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        1 - اصل اقتضاء تعقیب در قلمرو جرائم اطفال و نوجوانان در حقوق ایران و انگلستان
        بهروز نوروزی نسرین مهرا علی صفاری محمد علی مهدوی ثابت
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        2 - Analysis of capital increase of public joint stock companies in Iranian law.
        Reza Mohammadi Darvishvand Ali Zare Mehdi Montazer Seyed Yaghoub Zeraatkish
        AbstractCapital is one of the most limited economic resources of companies and for this reason, financial managers are always looking for ways to use it optimally to provide managers of enterprises. Therefore, what needs to be reviewed and revised is the validity of the More
        AbstractCapital is one of the most limited economic resources of companies and for this reason, financial managers are always looking for ways to use it optimally to provide managers of enterprises. Therefore, what needs to be reviewed and revised is the validity of the procedures for the optimal allocation of resources in companies, which ultimately leads to economic and social growth and gains people's confidence in the proper use of their capital. One of the important concepts about company capital is the issue of capital structure. In discussing the capital structure, it refers to how the company's financing sources are combined, such as short-term debt, bonds (partnership), long-term debt, preferred stock and common stock. Despite the great importance of the issue of capital structure, many legal aspects of capital structure changes in joint stock companies are still not clearly explained and analyzed; therefore, in this article, with a descriptive-analytical approach, the capital increase of public joint stock companies in Iranian and British law has been analyzed.KeywordCapital structure, public company, capital increase, UK law Manuscript profile
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        3 - Relief and compensation for litigation costs in Iranian and British law
        Milad Kianpouriannejad Pejman Mohammadi khalil Ahmadi
        Field and Aims: Participating in a lawsuit involves costs for the parties involved, including the court, the plaintiff and the defendant, and the legal system governing these costs plays an important role in achieving civil justice. A comparative study of the provisions More
        Field and Aims: Participating in a lawsuit involves costs for the parties involved, including the court, the plaintiff and the defendant, and the legal system governing these costs plays an important role in achieving civil justice. A comparative study of the provisions governing the provision and compensation of legal damages in the law of Iran and the United Kingdom better shows the shortcomings of the current Iranian laws in this field and is effective in correcting them.    Method: The present research has been compiled in a descriptive-analytical manner with a comparative view of various documentary sources and studies in Iranian and British law.   Findings and conclusion: The legislature, in order to guarantee possible damages, has made it possible for the plaintiff to cover his costs, which, in view of the lack of a proper mechanism for forecasting the duration and quality of proceedings and estimating costs, is a shortcoming compared to a similar institution in English law. ‌ There are some. Also, in order to compensate for definitive damages resulting from court costs and other court damages, following the rule of "post-event costs", damages have been transferred so that no damages remain without compensation. However, in Iranian law, unlike in the United Kingdom, not giving the judge the power to review the circumstances of the case and the litigants, in addition to the possibility of abuse of the institution of fictitious litigation, also leaves the door open to abuse the right to sue and these shortcomings The unwillingness of the defendants to settle their dispute out of court and the abandonment of the principle of good faith in our judicial system is crystallized. Manuscript profile
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        4 - صلاحدید قضایی در اجرای تعهدات قراردای در نظام حقوقی انگلستان
        ma jafari Ahmad Esfandiari mrm yaali
        زمینه و هدف: قراردادها مهمترین عامل ارتباطات حقوقی افراد در جامعه هستند و از این منظر افراد می توانند بسیاری از امور خود را تحت قانون نظام مند نمایند. اما در مواردی ممکن است میان طرفین در اجرا یا نقض تعهدات قراردادی اختلاف وجود داشته باشد. در این زمان قاضی باید تعیین نم More
        زمینه و هدف: قراردادها مهمترین عامل ارتباطات حقوقی افراد در جامعه هستند و از این منظر افراد می توانند بسیاری از امور خود را تحت قانون نظام مند نمایند. اما در مواردی ممکن است میان طرفین در اجرا یا نقض تعهدات قراردادی اختلاف وجود داشته باشد. در این زمان قاضی باید تعیین نماید که آیا تعهدات قراردادی اجرا شده و یا نقض شده است. اما قاضی برای احراز اجرا یا نقض قرارداد باید معیارهایی برای این امر داشته باشد. لذا در این پژوهش ضمن بررسی ماهیت صلاحدید قضایی در نظام حقوقی انگلستان، این امر را از منظر احراز شرایط اجرای یک قرارداد مورد بررسی قرار می دهیم؟روش: پژوهش حاضر با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی انجام‌شده است.یافته ها و نتایج: صلاحدید در امور مختلف مانند صلاحدید دولتها، صلاحدید شورای و... وجود دارد و صلاحدید قضایی نیز یکی از انواع صلاحدید می باشد. در خصوص اینکه صلاحدید در چه وضعیت هایی قابل اعمال است باید گفت این وضعیت مبتنی بر دو حالت است. نخست: خلاء قانونی و دوم: حالتی که قانون قابل اعمال مبهم است. خلاء قانونی به معنای آن است که قانونی برای حل مسئله وجود ندارد. لذا می توان اینگونه صلاحدید قضایی را توصیف کرد که در شرایطی که هیچ حقوق خاص قابل اعمالی برای یک وضعیت خاص موجود نباشد، قضات باید از صلاحدید و قدرت صلاحدید خود برای اتخاذ تصمیم استفاده نمایند. Manuscript profile
