Investigating the role of human nature in creating knowledge from the perspective of French Descartes and Ayatollah Javadi Amoli
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
1 - Department of Islamic Studies,Islamic Azad University tehran Branch, tehran,Iran
Keywords: Power, concepts, wisdom, nature, the concept,
Abstract :
The existence of nature in humans and its role in knowledge have been discussed. Some scientists have taken its existence for granted and have talked about its extent and nature, while others have denied it. Among Islamic scholars, the existence of nature is considered almost certain and the talk is aimed at the influence and how it affects. Among Western,ers Descartes fully emphasizes the place and role of innate concepts in epistemology and its scope. In a brief comparison between what these two philosophers have said, we find out their differences and possibly their commonalities.From Descartes' point of view, man understands the existence of God, man and nature in a clear and distinct way that is characteristic of natural concepts. According to Ayatollah Javadi, human nature also knows the existence of God and his attributes such as monotheism, prophethood, and resurrection, and in general the principles of belief, morality, and even behavior.It has been objected to both philosophers that we do not find these natural concepts at the beginning of our life. By accepting the lack of innate concepts at the beginning of human creation, Javadi considers this type of knowledge to be intuitive based on the existence of nature and the single soul of man, but Descartes, without emphasizing on intuitive knowledge and merely mentioning intellectual intuition, found these innate concepts at the beginning of human creation. they know, but in a latent form that is revealed with the emergence of the background and discovers their intellect.
قران مجید
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