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    Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak ( Scientific )
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    About Quranic Studies Journal

    Holy Quran is a precious Divine Book which is of enormous values from different aspects. This Divine book can be studied in relation with various sciences beside the lingual and rhetorical criteria. That's why we have attempted to publish the present quarterly. We have started in August 8th, 2012 with the kind assistant of Islamic Azad University, Jiroft branch manager, research deputy, economic deputy and the involved colleagues in science ministry specially the ministry's research deputy and the research director general to enable the science scholars and students to offer their papers and articles through quarterly website and to make the access to the previous articles.

    At last we are looking forward to receiving your articles and papers.

    Once again I appreciate all credits and involved in designing and new website manager who pave the way for our friends and scholars.

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    Number of Volumes 15
    Number of Issues 59
    Printed Articles 676
    Number of Authors 3561
    Article Views 101324
    Article Downloads 28806
    Number of Submitted Articles 2783
    Number of Rejected Articles 1624
    Number of Accepted Articles 825
    Acceptance 26 %
    Time to Accept(day) 227
    Reviewer Count 90
    Last Update 9/30/2024