Inspection and Analysis of the Role of Command and Prohibition in the Fifth Book of Molavi's Masnavi
Subject Areas :masoomeh habibvand 1 , Mohammad Sadegh tafazzoli 2 *
1 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Borujerd branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran
2 - Assistant professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Borujerd branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran
Keywords: Masnavi, Keywords: Molana, Command and Prohibition (dictation), Composite Sentences, education,
Abstract :
AbstractThis research, titled "Inspection and Analysis of the Role of Command and Prohibition in the Fifth Book of Molavi's Masnavi," intends to employ the analytic-library method to inspect two of the common terms of the Molana's poetics culture, "Command and Prohibition," by referring to the fifth book of Masnavi-e Ma'navi and Principles of the Meanings Science. Therefore, it shows these terms nature and manner in order to discover the secondary meanings of some verses in the mentioned work. The end of the rules and principles of the meaning science is not to inspect the literal meaning of the sentences, but to inspect the sentences' secondary meanings that can be expressed. In this science, sentences are divided into two categories: declarative and composite (Ensha'i). Declarative sentences are those having truth and falsehood qualities; however, composite sentences are those with no truth and falsehood qualities. According to the results of this research, Masnavi-e Molavi is a mystical and didactic book; therefore, Molana's extensive use of command and prohibition is obvious. We better understand the issue when we know that Molana's mind uses different methods to implant the ethical and mystical concepts into the audience's mind and conscience.
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