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        1 - Iranian Identity; A Critique of the Views and the Necessity of a Historical Approach
        Mohammad ali Asgari Fahimeh Mokhber Dezfuli Younes Farahmand
        National identity is the most important cultural and historical asset of any country that was formed in the distant past and continues from generation to generation. The lack of a historical view of national identity can lead to contradictory and deflective approaches t More
        National identity is the most important cultural and historical asset of any country that was formed in the distant past and continues from generation to generation. The lack of a historical view of national identity can lead to contradictory and deflective approaches that are sometimes controversial. The historical context of an identity is so important that some thinkers consider identity to be essentially a historical category and believes that the national identity of any country has arisen from the accumulation of a nation's qualities throughout history and therefore a common history is considered the most important determinant of an identity. In this article, with the help of library and analytical method, some views and perceptions about the national identity of Iranians are studied and finally, by criticizing them, the questions of what is necessary to have a historical approach and what is the consequences of its lacking, are answered. The findings of this study show that in order to narrate the identity of a nation and to distinguish right from wrong, having a historical approach is an undeniable necessity. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Ferdowsi’s Humanitarianism; Revival of Iranshari’s Thought and Termination of Iranian Culture’s Silence
        Soheila Loveimi
        Any nation’s identity and character is laid in its light of rich and developing culture. Thus if a stranger intends to damage a nation politically and socially, the easiest way is to invade the culture (of that nation); because the nation would lose its identity a More
        Any nation’s identity and character is laid in its light of rich and developing culture. Thus if a stranger intends to damage a nation politically and socially, the easiest way is to invade the culture (of that nation); because the nation would lose its identity and character by cultural invasion. Socialists consider three aspects for culture: cognitive, material (technical) and organizational. Cognitive aspect includes believes, myths, ideologies, values, approaches and knowledge. So Shahname is a masterpiece which led Iranians to renovate their national thinking in Samanid era and invited them to revive human’s status in order to find their national dependence and self – scrutiny. The independence which persuaded Sasanian to call their territory: Iranshahr. This research studies Iran’s history after Arabs attack to Fersdowsi’s tender briefly in order to unwrap a type of humanitarianism in which human plays the main role and replaces with myths. Manuscript profile
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        3 - واکاوی حکمرانی خوب شهری در جغرافیای سیاسی شهرستان ایرانشهر
        سعید خسروی حمید احمدی گارینه کشیشیان سیرکی محمد رضا قائدی
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        4 - The concept and principle of political wisdom in Kelile and Demne
        mehdi hasani bagheri sharifabad hamed hosinkhani
        Ancient literature of Iran has contained both literary value and Iranian’s deep thoughts over centuries as well. One of these valuable literary works would be “Kelile and Demne” book. This book would be considered as a moral or an advisory book about g More
        Ancient literature of Iran has contained both literary value and Iranian’s deep thoughts over centuries as well. One of these valuable literary works would be “Kelile and Demne” book. This book would be considered as a moral or an advisory book about government and politics. Main principals of Kelile and Demne had been based upon Iranian thoughts. Wisdom would be regarded as one of the remarkable principals that it could be interpreted as political wisdom in governing domains. The present article aimed at exploring the principals of political concept of wisdom in Kelile and Demne. Attempt has been made to achieve the mentioned purposes by developing a question relating principals and concepts of political wisdom in this literary art “kelile and Demne”. To accomplish the goal, the descriptive –analytical methodology was utilized and Data were collected by library methodology. In the main hypothesis, the concept of political wisdom and also the various ways and manners in conducting affairs were discussed. Moreover, the principals of political wisdom including the unity of religion and politics, justice, then royal-ideal thoughts and magnificent of God were presented. Finally the researcher reached to the conclusion that political wisdom in Kelile and Demne can be defined as the political method and manner of conducting and directing of the affairs of government affected by its general principals as well as its general framework in Iranian ancient thoughts especially influenced by Iranian political thoughts. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Transition from the Heroic Epic to the Mystical Epic: Some Considerations on the Political Aspects of Illuminationist Philosophy
        Ahmad Bostani
