An attitude towards allusions and proverbs and rulings in Anwari's poems
Subject Areas :
1 - Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Varamin Pishva Branch
Keywords: irony, proverbs and sentence, Anwari-poems,
Abstract :
The splendor and richness of the Dari language, which has reached a very high level of evolution over the centuries, depends on the sweet, pleasant and meaningful words and combinations, the combination of which in order and prose has created glorious literature and a large part of them. It must be interpreted ironically. These allusions and idioms have gradually found their way into the treasury of Dari words in each era due to the special circumstances of that time and the developments that have taken place, and by entering a continuous and scattered context, have increased the volume of Persian language in terms of fertility and beauty. In Anvari's poems, many imaginary forms have been used. In this article, an attempt has been made to study and analyze the aesthetic aspects of Anvari's poems based on irony, and for that, many evidences of beautiful poems of this poet have been brought to use irony and proverbs. Presented in the sixth century.
منابع و مآخذ
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