Introduction and analysis of rhetorical innovations in Persian interpretative texts
Subject Areas :
Keywords: Keywords: Rhetoric, Tafsir, Discovery of Secrets, Taj al-Tarjam.,
Abstract :
Abstract Rhetoric is one of the most important literary knowledges, the emergence of which has naturally been associated with the development of language, and its historical record should be traced back to the time when language acquired a written aspect. Since the first books on miracles of the Qur'an dealt more with rhetorical topics and the history of Quranic studies is full of rhetorical researches to explain the verbal and expressive miracles of the Holy Quran, the topic of miracles has always been closely related to rhetorical sciences. Understanding the rhetoric and rhetorical methods of the Qur'an not only reveals the rhetorical wonders of this holy book, but also reveals its hidden meanings and secrets. Considering that the hidden secrets of this knowledge were crystallized in the words of the early commentators, including: Abul Fattouh Razi, Shahfur Esfraini, etc., it is appropriate to address the unknown points and crafts of this knowledge based on interpretive texts in order to understand them. It is possible to help rhetoricians in understanding hidden and double meanings of texts. The present article is a research in which the authors have tried to find and analyze the literary beauties of the commentary texts that have been left out of the eyes of rhetoricians or have been less discussed with analytical-descriptive method. After analyzing the examples, the authors conclude that in the early interpretations of the Qur'an, special techniques were used such as: interpretation, startling, useful virtual documents of the meaning of honoring, etc. Abstract Rhetoric is one of the most important literary knowledges, the emergence of which has naturally been associated with the development of language, and its historical record should be traced back to the time when language acquired a written aspect. Since the first books on miracles of the Qur'an dealt more with rhetorical topics and the history of Quranic studies is full of rhetorical researches to explain the verbal and expressive miracles of the Holy Quran, the topic of miracles has always been closely related to rhetorical sciences. Understanding the rhetoric and rhetorical methods of the Qur'an not only reveals the rhetorical wonders of this holy book, but also reveals its hidden meanings and secrets. Considering that the hidden secrets of this knowledge were crystallized in the words of the early commentators, including: Abul Fattouh Razi, Shahfur Esfraini, etc., it is appropriate to address the unknown points and crafts of this knowledge based on interpretive texts in order to understand them. It is possible to help rhetoricians in understanding hidden and double meanings of texts. The present article is a research in which the authors have tried to find and analyze the literary beauties of the commentary texts that have been left out of the eyes of rhetoricians or have been less discussed with analytical-descriptive method. After analyzing the examples, the authors conclude that in the early interpretations of the Qur'an, special techniques were used such as: interpretation, startling, useful virtual documents of the meaning of honoring, etc.
الف) کتاب¬ها:
قرآن کریم.
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ب) مقالات:
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