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    New Researches in Environmental Engineering ( Scientific )
  • OpenAccess
  • About the journal

    The journal of New researches in environmental engineering is an open access which is published by Islamic Azad University, Shiraz branch and it is printed electronical format. In this journal, all articles are reviewed by double-blind peer-reviewer and in the final review process, the plagiarism diagnostic software of the similarity finder is used to identify the originality of the articles ( This journal has the license from 23rd meeting of specialized commission related to the scientific publications of deputy department of science, engineering and agricultural of Islamic Azad University on the date of March 11, 2023 and it has received its scientific authorization in the form of quarterly in accordance with the letter number 73.87402 dated March 12, 2023. This journal prints  the latest findings in the fields of technology and environmental innovations, environmental engineering and management, natural resources engineering, watershed management, development of intelligent technologies in environmental and natural resources, environmental pollution, environmental challenges, drought, flood, HSE, climate, groundwater and surface water, soil, vegetation, Phytoremediation, bioremediation, energy and sustainable development and waste management. All articles have been uploaded in PDF format on journal website and the researchers .can download it free of charge.  This journal conforms the principals of Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE)





    Islamic Azad University, Shiraz branch



    Type of articles

    Research article- Review article- Technical note

    Type of refereeing

    double-blind peer-reviewer

    Review and Publishing Fee

    The amount of 1,500,000 Rials (before the reviewing process) and the amount of 3,500,000 Rials (after the final preparation of the article and before its official publication)

    Release Policy


    plagiarism diagnostic software



    Persian with English extended abstract

    Duration of Submission to first decision

    7 days

    Average refereeing time

    6 weeks


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  • Affiliated to
    Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch
    Executive Manager
    Print ISSN: 29810930
    Online ISSN:2981-0930

    Publication period: Quarterly
    Impact Factor:0
    Postal Code


    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 2
    Number of Issues 5
    Printed Articles 30
    Number of Authors 111
    Article Views 5958
    Article Downloads 2539
    Number of Submitted Articles 51
    Number of Rejected Articles 3
    Number of Accepted Articles 33
    Acceptance 61 %
    Time to Accept(day) 69
    Reviewer Count 38
    Last Update 10/5/2024