List of Articles virtual reality Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Analysis of inner peace in virtual reality experience based on the phenomenology of embodied perception of space (case study: design of a residential complex in Kish Island) Mina Hasani Jamaleddin Soheili Ali Akbari Hamid Nejat 10.71793/hoviatshahr.2024.795239 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Use of Virtual Reality Technology during the Outbreak of the Covid 19 Epidemic in the Tourism Industry (A Case study of the Museum of Ancient Iran) yazdan Shirmohammadi Abase Kiani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Terminology and a review of the role of metaverse in the future of the architecture industry with the approach of virtual reality Sahar Toofan aytak sorkhabi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - A Theoretical Framework for Designing Virtual Architectural Space Based on Trust in Human-Computer Interaction 4Th Wave Seyedeh Mastoureh Mousavi Vahid Shali Amini Mehdi Khakzand Morteza Rahbar Parisa Alimohammadi 10.71793/hoviatshahr.2024.1123528 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - On the Comparative Impacts of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: EFL Learners’ Listening and Speaking Skills in Focus Reza Porkar Mojgan Rashtchi Roxana Aminzadeh 10.71664/jals.2024.202411261191663