Investigation of some Soil Physico-Chemical along with Micromorphological Properties with Calcareous and Gypsiferous Parent Materials in Different Landscaping Units (Case study: Lorestan province, Alashtar)
Subject Areas : Farm water management with the aim of improving irrigation management indicatorskolsoum rahmansalari 1 , Mohamad Amir Delavar 2 , Mehrdad Esfandiari 3 * , ebrahim pazira 4
1 - PhD Student, Soil Genesis and Classification, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.
3 - Professor, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Professor, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Gypsum and calcareous soils, Physiographic Units, Pedogenic Effects, Micromorphology,
Abstract :
Background and Objectives: The optimum and sustainable use of soil is only possible with a correct and complete understanding of its properties. This study was conducted to investigate of should be omitted some physical, chemical, and micromorphology properties of soil formed on the should be added landscapes in the should be added semi-arid region of Lorestan province.Materials and Methods: For this study 5 profiles, a long, a should be omitted transect in the direction of slop (plateau, gravelly colluvial fan and pediment plain) were identified in the area, and divided into different physiographic unit based on the type of parent material. At each, physiographic units a profil was excavated, dissected sampled. Physicochemical together with micromorphological observations performed and Soil Taxonomy and WRB were used for soil classification.Results: The results showed that should be omitted low amounts of organic carbon in the surface and depths of the soil due to the high rate of decomposition of these substances in these areas. The equivalent calcium carbonate in all profiles showed an increasing trend with depth. Thin section investigation showed that there was not much difference between the horizons in terms of the type of voids and the relative distribution of large particles (C/F). Planar, vugh and cannel voids were the most dominant voids of the profiles. Accumulation of calcite was seen in various forms such as coating, infilling, needle- shaped calcite, and nodules calcite which indicates that secondary calcite, and caused a should be omitted crystallite calcite of kind b-fabric. Soil structure in most the horizons of kind angular blocky and sub angular blocky. Also, lenticular plates gypsum was observed on the Bky horizon on the of the gypsum physiographic units plateau. According According to the existence of pedogenic gypsum in the soils of the region, and the important of the gypsum horizon in the soil classification system and its important effect on plant growth. New great groups, and subgroups of Xerepts (Gypsic Calcixerepts) are suggested to be included in soil taxonomy.Conclusion: Results of the study showed raise in topography and parent material on the variability of soil properties in the area.
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Chakherloo, S., Manafi, Sh. (2016). Micromorphologic Study of Pores and Porosity of Some Saline-Sodic Soils i n theWest of Urmia Lake using Image Analysis.Journal of Water and soil knowledge, 26(1), 131 of 143.[in Persian]
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Imadojemo, P.E., Osugieke, D.N., & Obasi, S.N. (2017). Evalution of Fadama soil along a toposequence proximal to river Donga in wukari area of northeast Nigeria. International Journal of agriculture and rural development, 20(2): 3150-3158.
IUSS Working Group. (2015). World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2014, update 2015 International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps.World Soil Resources Reports No. 106: 192.
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Jafari, S., & Nadian, H. (2014). The study of a toposequence soil series and clay mineral assemblage in some soils of Khuzestan province.Journal of water and soil science, Isfahan University of Techonlogy, 18(69). 151-164. [In Persian].
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Karimi Dehkordi, F., Jalalian, A., Mehnatkesh A.M., and Honarjoo, N. 2014. The effect of land use change on mineralogy and micro-morphological properties of clay soil on Lordegan County- in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. J. Soil Manage. Sust. Prod. 4: 3. 1-32.(In Persian with English abstract)
Kemp, R.A., Tomas, P.S., Sayago, J.M., Debyshire, King, E.M., & Wanger, L. (2003). Micromorphology OSL dating of the basalt part of the loess-paleosol sequence at La Mesuda in Tucuman province, northwest Argentina. Qualt. Intl. 106-107: 111-117.
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Maniyunda, L.M., & Gwari, M.G. (2014). Soil development on a toposequene on Loessial deposit Northern Guinea, Savana, Nigeria. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 9(3):110-116.
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Owliaie H.R. 2012. Micromorphology of calcitic features in calcareous soils of Kohgilouye Province, Southwestern Iran. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 14: 225- 239.
Owliaie, H.R., Najafi Ggiri, M., & Shakeri, S. (2018). Soil-landscape relationship as indicated by pedogenesisdata on selected soils from Southwestern, Iran. Eurasian Journal Soil Science, 7(2):167-180.
Pashaei, L., Manafi, Sh. (2016). Investigation of physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of gypsum soils in northern Urmia. Journal of Soil Applied Research, 4 (2).