        This article examines Suhrawardi's understanding of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. In Iranian intellectual history, Shahnameh has always reflected Persian identity and its historical continuity in the Islamic period. Various interpretations of this Persian epic's stories and cha More
        This article examines Suhrawardi's understanding of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. In Iranian intellectual history, Shahnameh has always reflected Persian identity and its historical continuity in the Islamic period. Various interpretations of this Persian epic's stories and characters have been presented in Persian literature, philosophy, and mysticism. One of these interpretive schools is the Illuminationist Doctrine (Hikmat Al-Ishraq) of Suhrawardi, which is presented explicitly in his Persian treatises. This article focuses on Suhrawardi's understanding of Shahnameh and its themes, trying to emphasize aspects of it that are related to the topics of political philosophy. Among contemporary scholars, Henry Corbin was the most important thinker who paid attention to the Illuminationist philosophy and its connection with Shahnameh. In this article, using some of Corbin's reflections on what he called "the transition from the heroic epic to the mystical epic," we try to examine the political aspects of this transition in the works of Suhrawardi and, more broadly, in the history of Islamic thought in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Kingdom Expediency in Iran Political Thought؛ A Comparative Study of pre-Islamic and Islamic Period
        سید علی میرموسوی
        The concept of expediency is one of the most important and widely used concepts in the history of political thought. By looking at the political heritage left from ancient Iran and comparing it with the works of the Islamic era, we can see that "Salah-e-Mulk"(Expediency More
        The concept of expediency is one of the most important and widely used concepts in the history of political thought. By looking at the political heritage left from ancient Iran and comparing it with the works of the Islamic era, we can see that "Salah-e-Mulk"(Expediency of Kingdom) was a central concept in Iranian political thought. In the Iranshahr political thought, respecting the interests of the kingdom and the people was one of the characteristics of a good and ideal king, and it was used as a criterion for distinguishing a desirable political system from an undesirable one. In the Islamic era, with the translation of Iranian works, this concept was reflected in the “Siasatnameh” or Mirror of Prince and led to politics based on expediency. From this point of view, it can be claimed that Salah Mulk has a meaning close to public interest in the classical political philosophy of the West, and adherence to it is considered a criterion for legitimacy. By elucidating and explaining this concept, this article investigates and analyzes its place and role in the history of Iranian political thought. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Meaning of Colour in the Third Book of Dinkard
        Golfam Sharifi
        The word of colour has two meaning: real and metonymy. The usage of the word “colour” in metonymic and allegoric concepts causes the increase of this word’s comment. It is used in the folklore as stories, expressions and legends. In this research, the More
        The word of colour has two meaning: real and metonymy. The usage of the word “colour” in metonymic and allegoric concepts causes the increase of this word’s comment. It is used in the folklore as stories, expressions and legends. In this research, the word “colour” is being studied in three chapters (27, 28, and 29) of the third book of Dinkard in the combination of “the colour of time” and “the colour of “Erān-šahr”. These three chapters are the complicated philosophical texts in the middle Persian and are referenced to its transcribed text and its Persian translation. At the end, we find that the author of the third book of Dinkard had used this word in its symbolic meaning. So the text becomes attractive to the readers. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Formation of collective memory cents in the first Pahlavi period (Iranshahr and Ayandeh publications)
        HOSAIN MANSOORI MOTLAGH mehdi najafzade
        Emphasizing the understanding of national historiography and using the theoretical model of Halbovax, this study has studied why and how to strengthen and highlight the collective memory of Iranians of the first Pahlavi era by the publications of that time - emphasizing More
        Emphasizing the understanding of national historiography and using the theoretical model of Halbovax, this study has studied why and how to strengthen and highlight the collective memory of Iranians of the first Pahlavi era by the publications of that time - emphasizing Ayandeh and Iranshahr. Unlike traditional historiography, where there is no need to strengthen and highlight collective memory, national identity-based historiography prioritizes the strengthening and highlighting of collective memory, and populism is one of its main characteristics. Prominence means reminiscing, manipulating the past, taking a similar look at discrete history, interpreting it for the identity system, linking it to current developments, and using it for nationalism. The research findings show that these publications, with a kind of popular national historiography, like to highlight the centers of the past, strengthen common traditions of being Iranian for all, and critique traditional historiography in order to create a new identity. They were for the age of the nation-state. The research method is historical and descriptive-analytical, based on archival documents. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Persistence of thoughts of Iranshahri in the political structure of the Iranians of the early Islamic centuries (Samanian and Al-Bouyeh)
