• List of Articles Nadir Shah

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Policy of Iranian Dynasties toward Old Sarakhs (916-1300/1510-1883)
        morteza daneshyar
        Sharakhs- situated in the border of Iran and Turkmenistan- is one of the oldest cities in Iran that its strategic position made it a significant place in pre-Islamic era. Since Arab conquest until Ṣafavids era Sarahks maintained its prosperity and significance and parti More
        Sharakhs- situated in the border of Iran and Turkmenistan- is one of the oldest cities in Iran that its strategic position made it a significant place in pre-Islamic era. Since Arab conquest until Ṣafavids era Sarahks maintained its prosperity and significance and particularly in tenth century due to its nearness to the cites of Herat and Merv/ Marv, which were periodically the capital of Khorasan, as well as its safety from the invasion of the Mongols. But later, according to the sources, Sarakhs gradually declined and eventually it was completely destroyed in the 13th century. This research focused on the influential Iranian dynasties that prevent or accelerate the destruction of the city. The research shows that the competition between Uzbeks and Safavid initiated the decline of Sarakhs. The Safavids, by empowering a local government, retained it until the end of their reign. Nader Shah's policy was ineffective as well as Qajars were unsuccessful.Sarakhs was changed as the settlement of the Turkmen raiders and a Persian slave market and so that Qajars had to ruin it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Relations between Khanate of khiva with central state of Iran from deline of Safavids to death of Nader shah( 1135-1160)
        Mohsen Rahmati
        The oasis of khwarazm, having native rulers( called khwarazm shahs)and enjoying domestic independence, has always been politically a partof Iran. But in begining 10th century, it was dominated by Arabshahids, aclan descendant of Juchi. They could so founded khanate of k More
        The oasis of khwarazm, having native rulers( called khwarazm shahs)and enjoying domestic independence, has always been politically a partof Iran. But in begining 10th century, it was dominated by Arabshahids, aclan descendant of Juchi. They could so founded khanate of khiva byemphasis on inheritance of their ancestor, nomadic force, deep-rooted oforthodox religion, to agree that religion theme with that belong to them.They, eventually,were being under protection of Safavid state, that wastrying to hold territorial integrity of Iran. In begining 12th century,Arabshaid rule declined. The Weakness of Safavid state were preventedthem to be active in this event, and shortly after they Fell time.Consequently, the political unity and domestic security of Iran ruined andso it raised competition for power among political leaders and militarycommandars from the four – corners of the country. Finally Nadir shahcould renew political unity of country, after two decades.This article, after all, intends to not only have an eye upon the politicalupheavals of khwarazm, in interval period, but to examine the efforts ofNadir shah . on renewing dominance of Iran on khwarazm and reactionsof rulers of that area on this matter or in more precisely to exmcline thedevelopment and the quality of the relationship between rulers of thatarea and Afsharid dynasty. Manuscript profile