List of Articles شرایط عمومی پیمان Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - تبیین فقهی حقوقی فسخ و خاتمه در قراردادهای پیمانکاری زهرا قدسی خواه مجتبی زاهدیان Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - A Study of Dispute Resolution Methods in Contracting Contracts by Comparative Study in FIDIC Alireza mashhadizadeh ali mohri Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - The Pathology of Termination of Governmental Contracts in the Jurisprudence of Iran and France soraya chaharmiri valiyolah ansari hasan khosravi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Legal and Economic Analysis of Design, Procurement and Construction Contracts with a Jurisprudential Approach Mohammad Nourozi Jalil Qanavati Seyyed Ali Seyyed Ahmadi Sajadi 10.22034/ijrj.2019.546213