        Mohamad Eskandari-Nasab Mohamad-Reza Javadi-Yegane Abas Taghipoor
        In Iran, thoughts of Iranshahri, in particular, showed themselves in the Sassanid government, and the Sassanid and Shah's government, like Ardeshir and Anooshirovan, became the theoretical and practical spirit of Iranian thought and definition of politics in the form of More
        In Iran, thoughts of Iranshahri, in particular, showed themselves in the Sassanid government, and the Sassanid and Shah's government, like Ardeshir and Anooshirovan, became the theoretical and practical spirit of Iranian thought and definition of politics in the form of the idea of the city. With the collapse of the Sassanid government and the power of the Caliphate of Anawa and Abbasi, this thought declined. In this period, the sovereigns of Taherian and Saffarian of the wisdom powers formed in the center of the Islamic State, were in constant struggle with other rival Iranian states and in a context of unrestricted and highly unrestricted borders. Had These states and other semi-independent Iranian governments are formed in the context of the social fabric and the special thoughts of the Middle Ages, and each of them, while adhering to the central caliphate system, is a special way of gaining legitimacy and national acceptance through the assignment of the ancient kings and ancient clans of Iran They have tried to study Iranian traditions and this research attempts to examine the extent of the contribution and manner of achieving the Iranian culture in the structure of government in the Samanian and Al-Bouyeh. Manuscript profile
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        10 - The position of Iranian bureaucrats in the structure of the Abbasid caliphate(Bramke-Al Sahl family)
        fatemeh parsafar Mohammad Sepehri nematallah ahmadinasab
        The Abbasids, who had reached the caliphate with the support of the Iranians, paid special attention to the Iranian bureaucrats for the administration of the Islamic empire. Among the Iranian ministers of the Abbasid court, the two families of Al-Barmak and Al-Sahl had More
        The Abbasids, who had reached the caliphate with the support of the Iranians, paid special attention to the Iranian bureaucrats for the administration of the Islamic empire. Among the Iranian ministers of the Abbasid court, the two families of Al-Barmak and Al-Sahl had a very high and impressive position.The scientific and social credibility of the Bermakians, along with their support of the Iranians, caused the anger and jealousy of the Arabs, who were afraid of the presence and power of the Iranians. Among the reasons for the increasing influence of Iranians among the Abbasids, two reasons are more prominent: firstly, because of the skill and background of the Iranians in the art of circuitous government, and secondly, that Khorasan was governed by local Iranian rulers. Therefore, it was necessary for Ma'mun to follow a conciliatory policy in order to gain their satisfaction. Based on what was said, the central question of the current research is what position did the Iranian bureaucrats have in the structure of the Abbasid Caliphate?The assumption of the research is that the Iranian bureaucrats, including the Bramke family and the Sahl family, practically took over all the political powers of the government and managed the affairs according to their opinion due to their influence in the Abbasid caliphate. The current research is based on library method and descriptive-analytical method Manuscript profile
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        11 - Society and governance in the era of Achaemenid (Discussion about the nature and power of the Achaemenid kings
        M.R Golizadeh M.H Rahnema
        Abstract: In this paper, according to the mechanisms, political structure, foundations and legitimacy of exercising power in traditional societies; specific and differentiated aspects of Achaemenid rule system of government than other traditional societies are discuss More
        Abstract: In this paper, according to the mechanisms, political structure, foundations and legitimacy of exercising power in traditional societies; specific and differentiated aspects of Achaemenid rule system of government than other traditional societies are discussed. Also relying on the religious and territorial policies Achaemenid, is shown that founder of the Achaemenid kings, influenced by notions such as "Izadi splendor"(Farah-e Izadi) and “DAD” (justice) were   formed the Thought "Iranshahr". To avoid harm to collapse and cosmic order, sacred, and the uncontrolled exercise of power outside the above concepts are settled away. Resorting to attention and follow the concepts, norms and customs of society, distinct way the Achaemenid   rule was, with "Eastern dictatorship" and "tyranny" Iranian government "Motghlbh" (dominant). Manuscript profile
