The Aesthetics of the Qur'anic Allusions in Mohammad Mehdi Javaheri's Poems
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Abstract :
The Qur'an is the divine source which holds the best of literary beauty and whatever we say about the aesthetics again it is a diameter from the vast sea. One aspect of the aesthetics of the Quran, Allusions are used in it the Muslim poets, with the effect of this divine book, Many of the Allusions have been used in their poems and works and they have added to their poems the beauty. Mohammad Mehdi Javaheri is a Muslim poet, committed, modernist and renowned contemporary Arabic of this group. Which reflects and illustrates social and political concerns with the use of Allusion.Therefore, in the present study, which was done by descriptive-analytic method, The Mohammad Mahdi Javahiri's Qur'anic Allusions have been analyzed and analyzed in aesthetics. The results of the research show that jewelry was deeply influenced by the Quranic teachings and the Qur'anic Allusions have had a great deal of reflection in his poems. He uses a variety of ways, such as the use of compositions and compositions, the application of personalities, events and Quranic thoughts, both verbally and semantically, of these Allusions. His Qur'anic Allusions has played a major role in explaining the poet's thoughts and beliefs. In fact, by reading the poems of the jewels, the effect of the Qur'anic style on the literary beauty of his poems is well visible.
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