Rabenhorst, M.C., Wilding, L. P., & West, L. T. (1984). Identification of Pedogenic Carbonates using Stable Carbon Isotope and Microfabric Analyses 1. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 48(1): 125-132.
Rahimi Mashkaleh, M., Ramezanpour, H., Yaghmaeian Mahabadi, N., & Norouzi, M. (2019). Micromorphological study of gypsum and calcium carbonate features and clay mineralogy in soils with different parent material in south of Guilan province. Applied Soil Research, 7(1): 132-147.[in Persian].
Shiau, Y.J., Pai, Ch.W. T., sai, J., Liu, W.Ch., Yam, R.S.W., Chang, I.Sh., Ch. Tang, S.L. and Chiu, Ch.Y. (2018). Characterization of Phosphours in a Toposequence of Subtropical Perhumid Forest Soils Facing a Subalpine Lake. Forest, 9(249):1-14.
Soil Survey Staff. (2014). Keys to Soil Taxonomy. United States Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Conservation Service, 332p.
Stoops, G. (2003). Guidelines for the analysis and Description of soil and Regolith Thin sections.SSSA. Madison, WI, 170p.
Van Wambeke, A.R. (2000). The Newhall Simulation Model for estimating soil moisture and temperature regimes. Department of Crnell University, Ithaca, YN.USA.
Verrecchia, E.P., & Verrecchia, K. E. (1994). Needle-fiber calcite; a critical review and a proposed classification. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 64(3a): 650-664.
Walkly, A., & Blaack, I.A. (1934). An examination of the digestion metod for determination soil organic matter and proposal modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Science, 37:29-38
_||_Akef, M., Mahmoudi, Sh., Karimian Eghbal, M., & Sarmadian, F. (2004). Physico-Chemical and Micro-Morphological Changes in Paddy Soils Converted fromForest in Foomanat Region, Gilan. J. Naturalrest. 56(4), 407-423. [In Persian].
Bahoorzehi, M. A., Farpoor, M. H., Jafari, A. (2015). Genesis and Development of Soils along Different Geomorphic Surfaces in Kouh Birk Area, Mehrestan City, Journal of Water and Soil,30(2), 555-568. (In Farsi).
Banaei, M. H. (1998). Soil Moisture and Temperature Regime Map of Iran. Soil and Water Research Institute. Ministry of Agriculture, Iran.
Brewer, R. (1976). Fabric and Mineral Analysis of Soils. Robert E. Krieger Pub. Co, New York. 482p.
Buck, B.J., & Van Hoesen, J.G. (2002). Snowball morphology and SEM analysis of pedogenic gypsum, sothern New Mexico. Journal of Arid Environment, 51:469-487.
Buol, S.W., Southard, R.J., Graham, R.C., & McDaniel, P.A. (2003). Soil Genesis and Classification. Fifth Edition. Iowa State Press.
Chakherloo, S., Manafi, Sh. (2016). Micromorphologic Study of Pores and Porosity of Some Saline-Sodic Soils i n theWest of Urmia Lake using Image Analysis.Journal of Water and soil knowledge, 26(1), 131 of 143.[in Persian]
Chapman, H.D. (1965). Cation exchange capacity. In: Black, C.A. (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, 891–901.
Etedali Dehkordi, S., Abtahi, A., Salehi, M.H., Givi, J., Farpoor, M.H., & Baghernejad., M. (2018). Studying of the formation and development of soils in a toposequence in Chelgerd region, Chaharmahal-va-Bakhtiari province. Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable Production, 7(4), 45-64. (In Persian).
Gee, G.W., & Bauder, J.W. (1986). Particle-size analysis. In: Klute, A. (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1, Physical and Mineralogical Methods, Soil Science Society of American Society of Agronomy, Madison,WI, 383–411.
Geological Survey website. (2012).
Gile, L.H., Peterson, F.F., & Grossman, R. B. (1966). Morphological and genetic sequences of carbonate accumulation in desert soils. Soil Science, 101(5): 347-360.
Gouid, A. (2004). Encycolopedia of Geomorphology (Vol.2).Psychology Prees.
Graham, R.C., & Boul, S.W. (1990). Soil-geomorphic relations on the Blue Ridge Front. II. Soil characteristics and pedogenesise. Soil Scienc Society of American Journal,54:1188-1194.
Imadojemo, P.E., Osugieke, D.N., & Obasi, S.N. (2017). Evalution of Fadama soil along a toposequence proximal to river Donga in wukari area of northeast Nigeria. International Journal of agriculture and rural development, 20(2): 3150-3158.
IUSS Working Group. (2015). World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2014, update 2015 International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps.World Soil Resources Reports No. 106: 192.