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        12 - Analysis of the Intellectual Foundations of Seyed Javad Tabatabai
        Saied Resol Ghahari Seyed Farshid Jafari Paybandi asghar partovi
        A thought does not appear in a vacuum. But these views and theories affect the future of a country and society. The intellectual foundations of current Iranian thinkers have originated from the history of Iran, tradition and Islamism, modernity, scientism, and developme More
        A thought does not appear in a vacuum. But these views and theories affect the future of a country and society. The intellectual foundations of current Iranian thinkers have originated from the history of Iran, tradition and Islamism, modernity, scientism, and development, which have been influenced by the period of modernity, transition to postmodernity, religious rule in Iran, and the challenges facing Iran. The intellectual foundations of Iranian thinkers such as Seyed Javad Tabatabai have been drawn under the influence of Western, traditional, and current Iran variables. These principles have led to the presentation of authoritarian thought, powerful government, bureaucratic authoritarianism, convergence in Iran, secular Islam, elitist thought. Of course, thinkers like Tabatabai, due to the hegemony of the discourse of tradition and modernity in epistemology and intellectual foundations, pay less attention to components such as globalization, information age, political democracy, and human rights.   Manuscript profile
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        13 - Investigation of phytochemical and morphological response of a local Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. mass to foliar application of zinc oxide nanoparticles
        Safoora Bazzi Ali Movafeghi Jafar Valizadeh Moharam Valizadeh
        Since supplementation of plants with zinc is a solution to improve plant growth and compensate for zinc deficiency in soil, in this study to investigate the nutritional effect of 40 nm zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) on morphological characteristics, seed gum and phy More
        Since supplementation of plants with zinc is a solution to improve plant growth and compensate for zinc deficiency in soil, in this study to investigate the nutritional effect of 40 nm zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) on morphological characteristics, seed gum and phytochemical products of leaves of a native mass of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L (Gguar plant) from Iranshahr a completely randomized experiment with three replicates was conducted at the University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran in mid-May 2018. Guar gum content, total phenol content and total flavonoid content were determined by the phenol-sulfuric acid, the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent, and colorimetric aluminum chloride methods, respectively. Seed cultivation was carried out in the greenhouse of Sistan and Baluchestan University in early June 2018. The treatments consisted of six different concentrations of ZnO-NPs including 0 (control), 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500 mg L-1 by foliar application of guar plants in two stages (20 and 27 days after sowing seeds). Based on the results, with increasing the concentration of nanoparticles, the number of seeds in pod gradually decreased, but no significant difference was observed in pod length and root length. However, stem length, stem dry weight, root dry weight, leaf area, stomata density, leaf dry weight, 500-seed weight, pod dry weight gradually increased, with the maximum increase observed in the 500 mg L-1 treatment compared to the control. In this treatment, seed gum, total phenol and total flavonoids increased by 2.55, 2.10 and 1.34 times compared to the control treatment, respectively. According to the results, ZnO-NPs nanoparticles with the properties used in this study can be used to improve the growth characteristics and increase the amount of seed gum, phenol and flavonoids of guava leaves and obtain the benefits of their medicinal applications. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Analysis and Evaluation of the Environmental Viability of Rural Areas of Baluchestan with Infrastructural Facilities (A Case Study of Daman Village in Iranshahr)
        sajedeh azar Javad Bazrafshan Abouzar Paidar
        Everyone from the city or village who wants a satisfactory life and of course wants to have a good life, and of course the satisfying living conditions necessitate the providence of long-term welfare for the communities. Viability of villages is affected by elements of More
