List of Articles اسلامگرایی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - A Study of the Discourse of Political Islam and Genealogy of Islamism Javad Bostan Afrooz Hamed Mohagheghnia Ruhollah Shahabi Fraidoon Akbarzadeh 10.22034/sej.2022.1954635.1438 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Analysis of Conservatism “moderate Islamism” Reflected in the Policies of Erdogan (Based on the Theory of Constructivism) ali alihosseini enayatollah yazdani zahra behzadi beirak olia Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Competition of political Islam and secularism during the Turkish republic with emphasis on the era of justice and development party (adalat ve kalklmna partisi (akp)) during 1990 - 2016 kambiz ghahramani Ebrahim Motaghi Alireza Golshani 10.30495/pir.2020.674152 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - A semantic analysis of the role of the international system in the failure of the state building project in Afghanistan Yoosof Seify Keyhan Barzegar مهدی ذاکریان