List of Articles Face-to-face Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Comparing the effectiveness of face-to-face and virtual citizenship education on political, civic and social behaviors of students elham irannezhad Ali Mehdad Mohsen Golparvar 10.30486/JSRE.2024.2001061.2390 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Islamic revolution of Iran in the context of the difference between the attitude of present science and positivist perception Bahamn Kohantorabi mojtaba atarzadeh alirreza golshani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - A Comparative Analysis of Interactional Competence in Iraqi Elementary and Advanced EFL Learners Across Face-to-Face and Virtual Learning Environments Karwan Othman Azeez Zanganah Elahe Sadeghi Barzani Parween Shawkat Kawther Qader Fatinaz Karimi 10.71962/jfl-202411061189705 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Iraqi EFL Learners’ Interactional Competence in Opinion Exchange and Jigsaw Tasks: Face-to-Face Versus Virtual Learning Contexts Karwan Othman Azeez Zanganah Elaheh Sadeghi Barzani Parween Shawkat Kawther Qader Fatemeh Karimi