        Everyone from the city or village who wants a satisfactory life and of course wants to have a good life, and of course the satisfying living conditions necessitate the providence of long-term welfare for the communities. Viability of villages is affected by elements of time and space. Rural settlements vary according to the time period and geographical location. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the viability and facilities and utilities. The method of the study according to the nature of the study was analytical and as far as the purpose of the study was considered, it was practical. The necessary data were gathered from libraries, questionnaires and interviews with the people and local authorities. The study population consisted of 20 villages of rural households in Daman, Iranshahr consisting of 17 villages respectively. The sample of the study consisted of 287 people and 17 villages. In order to rank the villages regarding the facilities and services of center-weighted index model and also for ranking those villages based on the status of environmental indicators the VIKOR model was used. The evaluation of the obtained results showed that there is no significant correlation between having higher levels of service receiving and viability. Populated villages were shown to benefit from a higher level of services and facilities according to the results of center weighted model, but were at a low level of viability in the environment according to VIKOR. As a result, it cannot be said that only by providing the villages with equipments and facilities, the villages can be compatible and healthy. On the contrary, the results are in contrast with the positivists’ comments who believe that by increasing the level of services, environmental and biological abnormalities and problems will be removed in villages.   Manuscript profile
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        15 - A Study of Iranshahr Magazine Discourse on Women
        hamzeh hoseini Mohammad Reza Alam
        After the Iranian society became acquainted with Western modernity, various currents and groups tried to change the status and rights of women through various methods, including the publication of newspapers and magazines. In this article, we tried to examine the discou More
        After the Iranian society became acquainted with Western modernity, various currents and groups tried to change the status and rights of women through various methods, including the publication of newspapers and magazines. In this article, we tried to examine the discourse of Iranshahr magazine towards women. Thus, the main question of the present official is what was the approach of Iranshahr magazine's discourse to the category of women and what effect did it have on the discourse of the first Pahlavi government towards women? The findings of this study show that the governors of Iranshahr in the context of the transition of Iranian society from the Qajar government to the first Pahlavi government considered the transformation of women and their progress as one of the manifestations of the modern nation government and in Reza Shah's modern plans and reforms They focused on the important issues and provided solutions such as inclusive education and training of women, enacting laws to change the rights and status of women, combating the status and traditional views about women and also following the example of Western nations in some cases to improve the status. As one of the pioneering magazines in addressing the issue of women, they had a significant impact on the thoughts and views of Iranians on the rights and status of women and led to effective steps in the evolution of society and government towards women in the first Pahlavi period.Keywords: Discourse, Iranshahr, Women, Progress, Freedom. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Iranshahri Culture Thought
        Elham Kia Allahyar Khalatbari
        The present study, by explaining some concepts, principles and theories contained in Iranian culture and thought in the pre-Islamic period, has tried to show the collection of Iranian thought as a coherent and interactive system. Accordingly, the geometry of Iranian tho More
        The present study, by explaining some concepts, principles and theories contained in Iranian culture and thought in the pre-Islamic period, has tried to show the collection of Iranian thought as a coherent and interactive system. Accordingly, the geometry of Iranian thought is compose of three components: the belief system, the moral system, and Iranshahri culture was more prominent in Iran. the political system.» Shahriari »Iranian for the ake of theoretical coherence as a fixed paradigm has been transferred to the period after the arrival of Islam in Iran and with the transformation of the caliphate model to monarchy has become the basic method of Iranian governance. Hence, it reached the Islamic period and influenced it. The central question of the present study is what are the components and elements of Iranshahri thought culture framework? According to the hypothesis, the political and religious system are very important and significant components and determinants of the thought structure of Iranshahri culture. Manuscript profile
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        17 - گفتمان اندیشه ایرانشهری و هویت ملّی در تاریخ نگاری اسلامی- ایرانی(مطالعه موردی تاریخ نگاری وصاف شیرازی)
        دکترمحبوبه شرفی
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        18 - واکاوی حکمرانی خوب شهری در جغرافیای سیاسی شهرستان ایرانشهر
        سعید خسروی حمید احمدی گارینه کشیشیان سیرکی محمد رضا قائدی
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        19 - Analysis of the Development Level of Rural Settlements and the Factors Affecting it (Case Study: The Central part of Iranshahr County)
        Eskandar Seidaiy Hadi Rasti Sajedeh Azar
        According to the evidences and experiences, the developing of rural areas in proportion to their share and the status and functioning in the national economy have been badly neglected, and because of inattention to the role of geographical factors (Natural environment, More
