Comparison of effective methods of verses and hadiths in Persian poems by Batakid Baratar Neishabouri and Naser Khosro Qobadiani
Subject Areas :
rahiim salehi
masoud Pakdel
mansoore tadayoni
sima mansoori
1 - department languege and litreyture azad yonivercity ramhormoz branch
2 - The Assistant Professor Persian Language and Literature department ramhormoz branch, Islamic Azad University,Ramhormoz, Iran
3 - department languege and litreyture azad eslamic yonivecity ramhormoz branch
4 - department languege and litreyture azad eslamic yonivercity ramhormoz branch
Keywords: Attar Neishabouri, Nasser Khosrow Qabadiani, verses of the Qur'an, hadiths.,
Abstract :
Atar Neishabouri, a poet of the 6th and 7th centuries of Hijri, and Naser Khosrow Qabadiani, a philosopher and poet of the 5th century of Hijri, borrowed from the Holy Quran and hadiths in their works. This influence of the Holy Quran can be found in their works in two structural (form) and content forms. In this research, which was carried out in a descriptive-analytical method, the methods and patterns of the structural and content influence of Attar Neishabouri and Naser Khosro Qabadiani from the Holy Quran were explained and the goals of this influence were investigated. The results of the research show that borrowing, interpretation, translation, and allusion are patterns of structural influence in the works of Attar Neishaburi. One of the important forms of Attar Neishabouri and Naser Khosro Qabadiani's literary effect of the Qur'an is allusion, and the allusion is that the poet's and writer's mind is only influenced by the Qur'anic verse or prophetic hadith, not that the verses or hadiths are directly translated from Arabic to Persian language. In addition to Quranic allusions, Semitic-Arabic and Greek allusions can be found in Nasser Khosrow Qabadiani's poems. Attar Neishabouri and Naser Khosro Qabadiani have pursued goals such as "warning and warning, encouragement and excitement", "testification through comparison with expression of preference", "specific interpretation" and "expression of beliefs" with the influence of the Quran.
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