List of Articles مداخله بشردوستانه Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - A historical look at the dimensions of the Syrian crisis in the light of the English school Hassan Larti Hamed MohagheghNia Rohollah Shahabi Lena Abdolkhani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - تناقضات حاکمیت، منافع ملی و اصل مداخله بشردوستانه در تحولات لیبی، بحرین و سوریه میرابراهیم صدیق سید عبدالمحمد موسوی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - The Concepts of International Law in the Context of Kant's Sustainable Peace, Examined Through a Comparative Lens with Islamic Law mahsa khajeh Amir Mahmoodi Mahdi Abdolmaleki 10.71844/iwl.2024.1195565