        According to the evidences and experiences, the developing of rural areas in proportion to their share and the status and functioning in the national economy have been badly neglected, and because of inattention to the role of geographical factors (Natural environment, social, economic,…) in the ductility and spatial arrangements and the development of rural settlements, despite efforts in the country, especially after the revolution, instability and underdevelopment in the rural areas is still visible in Iran. Accordingly, this study seeks to examine the development level of rural settlements in the central part of Iranshahr and the role of geographical factors in that, from the local residents' point of view. The investigated factors comprise natural environment, spatial, social and economic ones. The research is descriptive-analytic and the total rural settlements of the central part of Iranshahr are the population. 19 villages and 294 heads of households were selected as the sample size. The obtained data were analyzed and processed through statistical methods in SPSS software. The results revealed a low rate of rural development in the central part of Iranshahr, i.e., is below the theoretical average (with an average of 2.43), and most of factors (apart from natural disasters, family aspect and employment rates) have a logical and significant relationship with rural development. Among them, the effect of spatial location factors and then, the social factors is more highlighted. Therefore, the development of rural settlements in the study area requires a fundamental revision in policies and programs for rural development, and also having a specific look at the role of some geographical factors in the development process of rural settlements is needed. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Hero's Journey in Kār-Nāmag ī Ardashīr ī Pāpakān: A Mythological Approach
        Mokhtar Ebrahimi
        Kār-Nāmag ī Ardashīr ī Pāpakān (The Book of the Deeds of Ardeshir, Son of Papak), a mythological and epic text in Middle Persian (Pahlavi) language, introduces the founder of the Sassanid state as a hero and a mythological figure. The main question of the present resear More
        Kār-Nāmag ī Ardashīr ī Pāpakān (The Book of the Deeds of Ardeshir, Son of Papak), a mythological and epic text in Middle Persian (Pahlavi) language, introduces the founder of the Sassanid state as a hero and a mythological figure. The main question of the present research is why and how this text confronted with the rival, Parthian discourse, and tried to dominate its own discourse. The important hypothesis of the research is that human, natural and supernatural forces in this narrative, in coordination with each other, have presented a new discourse that refers to another type of thought and, consequently, another kind of lifestyle. In the narration of Kār-Nāmag, by the efforts of himself and his allies, as well as with the help of other characters and absorbing his competitors, the hero engages in a continuous battle. The present study, with a mythological approach and based on Joseph Campbell's hero's journey steps, examines the influential factors leading to the complex path to victory. The present study uses a descriptive-analytical method to explain the reason for the hero's journey. Through the narration of Kār-Nāmag, it becomes clear how the country saved from disunion and the kingdom of Iranshahr maintained its cohesion. Each of the characters in the book plays a role in leading Iranshahr back to national unity and is reminiscent of the role of the Iranian mythological liberation figures. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Tax ("Baj", "Baj", "Kharaj", "Sav", "Gazit", "Gazid") in Iranshahri thoughts
        seyyed mohammd fath ollahzade Mir jalil Akrami
        In the tax system, ransom and tribute were an important source of income for Iranshahr. These resources were provided through the payment of ransom and tribute from the people inside the country, or through the extortion and tribute of the princes of Iranshahri from the More
        In the tax system, ransom and tribute were an important source of income for Iranshahr. These resources were provided through the payment of ransom and tribute from the people inside the country, or through the extortion and tribute of the princes of Iranshahri from the kings of other countries. In this regard, most of the rulers and kings of the lands and kingdoms played a significant role. In the mythology of Iran, lands such as Hamavaran, China, India, etc. were among the ransom paying countries of Iranshahris; Of course, some countries were either at war or at peace with Iranians. In any case, the powerful princes of Iran used to collect ransom and tribute from these countries and other kingdoms. In this study and research, while examining and extracting "ransoms", "tributes" and how to collect and pay tribute and the quality of its use in the construction and settlement and security of Iranshahr, it has been tried. The political relations and the behavior of the princes of Iranshahr in taking taxes (extortion and tribute) in peacetime or during war in dealing with the rulers and kings of different countries and kingdoms of the world and the people of Iranshahr should be evaluated. In the meantime, the attention and opinions of the Shahriars of Iranshahr have been more in collecting ransom and tribute from the people of Iranshahr. Manuscript profile