A study and critical analyze the Semantic deviation in Ali Babachahi poems
Subject Areas :zakiyye mohamadlu 1 , ,barat mohammadi 2 * , seif addin abbarin 3
1 - phd student of persia langugae and literature, islamic azad uiversity, urmia branch, urmia , iran
2 - assistant professor in persian language and litarature, islamic azad university, urmia branch, urmia , iran
3 - assistant professor in persian language and literature, islamic aza d uiversity, urmia branch, urmia, iran
Keywords: defamiliarization, Ali Babachahi, Semantic Deviation,
Abstract :
Poetic language be created by a some genres of detour from the norms. poetic language usually emphasis to mode of expression as than as subject and have a aesthetic dimension. poets always detour from the rules of normative language in order to foregrounding and defamiliarization. One of the widely used genres of deviation is semantic deviation, poets does not choose a direct language to convey his thoughts and feelings and uses all kinds of poetic images such as simile, metaphor, synaesthesia, paradox and etc and with a this foregrounding in poetic language. Babachahi widely use the Semantic deviation in his poems and this genre of deviation have a vaste role in literariness. Between the all type of Semantic deviation Simile is the most frequent in his poem. metaphor has less use, and he has also used the the othere types of semantic deviation as subordinate metaphor, symbol, paradox and synaesthesia for the defamiliarization of his speech. In the present study, the genres of Semantic deviation in Babachahi poetry has been studied and with a descriptive- analytic method has been investigated.