose of this research and its innovation is to examine the epistemological validity of propositions related to the knowledge of God based on the Qur'an and the traditions of the Ahl al-Bayt. Accordingly, among the theories of justification, the selected theory of this study is based on the moderate fundamentalism. The method of this article, in terms of theological propositions, is the method of library study (study of documents) and the descriptive-analytical method when the epistemological justification is considered.    Manuscript profile
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        12 - An Analysis of the Epistemological Value of Divine Innate Knowledgee
        Seyyed Jaaber Mousavirad
        Finding an epistemological basis divine for innate knowledge of God is an important issue which various theories have been proposed on. The most important theories about the nature and epistemological basis of this divine innate knowledge are: A: Innate knowledge means More
        Finding an epistemological basis divine for innate knowledge of God is an important issue which various theories have been proposed on. The most important theories about the nature and epistemological basis of this divine innate knowledge are: A: Innate knowledge means the clarity of the theoretical argument for the existence of God.  B: There is a correlation between the desire for God and the objective existence of God. C: The concept of God is one of the innate concepts. D primordial natural knowledge is a logical self-evident proposition. E: Innate knowledge is an obvious affirmation that arises from the quality of human creation; F: Innate knowledge means knowledge in presence of God. In this article, these theories are examined and finally it is proved that only on the basis of knowledge in presence an epistemological basis for innate theology can be found and the rest of the theories and foundations have their own drawbacks. The base of the innate knowledge is that just as man finds his own existence, attributes, and subjective states, so he intuitively will be able to find the existence of God. However, this epistemological basis can also be accepted only if we say that the knowledge of God in presence does not require the unity of the knower (man) and the known (God).  Manuscript profile
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        13 - Locke and the Problem of the Criterion
        Mohammad Hosein Esfandiari
        In the literature on the problem of the criterion, John Locke is described as a methodist: one who prioritizes the criterion of knowledge over its extent and believes that based on the criterion of knowledge, its extent can be determined. However, there is no independen More
        In the literature on the problem of the criterion, John Locke is described as a methodist: one who prioritizes the criterion of knowledge over its extent and believes that based on the criterion of knowledge, its extent can be determined. However, there is no independent research to substantiate this description. That is the arguments and evidence confirming that Locke is a methodist have not been presented and examined independently. The following article addresses this issue. Hence, the author after a brief review of the problem of the criterion and its background provides the reasons and evidence that Locke is a methodist, including the argument based on 'no innate knowledge', the argument based on 'tabula rasa', and the argument based on the rejection of epistemic authoritarianism. Then, the nature of his Methodism and, indeed, Locke's view of the criterion of knowledge are discussed. During this discussion, it is examined whether Locke considers the criterion of knowledge to be related to the achievement of knowledge or justification. Then, it is argued that if the criterion of knowledge in Locke's view is related to the achievement of knowledge, should his epistemology be considered naturalized? And if so, what is the significance of Locke's discussion of the primacy of the criterion of knowledge over its extent, which is a normative discussion? Manuscript profile
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        14 - Investigating the role of human nature in creating knowledge from the perspective of French Descartes and Ayatollah Javadi Amoli
        ebrahim abarsaji
        The existence of nature in humans and its role in knowledge have been discussed. Some scientists have taken its existence for granted and have talked about its extent and nature, while others have denied it. Among Islamic scholars, the existence of nature is considered More
        The existence of nature in humans and its role in knowledge have been discussed. Some scientists have taken its existence for granted and have talked about its extent and nature, while others have denied it. Among Islamic scholars, the existence of nature is considered almost certain and the talk is aimed at the influence and how it affects. Among Western,ers Descartes fully emphasizes the place and role of innate concepts in epistemology and its scope. In a brief comparison between what these two philosophers have said, we find out their differences and possibly their commonalities.From Descartes' point of view, man understands the existence of God, man and nature in a clear and distinct way that is characteristic of natural concepts. According to Ayatollah Javadi, human nature also knows the existence of God and his attributes such as monotheism, prophethood, and resurrection, and in general the principles of belief, morality, and even behavior.It has been objected to both philosophers that we do not find these natural concepts at the beginning of our life. By accepting the lack of innate concepts at the beginning of human creation, Javadi considers this type of knowledge to be intuitive based on the existence of nature and the single soul of man, but Descartes, without emphasizing on intuitive knowledge and merely mentioning intellectual intuition, found these innate concepts at the beginning of human creation. they know, but in a latent form that is revealed with the emergence of the background and discovers their intellect. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Formal knowledge or conceptual perception in the philosophy of illumination
        Azizollah Afshar Kermani
        Suhrawardi, on the basis of presence or absence of the thing for the subject, classifies the human knowledge into the knowledge by presence and the conceptual knowledge. The foundation of the knowledge by presence is the presence of soul for itself and the basis of the More
        Suhrawardi, on the basis of presence or absence of the thing for the subject, classifies the human knowledge into the knowledge by presence and the conceptual knowledge. The foundation of the knowledge by presence is the presence of soul for itself and the basis of the conceptual knowledge is the memory of the soul from the sensible world by observing it. Suhrawardi believes that the mind is the conceptual aspect of the soul. All conceptions are known by essence or by accident. He calls them the evidential and acquired knowledge. Accordingly, he has considered the sensible concepts and observations as the most evident concepts. Suhrawardi makes a distinction between the concept or idea of the thing and the thing qua thing. Moreover, he holds that the concept of thing represents one aspect of the thing and then it should not be confused between the things as things and their concept or idea. Manuscript profile