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        5 - بررسی تطبیقی نفع عمومی در حقوق ایران و انگلستان
        علی اکبری فیض آبادی غلامعباس ترکی مرتضی ناجی زواره
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        6 - A comparative study of the nature of sports contracts in Iranian and English law
        Abdullah Dolah Mehdi Firoozabadian Gholamreza Yazdani
        The present research is an attempt to explain the point of view of the legal system of Iran and England regarding a complete and comprehensive review of the nature of sports contracts, which we have addressed in a descriptive and analytical method, and we are trying to More
        The present research is an attempt to explain the point of view of the legal system of Iran and England regarding a complete and comprehensive review of the nature of sports contracts, which we have addressed in a descriptive and analytical method, and we are trying to answer the question that the nature of sports contracts in Iran and England What is? Pay attention to the fact that by examining the elements of the sports contract and comparing it with other similar contracts, the legal nature of the sports contract can be determined. It seems that in a general summary, the legal nature of sports contracts in Iranian law is one of private contracts, and it is a lease contract for individuals, and by determining this nature, the challenges that existed in similar contracts will not arise in this case; because the private contract has a broad meaning and includes all the matters discussed in the sports contract; Also, although it has limitations, it does not have a negative effect on the sports contract; Rather, it causes its consistency; But in English law, the legal nature of sports contracts is subject to the rules and regulations of the labor law. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The position of the principle of fairness in Iranian subject law and English law
        Hamid Bazrpach Moien Sabahi Garaghani
        When the legal rules have defects, the institution of justice is a means to adapt and adjust the legal rules. Fairness originates from the human conscience, which has a desire to implement justice, and it gives the lawyer a special ability to look at the law from a diff More
        When the legal rules have defects, the institution of justice is a means to adapt and adjust the legal rules. Fairness originates from the human conscience, which has a desire to implement justice, and it gives the lawyer a special ability to look at the law from a different perspective. Fairness is a special form of justice that corrects a rule that is incomplete or insufficient according to its general nature. Fairness emphasizes the spirit of the law and it is with fairness that the sentence of the law agrees and harmonizes with the purpose of the legislator. The purpose of this research is the comparative analysis of the concept and nature of fairness as a source of legal rules and the role of this institution in the interpretation of contracts in the legal systems of Iran and England. This research aims to answer these questions: can fairness be a source of contractual obligations or not? Can fairness play a role in interpreting contracts? And also, does fairness have an individualistic or social nature? Fairness should be recognized together with other sources of law and alongside them, and by resorting to this institution, it is possible to deviate from the appearance of the terms of the law and interpret it in a way that leads to a fair result, and also fairness has a social nature. and is consistent with the collectivists' understanding of the contract. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Execution of Civil Verdicts of Spiritual Damages in Iran and England Law
        Alireza Haraj Abasat Pourmohammad
        Any damage caused to individuals, should be compensated by the person causing the damage. In addition to material and loss of life damages, there have also been spiritual damages and the legal system of Iran faces many challenges in execution of verdicts of compensation More
        Any damage caused to individuals, should be compensated by the person causing the damage. In addition to material and loss of life damages, there have also been spiritual damages and the legal system of Iran faces many challenges in execution of verdicts of compensation. This research was conducted in an analytical descriptive method and its purpose is to survey and compare the issue of spiritual damages in the two legal systems of Iran and England. The conclusion of research concluded that in England, spiritual damages are linked with material damages and are included for the first-degree relatives of victim. Forensic psychologists determine the severity of spiritual damages and then the judge determines the amount of damage and orders its payment. At the same time, the cost of treatment is objectively compensated, although this type of compensation can only be implemented for a genuine person. In Iran, there is no precise mechanism for determining spiritual damages and usually, the amount of damage is determined while referring to the judicial procedure and Arash, that is determined according to the report of experts, which usually does not explain the justice-oriented principles, therefore, judges mainly try to reach a compromise between the parties. Attention to this fact, revealed the necessity and requirement of complete and accurate determination of rules of this field. The compensation verdict of spiritual damage is sentenced according to criterions of execution judge in determination of accurate amount of damage, which has limited authorities that are not obvious in England Law. Manuscript profile