Jafari M., & Sarmadian F. (2005). Fundamentals of Soil Science and Soil Taxonomy. Tehran University Press.
Jafari, S., & Nadian, H. (2014). The study of a toposequence soil series and clay mineral assemblage in some soils of Khuzestan province.Journal of water and soil science, Isfahan University of Techonlogy, 18(69). 151-164. [In Persian].
Kalif, B.H., & Mnam Hassn, M.A. (2021). Micromorphology of Gypsum Soil on Karma Island in Al-Anbar Governorate. Soil and Water Resources, College of Agriculture, Univercity AL-Anbar, Iraq.25(4):6796-6806.
Karimi Dehkordi, F., Jalalian, A., Mehnatkesh A.M., and Honarjoo, N. 2014. The effect of land use change on mineralogy and micro-morphological properties of clay soil on Lordegan County- in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. J. Soil Manage. Sust. Prod. 4: 3. 1-32.(In Persian with English abstract)
Kemp, R.A., Tomas, P.S., Sayago, J.M., Debyshire, King, E.M., & Wanger, L. (2003). Micromorphology OSL dating of the basalt part of the loess-paleosol sequence at La Mesuda in Tucuman province, northwest Argentina. Qualt. Intl. 106-107: 111-117.
Khormali, F., and Abtahi, A. 2003. Origin and distribution of clay minerals in calcareous arid and semi-arid soils of Fars Province, Southern Iran. Clay MINERALS. 38: 511-527. [In Persian with English abstract].
Manafi, Sh. (2010). Calcium carbonate pendants as a record of climate change in semiarid soil of Rashkan region, Urmia, Iran. Soil Ssience, Agrochemistry and Ecology, 14(4): 11-16.
Manafi, Sh. (2012). Micromorphic evidences of climate change in some arid and semi arid soils in the west of Urmia Lake, Western Azerbaijan, Iran.Proceedings of the 14th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology, 8(14).
Maniyunda, L.M., & Gwari, M.G. (2014). Soil development on a toposequene on Loessial deposit Northern Guinea, Savana, Nigeria. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 9(3):110-116.
Nazari N. (2003). Morphological and Physiochemical Properties and Mineralogy of Soils and their Genesis and Classification along a Toposequence in RejeinArea of Mianeh, East Azarbaijan Province. MSc Dissertation, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, University of Shiraz. (in Persian with English abstract)
Nelson, D.W., & Sommers, L.E. (1982) . Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter. In: Page, A.L. (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. American Society of Agronomy, Madison.WI, 539–579.
Owliaie H.R. 2012. Micromorphology of calcitic features in calcareous soils of Kohgilouye Province, Southwestern Iran. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 14: 225- 239.
Owliaie, H.R., Najafi Ggiri, M., & Shakeri, S. (2018). Soil-landscape relationship as indicated by pedogenesisdata on selected soils from Southwestern, Iran. Eurasian Journal Soil Science, 7(2):167-180.
Pashaei, L., Manafi, Sh. (2016). Investigation of physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of gypsum soils in northern Urmia. Journal of Soil Applied Research, 4 (2).
Rabenhorst, M.C., Wilding, L. P., & West, L. T. (1984). Identification of Pedogenic Carbonates using Stable Carbon Isotope and Microfabric Analyses 1. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 48(1): 125-132.
Rahimi Mashkaleh, M., Ramezanpour, H., Yaghmaeian Mahabadi, N., & Norouzi, M. (2019). Micromorphological study of gypsum and calcium carbonate features and clay mineralogy in soils with different parent material in south of Guilan province. Applied Soil Research, 7(1): 132-147.[in Persian].
Shiau, Y.J., Pai, Ch.W. T., sai, J., Liu, W.Ch., Yam, R.S.W., Chang, I.Sh., Ch. Tang, S.L. and Chiu, Ch.Y. (2018). Characterization of Phosphours in a Toposequence of Subtropical Perhumid Forest Soils Facing a Subalpine Lake. Forest, 9(249):1-14.
Soil Survey Staff. (2014). Keys to Soil Taxonomy. United States Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Conservation Service, 332p.
Stoops, G. (2003). Guidelines for the analysis and Description of soil and Regolith Thin sections.SSSA. Madison, WI, 170p.
Van Wambeke, A.R. (2000). The Newhall Simulation Model for estimating soil moisture and temperature regimes. Department of Crnell University, Ithaca, YN.USA.
Verrecchia, E.P., & Verrecchia, K. E. (1994). Needle-fiber calcite; a critical review and a proposed classification. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 64(3a): 650-664.
Walkly, A., & Blaack, I.A. (1934). An examination of the digestion metod for determination soil organic matter and proposal modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Science, 37:29-38