A Study of semantic and aesthetic elements of Al QARE` chapter (A structural Analysis)
Subject Areas :mohamadhasan masoomi 1 , fatemeh sharifi tashnizi 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Arab Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Qom branch, Qom, Iran.
2 - Ph.D Student of Arab Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Qom branch, Qom, Iran.
Abstract :
One of the distinctive features of the holy Koran is its miraculous rhetorics as a cohesive text.This feature is vividly seen in every surah of the Koran and every Ayah has its own surprising rhetorical style .In structure,the short surahs of the Koran ,which are mainly of Mecca,are strong ,harsh and addressing with short phrases and sentences.Of course each has its own artistic features and distinctive from the others.the present article tries to study the semantic and aesthetic elements of Al Qare` surah structurally.Structural analysis belongs to the late Dr. Mahmud Bostani.This penman could analyse the artistic and literary dimensions and features of the Koran and leaving some fruitful findings behind for the reaserchers. The main objective of the present article is to uncover the literary features and spiritual messages of Al Qare` surah using the structura method. The results of the study is that in structuralism form and content in a surah are inseperable are merged together and to explain the message of every surah the artistic and literary features should be studied along with the thematic and intellectual features.
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