List of Articles تحلیل سوات Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Development of sports development guides Abadan Oil Refining Company Reza Baledi Hossein AkbariYazdi Shiva Azadfada Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Developing Strategies for the Development of Elder’s Sports in Iran in the Horizon of 20 Years Sabihe hamdami khotbesara Ali Asghar Doroudian Zara sadat moshir estekhareh Ahad Rezayan Ghayehbashi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Determination of Sport for all Strategies in Iran Ali Mohamadikharajo Nima Majedi Mehdi NaderiNasab Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Development of IRIB strategy for the election in Iran using the SWOT matrix method Ali Dadkhah Mohamad Soltanifar Ali Jafari 10.30495/jss.2023.1977469.1534 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Strategies for natural resources management using strategic management analysis (The case of Divandareh County, Kurdistan, Iran) Ayub Pahlavani Ahmad Valipour hedayat ghazanfari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Participatory Appraisal of Water Users’ Cooperatives (WUCs) Peformance towards Irrigation Management of the Orchards Development Plan (Case Study: Tefin and Palangan Cooperatives in the Province of Kurdistan) Gholamhossein Karami Mehran Azizi Hossein Agahi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - The use of project risk management knowledge to develop strategies to improve urban public-private partnership projects (Case study: PPP projects of Mashhad Municipality) M. R. Rahnama M. Hejazi